Table of Contents
Upcoming Events

Three Rivers District Recruiting Kickoff Roundtable
September 8
Are you ready to grow your unit and get new families Hooked on Scouting? Come to the Three Rivers District Roundtable on September 8 to get the tips and resources needed for fall membership recruitment.
Join us on September 8 at 7 PM at Deep Creek Baptist, 250 Mill Creek Pkwy., Chesapeake, VA 23323.

Trainer's EDGE
September 10
Trainer’s EDGE is a training course designed to develop the participants’ abilities and self-confidence in presenting training materials. Participants will learn through hands-on experiences. This course is designed not only for adults, but also for youth who have responsibilities involving instructing other young people.
Who Should Attend?
- Youth staff for National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
- Youth who are serving as Troop Instructors
- Youth who are serving as Troop Guides
- Youth staff for Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST)
- Adult staff for any training course
- Anyone who wants to improve their training and presentation skills
Participants must prepare a five-minute presentation before the course and bring the materials, equipment, and/or props needed to deliver the presentation. They will be given an opportunity to practice this presentation in a small group setting and receive feedback. The topic of the presentation is at the discretion of the presenter; Scouting topics or skills are always encouraged. Additionally, participants will prepare a second presentation during the course, practice it with their small group, and receive feedback.
Course Details
Trainer’s EDGE will be offered on Saturday, September 10 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. Lunch is not provided.
Princess Anne District Recruiting Kickoff Roundtable
September 13
It is back-to-school time again, and with that we are ramping up for fall recruitment. To help support your unit recruitment efforts, we are having a special Roundtable to go over effective recruitment strategies and support materials.
We will be meeting at our new Roundtable location:
Glenwood Elementary School
2213 Round Hill Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Join us at 6:45 PM on Tuesday, September 13!
Bayside District Recruiting Kickoff Roundtable
September 13
Bayside District will be kicking off the Fall Recruiting Drive at the September Roundtable!
Get the resources to get new Scouts in your pack, troop, crew, or ship! We will have programs to guide you in getting the most new families, how to recruit parents into leadership, and, of course, we will have yard signs and other resources available. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:15 PM at Haygood UMC, 4713 Haygood Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
September 17
The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims over the age of one. Successful students will receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years.
This is a blended learning course. Participants must complete the online portion before taking one of the three skills demonstration sessions. The online session will take approximately three hours to complete. A unique email address is required for each participant. The skills demonstration will take two and half hours. There will be three skills demonstration sessions on Saturday, September 17 at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

Cub Scout Family Camp
September 30 - October 2
Cub Scouts and families, join us for a fun-filled weekend at Pipsico Scout Reservation! Cub Scout Family Camping Weekends are an opportunity to get away from the busy buzz of the city for the weekend and enjoy some time in the great outdoors.
There will be a variety of activities to include things for nature enthusiasts, marksmen (aspiring marksmen), water lovers, crafty folks, sports fans, and more.
Participants are invited to camp from Friday through Sunday, or any portion in between. No food will be provided this weekend; campers have the benefit of creating their own menu.

Neptune Festival Parade
October 1
March with Tidewater Council in the annual Neptune Festival Parade on October 1. The first 120 people to register will receive a free patch from the Festival committee. There are positions available for 80 youth to carry banners, 20 adults to supervise, and for 20 youth to ride on the council floats. For more information, contact Andrew Huddle at

October 7-8
Webelos Woods is the first opportunity for 4th and 5th grade Webelos Cub Scouts to learn what Scouts BSA is all about. It is a weekend camping event that exposes the first and second year Webelos Scouts to Scouts BSA camping using the patrol method, in a Scouts BSA-led outdoor adventure.
Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts will spend a fun-filled weekend learning and practicing basic Scout camping skills. The Scouts will advance through stations where they will learn and practice cooking, knot-tying, campsite set-up, and shooting sports.

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
October 7-8
This hands-on adult skills course is designed to teach adults the basic skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. This course will be offered October 7-8 at Camp Moonyah in Chesapeake.

Lion & Tiger Day
October 8
Lions and Tigers, with their parent(s) or guardian(s), are invited to come out to Pipsico Scout Reservation for a fun-filled day of activities!
Lion and Tiger Day is an opportunity to experience camp for a day. By participating in this single-day (non-camping) event, the youngest Cub Scouts will “Be Prepared” to return with their pack for future weekend events. Cub Scouts will experience a nature hike, play some field games, visit handicraft, and try their skills at archery.
Lunch will be provided.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
October 8-9
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is the Cub Scout leader training required for any Cub Scout den or pack outdoor event, including pack camping overnighters and Webelos den overnighters.
BALOO training is comprised of two components: an online component and an overnight, hands-on outdoor component. Both components must be completed to qualify as a “TRAINED” Cub Scout or Webelos outdoor leader.
Completion of both parts of this course is mandatory for a minimum of one adult on every pack camping overnighter and Webelos den camping overnighter.
BALOO training will be offered at Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation on the weekend of October 8-9.

Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship
October 14-16
Registration is now open for the Order of the Arrow Fall Fellowship. All Lodge members are invited to participate in a weekend of service and fellowship. Arrowmen are encouraged to register and seek Brotherhood Honor.
Registration is required, so sign up now!

Hooked on Scouting
October 15
Calling all Cub Scout Packs!
October 15 will be special for every pack in Tidewater Council. Mark the date on your calendar for all the new Cub Scouts who join your pack this fall. When they join Cub Scouting this fall, they will receive their very own fishing lure. Throughout the council, there will be Hooked on Scouting activity days on October 15. There will be many activities, such as field games, shooting sports, and, of course, using their new fishing lures.
It is a great way to get the Scouting adventures started early and to keep new Scouts Hooked on Scouting!
Albemarle District Hooked on Scouting Family Camp
October 14-16
Albemarle District’s Hooked on Scouting Family Camping event will be held at Currituck County Rural Center. This event is for all Cub Scouts, their families, and leaders to experience together. Non-Scout siblings are invited to participate in all activities during the Hooked on Scouting event. Activities include BB guns, archery, field games, crafts, campfires, and much more.
Mark your calendar now for October 14-16. The cost is $50/family if paid by October 2, and $60 after that date. Packs will be given more details on what units are asked to contribute. Let’s get ready to camp! Registration is now open on Black Pug.
New Scouts who register July 2022 through October 2022 may attend for the day on Saturday, October 15 from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM at no charge.
If new families would like to enjoy the entire weekend (highly encouraged), fees apply as stated.
Bayside and Princess Anne Districts Hooked on Scouting Event
October 15
The combined Bayside and Princess Anne Districts Hooked on Scouting event will be held on October 15 from 9 AM – 12 noon at Lake Lawson/Lake Smith Natural Area, 5381 Shell Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. This fall fishing event is for all new Cub Scouts who have joined since August 1. There will be contests for longest fish, heaviest fish, and the first non-fish caught.
Three Rivers District Hooked on Scouting Event
October 15
The Three Rivers District Hooked on Scouting event will be held at Elizabeth River Park, 1400 Elizabeth River Way, Chesapeake, VA 23324 from 1-4 PM. More details are coming soon.

Jamboree on the Air
October 15
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. This jamboree requires no global travel – just to a nearby amateur radio operator’s ham station. The local ham club will set up a station for Scouts to participate in this international event. The event will be held on October 15 from 1-5 PM at Lake Lawson, following the Hooked on Scouting event. Youth will have an opportunity to work on STEM/NOVA awards and the Radio Merit Badge. Sign-up information is coming soon.

National Scout Jamboree Contingent Meeting
October 16
The National Scout Jamboree (NSJ) is an opportunity for Scouts to experience a life-changing outdoor challenge. On October 16, Tidewater Council’s NSJ contingent will hold its first meeting to start the planning process. The prices of transportation, food, and materials are continually increasing – so register by October 31 to lock in the current prices!
There are two websites to visit for registration:
- National site:
- Tidewater Council site:
Details on the contingent meeting will be emailed to all registered participants.

Albemarle District Fall Camporee
October 21-23
A camporee can be a perfect showplace for the Scouting program and, therefore, go far beyond just being a gathering of youth. A camporee starts with the recognition that a patrol is the basic camping unit. The patrol demonstrates its very best camping techniques and shares its experiences with other patrols. The camporee involves the type of equipment that can be carried in a pack by youth and can be set up entirely by them, allowing them to be completely self-sufficient for a self-reliant experience.
This year, Albemarle District will hold its Fall Camporee October 21-23, 2022 at Maple Commerce Park in Barco, NC. This year’s theme is Are You Prepared? We are looking to expand your knowledge and sharpen your abilities on how to react to different emergencies. We have several scenarios planned out to reinforce our Scouts’ first aid knowledge and abilities.
All Tidewater Council Scouts BSA troops, Venturing crews, and Sea Scout ships are welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there.
Registration is now open on Black Pug.

Princess Anne District Fall Camporee
October 21-23
Are you ready to Escape to the Wilderness? Adventure on to the Princess Anne District Fall Camporee at Camp Kiwanis, Pipsico Scout Reservation to practice skills from the First Aid, Wilderness Survival, and Pioneering merit badges. The morning will include skills instruction, with competitions following in the afternoon. Participants will receive partial completions in each of the three merit badges. The Princess Anne chapter of the Order of the Arrow will lead the Saturday night campfire.
Merit Badge Counselors Needed
The Camporee Committee is looking for merit badge counselors (MBCs) for the First Aid, Wilderness Survival, and Pioneering merit badges. MBCs will have the opportunity to help plan the activities. If you are interested, please contact Chris Noble at
Three Rivers District Fall
Camp-O-Ree & Cub-O-Ree
October 21-23
Get All Fired Up for the Three Rivers District Camp-O-Ree and Cub-O-Ree this fall. Scouts will enjoy fire safety, fire building, special visitors, and – of course – a camp fire!
If you would like to assist with the event, please contact Mike Z. at

Darden Gala
October 29
Join us for a fun-filled evening to support local Scouting! The 2022 Darden Gala will feature beach-themed attire, Monte Carlo games, live and silent auctions, live music, dancing, and heavy hors d’oeuvres.

Pipsico Fall Festival: International Scouting
November 4-6
Pipsico Scout Reservation has been serving the youth of Tidewater Council and beyond for 63 years. We invite all packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts to join us for a fall weekend of fun. After setting up your tents, enjoy your campfire Friday night and get ready for a fun-filled Saturday.
Choose from a variety of activities to enjoy on Saturday, such as fishing Lake Beasley, climbing the tower, hiking the trails, and showing your marksmanship on one of the ranges available for your rank. You can also enjoy fellowship with Scouts from around the council, brush up on your knots and other camp skills, and visit Huskanaw or the Gaga Pit. Also be ready for the pumpkin and chili cook-offs. When you think you’ve done it all, prepare for a campfire program like no other.
We would like each Scout unit to select a country to represent throughout the weekend. Get ready to stamp passports and present yours for stamping as you travel around the world and learn about Scouting in other countries. Have your unit learn about the country you select so they can share with others.
In addition to the camp activities, units are encouraged to set up an activity booth or display in the main activity field during the morning session. Let us know what country your unit will represent so that we can plan to have a great variety of things to do. Select a game or activity that your unit can take turns staffing with a few members and others take turns participating. You can teach a skill or host a game.
Please come out for the events on Saturday, enjoy the fall weather, the fellowship, and the many activities. Registration is open on Black Pug. If you’re interested in supporting an activity booth Saturday morning, contact Kirsten Misfeldt at
High Adventure Pilot Training
Retaining Older Scouts and Sleeping Under the Stars
November 4-6
When youth reach their teen years, many new avenues open for them to pursue. These new adventures can be very exciting and healthy for them, but also can lead them away from Scouting. What kind of program can keep older youth in Scouting through their formidable teenage years?
Sleeping out under a dark sky can be a very exciting. So, where do you find one in our world of endless lighting? Believe it or not, there are still plenty of places to go. In Scouting, we call this a high adventure program – a trek where you take youth hiking, canoeing, even sailing, in the back country, a wilderness river and lake, or touring on the high seas.
A high adventure trek should last more than five days. It can involve going more than fifty, sixty, or even seventy miles walking, biking, paddling, or sailing. The trek should take Scouts a little out of their comfort zone and challenge them to complete the journey. These treks teach youth many skills that make them proficient in becoming a responsible adult. If you want your personal gear to serve you well on a high adventure trek, you learn to bring only the appropriate gear, ensure it is waterproof, and not lose any along the way. Isn’t that what adults must do in life?
Camping out under the stars is not the only thing exciting on the trek. Nature offers many things to see and do, such as fishing, swimming, mountain climbing, sightseeing, discovering new and different plants and animals, and cooking on an open fire.
The Council High Adventure Committee is holding a training course on how to conduct high adventure treks in your own unit. The course will be conducted at Merchant Mill Pond State Park in Gates, NC on November 4-6, 2022. It is limited to twenty participants: ten learning backpacking trekkers and ten learning canoeing trekkers. The course is being taught by Scouters who have years of experience in conducting high adventure treks. Participants will learn how to conduct a unit high adventure trek, from filing the necessary paperwork to training youth the skills for a high adventure trip to conducting a safe, fulfilling, and successful journey. The cost is $30.00 per person. For further information, contact Jeffrey Irving at 757-646-5218 or

American Red Cross Pint-Size Hero Blood Drive
November 9
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga

Veterans Day Parade
November 11
Save the date for the 2022 Tidewater Veterans Day Parade at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. We are looking for a volunteer to chair this event. If you are interested, please email Christy Cooper at for more details.
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend
November 11-13
Share your expertise! We are looking for merit badge counselors for Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend. The sessions will be offered in the morning and afternoon on the 12th and in a morning session on the 13th. If you can assist any or all of the weekend, we need your support. We hope to offer an exciting and valuable program for our Scouts, and can only accomplish this with the assistance of volunteers wanting to share their knowledge. Complete an interest form here.
Units, save the date for the weekend. Albemarle District Merit Badge Weekend is an annual educational and advancement opportunity open to registered Scouts. All meals on Saturday and through lunch on Sunday are included in the fee, so no cooking required. Online registration and a leader guide are coming soon.

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
November 11-13 and November 18-20
In 2017, leadership was quietly added as the fourth aim of Scouting. Leadership development has always been an important outcome of Scouting programs. However, not every Scout takes full advantage of all the opportunities available. It is estimated that 2% of Scouts BSA youth attend National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT). NYLT is an outstanding and impactful program that helps Scouts become the best leaders they can be.
Have the Scouts in your unit (aged 13 and above) attended the BSA’s premier youth leadership training program?
Tidewater Council’s next NYLT course will be held the weekends of November 11-13 and 18-20, 2022 at Pipsico Scout Reservation, Camp Lions. If you have any questions, please contact the course director, James Carroll, at
Pow Wow
December 3

A long time ago in a Cub Scout pack that’s not so far away…
Adult leaders gathered to learn more about the Force within the program.
They turned their eyes to training opportunities for new and experienced adults.
They found Pow Wow, the annual supplemental Cub Scout leader and parent training.
They discovered classes that covered events, Scoutbook, working with Scouts with special needs, using the Patrol method with Webelos, games, communications, succession planning, songs, and so much more!
Save the date on Saturday, December 3, 2022 for this year’s Pow Wow. Come join us as “The Pack Awakens” for more fun and adventure for all!

Wood Badge Association Dinner
December 9
Wood Badgers, friends, and families – Enjoy food, fun, and fellowship with your fellow critters!
- $30 per person or $50 per couple
- Silent auction to raise funds for the Wood Badge/NYLT Scholarship Fund
- Doors open at 6:30 PM
Join us at Gilwell!

Winter Camp
January 13-16, 2023
Merit Badge Counselors and staff are needed! Winter Camp is held at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Great merit badge counselors are what make this event the best. Volunteer today and make a positive difference in the life of a Scout on their way to Eagle. Email both Wes Parker and Christy Cooper to volunteer. In your email, include:
- What merit badge you wish to counsel
- How many 3-hour sessions needed
- The number of Scouts per session
- Materials and costs
- Pre-requisites
- Any position you may be interested in assisting
Units, be ready to sign up when registration opens on October 10, 2022 at 10:00 AM. This event fills up fast!
University of Scouting
March 11, 2023
Save the date for University of Scouting, Tidewater Council’s annual adult training event: March 11, 2023!

2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast
March 15, 2023
We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker for Tidewater Council’s 2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast: Mark Moseley!
With an impressive NFL career spanning 1970-1987, Mark Moseley is the all-time scoring leader for the Washington Football Team.
To learn more about how you, your company, or your community group can host a table, please contact Linda Boyce at

Guns 'n' Grillin'
May 12-14, 2023
Fall Guns ‘n’ Grillin’ is full and has a waiting list. Save the date for the spring weekend – registration opens in February.

2023 National Scout Jamboree
July 19-28, 2023
The National Scout Jamboree, Scouting’s flagship event, is one-of-a-kind. Over the course of ten summer days, tens of thousands of members of the Boy Scouts of America from across the country gather together to explore all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, pioneer village, Mount Jack hikes, adventure sports, and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest playgrounds. With 10,000 acres to explore at the Summit, there is no shortage of opportunities to build Scouting memories.
Tidewater Council is organizing a contingent to attend this awesome event in West Virginia. The contingent will consist of:
- Two male Scouts BSA troops (72 youth and eight adults)
- One female Scouts BSA troop (36 youth and four adults)
- One Venturing crew (36 youth and four adults)
If your unit would like a presentation about the National Scout Jamboree and the adventure and activities available, contact Erich Röetz.
Price Increase
Effective November 1, 2022, the national fee to attend the National Jamboree will increase by 14%, necessitating an increase in the council fees. This is due to rising prices of fuel, food, and other supply items. Any contingent member registered by October 31 will lock in the current fees. If you plan to attend the National Scout Jamboree, register now to secure the lower rate!

New Volunteer Care Representative Christa Lawrence
Please join us in welcoming our new Volunteer Care Representative and ScoutReach Program Aide, Christa Lawrence!
Christa will be providing support to volunteers through the help desk. She will handle inquiries about Scoutbook and provide connections to the appropriate staff on advancement, training, camping, and district inquiries. Christa will also help coordinate our in-school ScoutReach programs.
Christa got her start in Scouting as a Tiger den leader for her son, Jensen, who is now a Life Scout, along with several other Scouts from her first Tiger den. Christa continues to be a den leader for her daughter, Emiri, who is now an Arrow of Light Scout. Along with her role as a den leader, Christa has been a Popcorn Kernel, Day Camp Craft Director, merit badge counselor, and troop committee member.
She was born in Texas, but has lived in New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina, and Ohio. She has worked in the finance and medical supply industries. When Christa is not busy in her many roles as a Scouter, mom, and homeschool teacher, she likes to garden, read books, make cool stuff, and play outside. She also loves Christmas!
Christa looks forward to helping her fellow Scouters bring Scouting to their Scouts!

Popcorn Sale
Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Seven Things Your Unit Should Be Doing in September
- Plan to help with the next popcorn delivery on September 8. Sign up here.
- If your unit placed an order and cannot help with delivery, sign up for a pick-up time on September 9-10.
Sign up for Friday, September 9.
Sign up for Saturday, September 10. - Pay for the unit’s first order at the second order pick-up or by September 10, 2022 at 2 PM, whichever comes first.
- Sign up for a Food Lion Show & Sell. Sign-ups will take place at September 8-10 order pick-ups.
- Place the unit’s next popcorn order by Wednesday, September 21.
- If planning to return any Cheese Lover’s or Classic Trios, make the return no later than Wednesday, September 21.
- Sell, sell, sell!
Getting Started
It is not too late for your unit to participate in the 2022 Popcorn Sale! To get started:
- Read the Popcorn Guide.
- Sign up for the sale at using Council Key 596TWC.
- Set sales goals.
- Hold a unit kick-off. Contact your district executive to get sales materials and a tasting kit.
- Watch the recorded Popcorn Training at
- Contact your District Popcorn Kernel for help getting started.
Did your unit miss Popcorn Training? You can view the recording on our Popcorn Sale webpage. Make sure to review the 2022 Popcorn Guide while you’re there too!
Do you need help with any aspect of the sale? We have a great team of District Popcorn Kernels who are here to help you! You can find their contact information here.
Scout Shop
Back to School equals Back to Scouting! September brings a return to meetings, new recruits, and many full-filled adventures! Besides program supplies, there are plenty of “extras” in the Scout Shop.
Cub Scout Rank T-Shirts
Our Cub Scout Rank T-shirts have been restocked, but the prices have risen due to our wholesale costs. The new price for youth T-shirts is $12.99. We also have Tiger adult T-shirts, a good way to identify an adult Tiger partner, which sell for $14.99.

Need Leader Books?
With so much information online, the demand has decreased for printed material, but we will continue to stock leader books while they are available. We still have the Den Leader pamphlets ($8.99) for all ranks except Tiger. For the Scouts BSA program, we have Troop Leader Guides 1 & 2 ($12.99) and Program Features 1, 2, & 3 ($16.99), plus many other helpful pamphlets that may be put in binders.
Discontinued Cub Scout Adventures
The discontinued Cub Scout Adventures pins and belt loops are still available (at 25% off) until we run out for those earning them last year. If those awards were not put into Scoutbook by May 31, they can no longer be entered into the system but may still be purchased.
New Scouts
UNIT LEADERS: Please help us help your new Scouts by preparing your new recruits with the correct information to purchase a uniform. They need the following information:
- What NOT to purchase, since some units provide certain items
- Unit numbers, including den numbers if applicable
- For troops, the color of neckerchief and the patrol symbol
Store Accounts & Price Lists
NOW is the time to update store accounts and to get an updated uniform price list for new parents. You can pick up both forms at the Scout Shop or by emailing
We continue to offer to ship orders by USPS. Our normal days for mailing are Wednesday and Friday. Call in the order (757-497-2688), and we can figure the total and call you back. We accept VISA and Mastercard with a 3% fee.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Energy Drinks
You’ve seen the advertisements for energy drinks and have probably seen youth drinking them, but just what are they? Are they safe? And do they have a place in Scouting or not?
Energy drinks make up about half of the beverage market internationally, and consumption has increased seven-fold in Scout-age youth in the past 15 years. The popularity of energy drinks among youth makes the dangers posed especially concerning. Because of the potential health risks, energy drinks are to be discouraged at all Scouting events.
Cub Scout Packs - Be Seen at Your School!
Meet the Teacher, Open House, Back to School Night, or whatever your school calls it – that first night where parents and guardians meet teachers, tour the school, and learn about extracurricular activities – is a big deal!
These events are a great opportunity for packs to let every family know about their upcoming adventures. You don’t want families checking out all the activities available without checking out Cub Scouts too! It is important that Cub Scouting has a presence at every one of these.
With all the activities available to kids, we want to help you make a big splash! The district executive will help the pack get a presence in nearby schools, and packs will receive a Meet the Teacher Kit for each school.
The district executive will work with the pack to customize Meet the Teacher Kits to fit the unit’s needs. Items in the kit may include New Parent Guides, flyers with pack contact information, a poster, Hooked on Scouting flyers, Cub Scout council activity trifolds, sign-in sheets, a copy of the Pack Recruiting Tacklebox, youth applications, and adult applications.
Award Spotlight

Summertime Pack Award
The Summertime Pack Award recognizes Cub Scout packs for staying active during the summer months. The pack qualifies for a certificate and streamer by holding at least three pack activities – one each in June, July, and August.
As the summer winds down, now is the ideal time to submit the application for the Summertime Pack Award.

Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award
Cub Scouts who attended either Day Camp or Cub Resident Camp have already completed item #1 for the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award. Cub Scouts can complete the award by earning rank-specific Adventures and participating in outdoor activities throughout the year.

Religious Awards
A Scout is Reverent. The Boy Scouts of America has approved religious emblems programs developed and administered by different religious groups, and allows those recognitions to be worn on the official Scout uniform.
The Scout Shop carries workbooks for several ages and denominations. Resources, including videos and information on how to get started, are available here.
Scholarships for Scouts
Did you know that participating in certain Scouting programs or earning certain Scouting ranks can help youth earn scholarships? Find out what Scouting-related scholarship opportunities are available at

Training Awards for Adult Leaders
Great leaders deserve recognition. The Boy Scouts of America offers Training Awards and Keys, designed to acknowledge adult leaders for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. The requirements were updated in November 2020. Recognize adult leaders by submitting them for the appropriate award. Progress records and applications can be found here at the bottom of the page in the “Training Awards” section.
Introduction to Leadership Skills for Youth
The purpose of the BSA’s youth leadership courses is to help young people learn about their leadership roles and develop the skills needed to effectively carry out their positions. The Introduction to Leadership courses are the first trainings in a series offered to youth. These courses are conducted at the unit level by the unit leader and Senior Patrol Leader.

Kodiak Challenge
The Kodiak Challenge is an adventure that pushes the boundaries of every participant—an experience that encourages a young person to try new things beyond their comfort zone. It is an experience, but it is grounded in the application of the leadership skills learned in Introduction to Leadership Skills (ILS), National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), and National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).
The Kodiak Challenge, like all of Scouting, is an adventure with a purpose. Participants design and implement an adventure of their choosing. Through the assistance of a Kodiak guide, they explore leadership skills in the context of their adventure. Kodiak treks should be implemented by the leadership of a troop or crew with the approval of the Council Training Chair.
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Wanted

ScoutReach Volunteers
ScoutReach is the outreach program of the Boy Scouts of America, bringing Scouting’s leadership and character-building programs to underserved communities. Tidewater Council currently has three ScoutReach programs, all of which are seeking volunteer support.
- The Seatack area in Virginia Beach has a monthly evening program for families with elementary-aged youth. Contact Rich Becker at 757-575-6609 or if you are interested in assisting. This program will resume in September.
- Lindenwood Elementary in Norfolk has a biweekly afterschool program. Contact Bill Lawrence at 828-582-6955 or if you are interested in assisting. This program is on summer break, but will resume in October.
- Southwestern Elementary in Chesapeake has an afterschool program. This program is on a summer break, but will resume in the fall. Contact Christina Viglietta at 757-969-2396 or if you are interested in assisting.

Want to be in the middle of the action and create lasting memories for years to come? Tidewater Council is seeking volunteer photographers to capture the excitement of local Scouting events. If interested, please contact

Volunteer with the Membership Team
The Tidewater Council Membership Team is looking for volunteer assistance from Spanish-speaking Scouters, to speak to potential chartered partners and help form units to serve our Hispanic community.
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Dave Bussiere at or 757-575-4117.
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Albemarle Pack 150 finished off their summertime program with a trip to the Museum of the Albemarle. They even took Cubbie, who they have for the month from Cub Scout Roundtable.

Tidewater Council Advisory Board Member LB Benjamin promoted Scouting at the Engage Seatack event on August 20.

Eeshan D. of Troop 471 is hard at work on his Eagle Scout project, which will benefit the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters.
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