Table of Contents
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting is Tidewater Council’s annual giving campaign. The Friends of Scouting campaign provides 21% of the council’s annual budget – that means more than a fifth of every dollar in the council budget comes from the generosity of Scouting families, alumni, and community supporters. Friends of Scouting keeps the overall cost of Scouting affordable so all families can participate.

Be a Pathfinder for Friends of Scouting! Pathfinders are donors who blaze the trail for a successful Friends of Scouting campaign by making their gift or pledge by January 31. Pathfinder donors are recognized with a special lapel pin.
All Friends of Scouting donations stay local to support families in northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. You can fill out a Friends of Scouting pledge card and email it to or donate using the button below:
Campaign Progress as of January 2, 2023
Each district shares a portion of the overall goal:
Upcoming Events

Winter Camp
January 13-16
Registration for Winter Camp participants is waitlist-only, but Merit Badge Counselors and staff are needed! Winter Camp is held at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Great merit badge counselors are what make this event the best. Volunteer today and make a positive difference in the life of a Scout on their way to Eagle.
Email both Wes Parker and Christy Cooper to volunteer. In your email, include:
- What merit badge you wish to counsel
- How many 3-hour sessions needed
- The number of Scouts per session
- Materials and costs
- Pre-requisites
- Any position you may be interested in assisting

New Member Coordinator Training
January 18
Calling all Cubmasters and Committee Chairs-
Do you find that you are being pulled in 15 different directions? Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra set of hands? Someone to follow up on those new leads or help a new family with their questions? The three-word solution is: New Member Coordinator.
Let us show you how this position can be an asset to your unit and make your life a whole lot easier. We will also be showing new key 3’s how to work Invitation Manager to help grow your unit. If you have a person in mind or would like to learn more about this position and Invitation Manager, this evening is for you.
Join us on January 18 from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. The training is free of charge; RSVP at For questions, please contact Pam Samples at or Rich Becker at
Fundamentals of Training
January 21
The Fundamentals of Training course is designed to introduce new Scouting trainers to teaching techniques and skills. Upon completion of The Fundamentals of Training, new trainers will be able to apply the techniques they have learned across the BSA’s leadership development programs, from unit level youth leader training taught by youth for youth, to position-specific and supplemental training for adult leaders.
The Fundamentals of Training is the first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum in Scouting and is intended for both youth and adult trainers. It is highly recommended to attend this course before attending Trainer’s EDGE.
This course will be offered on January 21 from 8 AM – 12 PM at New Creation UMC in Chesapeake, VA.
Albemarle District Freezoree
January 27-29
Winter Weekend is a chance to join in one of the oldest traditions in Boy Scouts of America – coming together as a district for Scouting. District gatherings provide an opportunity for fun, friendship, and fellowship. We would love for you to come join the fun and excitement of the 2023 Winter Weekend.
Join us January 27-29, 2023 at Maple Commerce Park, Barco, NC. All Tidewater Council troops, crews, and ships are welcome to attend.
Scout Day at Winterplace Ski Resort
January 29

Ski at Winterplace Ski Resort in West Virginia!
Scouts and their guests are invited to spend the day on the slopes at Winterplace Ski Resort at a special discounted rate – up to 50% off!
The $80 Ski Package includes:
- A full day (open to close) lift ticket
- Ski rental equipment (boots, poles, skis)
- Helmet rental
- Customized 90-minute group lesson (based on availability; must be minimum age 8 for group lesson)
- Meal voucher ($10.00 value)
Add-ons are available for snowboard rental, extra meal vouchers, and snowtubing.
Students in Dare County, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach do not have school on Monday, January 30, which allows those Scouts an extra travel day after an exciting Sunday on the slopes. Scout units and families are responsible for their own lodging and transportation.
Adams Award Deadline
January 31
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community, or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Nominations are due to the council by January 31, 2023. The youth must have passed their Eagle Board of Review between January 1 – December 31, 2022.
Read about Tidewater Council’s 2021 Adams Award recipient here.

Camp Cards Kickoff and Training
January 31
Designed for Camp Card Coordinators, the Camp Cards Kickoff and Training lays the groundwork for a successful Camp Card sale.
- Gain fundamental knowledge BEFORE the Camp Cards arrive!
- Entry-level information to help form a successful Camp Card fundraiser, from start to finish!
- Networking opportunity that shouldn’t be missed!
Join us on Tuesday, January 31, 2022 at 7 PM, either virtually via Zoom or in-person at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.
For questions, contact Christy Cooper at

Scouting for Food
February 4-12
As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky.
That’s why we participate annually in Tidewater Council’s Scouting for Food drive. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing Good Turns.
Scouting for Food takes place on two consecutive weekends. On the first weekend, Scouts distribute bags and/or doorhangers to let their neighbors know about the drive. On the second, Scouts revisit those houses to pick up bags full of canned food, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, juice, and other nonperishable items. So, save the dates to distribute information on the weekend of February 4-5, 2023, and return to pick-up donations on February 11-12, 2023.
Visit the Scouting for Food webpage for resources including doorhanger templates, report forms, and information on the Foodbank Truck drop-off.

Silver Beaver Nomination Deadline
February 4
The Silver Beaver Award is the council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council-level.
To nominate a worthy Scouter, please submit the nomination form to and
Learn about Tidewater Council’s three most recent Silver Beaver recipients:

Trainer's EDGE
February 4
Trainer’s EDGE is BSA’s trainer development course designed to help Scouts and Scouters:
- Put into practice the EDGE training model
- Gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences
- Develop the platform skills of a trainer
- Raise the level of skill a trainer brings to the learning experience
- “Train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media
This course is part of a continuous process of updating trainers with the latest training methods, principles, and technologies.
Trainer’s EDGE is ideal for:
- Adults who wish to pass their knowledge and skills on to other leaders by instructing a position-specific course or University of Scouting course
- Troop and crew leaders, so they can better pass their knowledge on to the youth
- Youth who have a responsibility for teaching or instructing other youth, including Instructors, Troop Guides, and other senior youth leaders
- Youth who wish to staff National Youth Leadership Training
The course will be offered on February 4 at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center.

Scouting for Blood Drive
February 7
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga

Klondike Derby
Quest for Gold
February 24-26
Are you ready to go on a hunt for gold? Are you ready for some competition? If you answered yes, then it’s time to sign up for the 2023 Klondike Derby: Quest for the Gold!
Join us in beautiful Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation with your sled to compete in skills from first aid, wilderness survival, fire-building, cooking, pioneering, and rifle shooting. The Blue Heron Lodge will conduct an OA Call-Out Ceremony on Saturday night.
Station Coordinators Needed
The Klondike Derby Committee is looking for one adult and one youth to run a station during the derby. There is a special patch for those who run a station. If you are interested, please contact Mike Maruska at
Virginia Beach Trade-O-Ree
February 24 and February 25
Buy, sell, and trade Scouting collectible memorabilia at the 2023 Virginia Beach Trade-O-Ree. Check out the event flyer for more information.

VFW Scout of the Year Nomination Deadline
March 1
Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) awards three individuals who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the qualities of the highest youth Scouting ranks. Recipients can be awarded scholarships at both the local and national levels.
The deadline to apply is March 1, 2023 at 11 PM. Please review the local handout from VFW Post 392 for more information, as well as the brochure and entry form.

University of Scouting
March 11
The University of Scouting is the largest annual training event for Scouts and Scouters of all ages in Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouting, Venturing, and Exploring. All leaders, parents, and volunteers are encouraged to attend this fun-filled conference to learn new skills and make new friends. Adults and youth (10+) will participate in exciting classes, while Cub Scouts and younger siblings will have fun at day camp.
EARLY BIRD Pricing ends Monday, January 9, 2023!
Register on Black Pug at
Classes Include:
- First Aid/CPR/AED
- How to Backup a Trailer
- Basic Boating
- Pizza Cooked More Ways Than You Can Imagine
- Iron Chef Competition
- The History of Women in BSA
- First-Hand Experience of Scouting Adventures
- International Opportunities
- Using Social Media & Other Technologies
- Scouts with Special Needs
- High Adventure
- Project Management
- Mentoring
- Older Youth Programs: Sea Scouts, Venturing, and Exploring
- And MUCH more!
Cub Scout Day Camp
Bring the whole family to a fun-filled day!
Sasquatch Expedition – The ESCAPE!
Experience a brand-new escape room.
Staff & Instructors Wanted
Teach the next generation of Scouts & Scouters.
Midway Booths Available
Space available for vendors, information booths, demonstrations, and units.
For more information, please contact Keegan Daley at

2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast
March 15
We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker for Tidewater Council’s 2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast: Mark Moseley!
With an impressive NFL career spanning 1970-1987, Mark Moseley is the all-time scoring leader for Washington’s NFL team.
To learn more about how you, your company, or your community group can host a table, please contact Christy Cooper at

Wood Badge
March 24-26 and April 22-23
Wood Badge is the preeminent Scouting leadership program for adult leaders. Wood Badge courses make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond amongst leaders working toward improving Scouting for all.
Attending Wood Badge is an amazing personal experience. Participants develop lasting friendships. The personal and professional skills learned at Wood Badge help Scouts, Scouting units, and even benefit participants in their careers.
Wood Badge Course NST15-596-23 will be held at Pipsico Scout Reservation on Friday, March 24 – Sunday, March 26 and Saturday, April 22 – Sunday, April 23, 2023. Participants must attend both weekends of the course activities to complete the practical phase of the training.
For more information, contact NST15-596-23 Course Director Matthew Hipsher at or your district training chair.

Back to Brownsea
Bayside District Spring Camporee
April 14-16
Early on, most Scoutmasters and Scouting youth learn about Lord Baden-Powell and his relationship to Scouting, as the founder of the worldwide Scouting movement.
- Why did Baden-Powell start the Scouting movement?
- How many Scout laws did Baden-Powell propose? Are they still in use today? Have any changed?
- What ranks did Baden-Powell originate?
- How do the rank requirements from Baden-Powell’s time differ from today’s?
When patrols hike the adventure trail at the Back to Brownsea Camporee on April 14-16, they will learn the answers to these and many more questions. Join the Bayside district at Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation to attempt Scouting’s founder’s challenges and games. Learn how Scouting’s requirements have changed since the first Scout camp on Brownsea Island in 1907. Test your skills in cooking competitions.
More information is coming soon on the adventures that await those who accept and conquer Lord Baden-Powell’s requirements. Your patrol could be the top winner of the Brownsea challenge.

Scout Day at The Adventure Park
May 7
The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium presents Boy Scouts Tidewater Council Day on May 7, 2023!
Members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring, and their guests, are invited to enjoy an “adventure in the trees,” with aerial trails, challenge bridges, and zip lines. Scouts and their guests can register at the discounted rate of $45, and Scouts who bring a uniform item will receive a special patch. Per the Guide to Safe Scouting and the the BSA’s Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities, this event is not for Cub Scout packs.
Each timed ticket will include a 30-minute safety briefing and harnessing session and a three-hour climbing session. Register for your climbing adventure here.
Day Camp 2023 - Off to the Races
June & July
Join us for a weeklong adventure with racing-themed games, activities, and fun. Your district day camp pit crew wants you to join them in planning the 2023 racing season. Do you want to see car racing or foot racing? How about drag racing?
The day camp planning committee meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at Great Bridge Baptist Church. Unit representatives are welcome to attend.
The tentative dates for 2023 day camps are:
- June 12-16 in Albemarle; contact Tiffany Bounds at
- June 19-23 in Princess Anne; contact Dave Montoto at
- June 19-23 in Bayside; contact Amy DeVault at
- June 26-30 (twilight camp) in Three Rivers; contact Kirsten Misfeldt at
Summer Camp 2023
June & July
Pipsico Scout Reservation offers Scouts and Scouters the opportunity to immerse themselves in a positive camping environment, at a beautiful property, with a friendly camp staff. Tidewater Council is proud to offer quality programs for everyone.
Week #1 – June 25 to July 1
Week #2 – July 2 to July 8
Week #3 – July 9 to July 15
Week #4 – July 16 to July 22

2023 National Scout Jamboree
July 19-28
The National Scout Jamboree, Scouting’s flagship event, is one-of-a-kind. Over the course of ten summer days, tens of thousands of members of the Boy Scouts of America from across the country gather together to explore all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, pioneer village, adventure sports, and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest playgrounds. With 10,000 acres to explore at the Summit, there is no shortage of opportunities to build Scouting memories. Scouts will have an opportunity to interact with youth not only from across the country, but also from the international community of Scouts, as many countries send representatives to the Jamboree.
Tidewater Council is organizing a contingent to attend this awesome event in West Virginia. The contingent will consist of:
- Two male Scouts BSA troops (72 youth and eight adults) led by Scoutmaster Steve Bowser. The first male troop is full and Scouts are registering now for the second troop.
- One female Scouts BSA troop (36 youth and four adults) led by Scoutmaster Brandy Schlossberg. The female troop is almost full, so sign up now!
If your unit would like a presentation about the National Scout Jamboree and the adventure and activities available, contact Karen Allgaier.

Tents for Pipsico Scout Reservation
To continue to provide a quality camping experience for our Scouts, Tidewater Council plans to replace tents at Pipsico Scout Reservation. The cost to replace one tent and its platform is $1,250. You can make a difference for local Scouts by sponsoring a tent at Pipsico!
Scout Shop
HAPPY 2023 from the Scout Shop! With the many fun events happening this year, you can count on the Scout Shop to supply those needs, whether it’s Pinewood Derby, Scout Sunday, Blue & Gold, or other events.

Thank You!
Thank you to the outstanding volunteers who helped with year-end inventory!
Dave & Anne Bussiere
Shane H.
Buddy Harper
Brian & Elena Kaneta
Ethan Rinehart
Mary Jo Robins
Brandy Schlossberg
Mike Scott
Bill Stine
AJ Vasta
Joann West
Pinewood Derby
We have a full stock of Pinewood Derby kits and accessories for the upcoming exciting races! Besides the car kits, we have paints, decals, weights, and even tool kits for cutting. Kits are $6.99 each but, with the purchase of ten or more, there is a discount of $0.25 per car. We have patches for the 2023 Pinewood Derby racing season in stock, and these colorful patches are $2.49 each.

Journey to Excellence
We are taking orders for Journey to Excellence patches for 2022. Patches are $2.69 each and must be prepaid. Patches are available for the gold, silver, or bronze levels. If you wish to pay using a store account, just call 757-497-2688 or email and we can put your order in.
System Upgrade
A system upgrade is happening in our Point-of-Sale System in the Scout Shop and will be up and running when we reopen in January. As a result, we have had to delay our opening until Thursday, January 5. We ask for patience as we begin working with new software.
We will continue to ship orders by USPS. Our normal shipping days are Wednesday and Friday.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Serious injuries can occur when it’s cold. There are four degrees of severity from the cold, ranging from frost nip to frostbite. The extent of the injury will depend on the individual’s length of exposure, outside temperature, wind chill, and how the exposure is treated. Review the full Frostbite Safety Moment to see the University of Utah Health Burn Center’s frostbite severities and descriptions of the identification and severity of injury, characteristics, prevention, and treatment guidelines.
Merit Badge Updates
As of January 1, 2023, the following merit badge requirements have been updated:
- American Business (2c)
- Animal Science (1, Avian Option a, c, e)
- Archery (1a, b, c, d, 3b, 4a, b, c, d, 5ac, 5af1cd, 5bc, 5bf1cd)
- Architecture (1b)
- Composite Materials (1c 3a)
- Cooking (2c, d, 4a, 5b, d, e, g, 6a, f)
- Cycling (1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Option A a1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Option B a1, 3, b1, 2, 3, c, d, e)
- Digital Technology (3a, 3e, 4a, 5a, 7c)
- Disabilities Awareness (6)
- Emergency Preparedness (3)
- Environmental Science (3, 3f2, 5)
- Family Life (6b1, 2, 3)
- Farm Mechanics (1d)
- Game Design (1b, 5b, 8a, b)
- Genealogy (1a, b, c, 4a, b, c, d, e, 8b, c)
- Geology (5d2)
- Golf (3, 7g)
- Hiking (2a, b, c, 4, 5)
- Inventing (6b)
- Mammal Study (3a, b, c)
- Nature (4g2, 4h1, 6a, b)
- Personal Fitness (4d)
- Plant Science (8 Option 3 Field Botany A2, B, F1d, F3c1, 2, 3)
- Programming (1b, 3a)
- Reptile and Amphibian Study (3d, 5)
- Salesmanship (2b, 2d, 3, 4, 6a3)
- Small-Boat Sailing (6i, j)
- Snow Sports (2b, 7 Downhill a, h, i; Cross country a, b, d, i; Snowboarding i, k; Snowshoeing e, i, j)
- Sports (5)
- Swimming (5a)
There are several higher education scholarships for Scouting youth. Learn about the opportunities available at
Scholarship opportunities for Wood Badge are available through Tidewater Council, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the AFL-CIO.

Service Hour Reporting
The Community Service Hours site (formerly Good Turn for America) has been transitioned to Internet Advancement to consolidate reporting into a single site. Internet Advancement records unit and individual community service hours, including entry of Eagle Scout service project information from Eagle Scout candidates. If units previously entered Eagle project and other service hour reports in this site, the information will be moved to Internet Advancement. For leaders that have not used Internet Advancement, please sign in with your my.Scouting credentials at
Why is tracking units’ service projects important?
- Foundations, organizations that donate to the council, and individual donors often want to know what type of projects the Scouts are doing when deciding on their financial gifts.
- Community stakeholders, including chartering organizations, want to be informed of the impact of Scouting in the community.
- The council gives annual reports to the state in both North Carolina and Virginia, which include service project information.
Volunteering for community service projects helps youth learn how to deal with challenges, build up life skills, and gain real-world experience with habits like leadership and problem solving. Youth who volunteer are more likely to perform better in school and work and to become civically active adults.
Introduction to Leadership Skills
Introduction to Leadership Skills courses are designed to teach Scouts with leadership positions about their new roles and how to reach success most effectively in those roles. Scouts learn to understand their responsibilities and are equipped with organizational and leadership skills to fulfill those responsibilities.
These courses are the first in a series of leadership training offered to youth. They are a prerequisite to participate in more advanced leadership courses, including National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE), and Kodiak Challenge treks.
Awards Spotlight

Religious Emblems Programs
A Scout is Reverent. The Boy Scouts of America has approved religious emblems programs developed and administered by different religious groups, and allows those recognitions to be worn on the official Scout uniform.
The Scout Shop carries workbooks for several ages and denominations. Resources, including videos and information on how to get started, are available here.

Venturing Ranger Award
The Ranger Award exemplifies a challenging high-level outdoor/high-adventure skills advancement program. Once earned, it will identify a Ranger as a person who is highly skilled at a variety of outdoor sports and interests, trained in outdoor safety, and ready to lead or assist others in activities. The candidate must complete eight challenging core requirements and four challenging electives.
Annual Program Planning
What keeps youth involved in Scouting?
- Having fun
- Cool and challenging activities
- Trips and adventures
- Camping and outdoor exploration
- Meeting others and forming friendships
In order to make all of these things happen, a Scouting unit must plan and prepare!
A common element of strong units is that they have a good annual program plan. This plan, which is created a year in advance, is then shared with all families in the form of a calendar. A shared annual program calendar will attract more families and keep families involved in the unit.
Unit commissioners are great resources to help the unit form its annual program plan.
After Charter Renewal
The unit has turned in the charter renewal, now what? The council registrar will review the package for completeness and accuracy. If everything is good, the charter will be posted to the National system. The charters are reviewed in the order received. If there is a problem, the charter processor will be contacted via email by the registrar or district executive.
Take a few minutes to look at the youth who did not renew. Ask the unit’s New Member Coordinator to reach out to them and find out why they did not renew. If the family had a scheduling conflict with the meeting night, offer to help find a unit that fits the family’s needs best. Take the feedback as ways to improve upon the unit’s program.
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Wanted

District Executive Job Opening
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path towards a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
Today’s professional Scouters are a diverse group of men and women sharing a dynamic career offering independence, achievement, and stability. This is work that makes a difference, work that calls one to continual learning and challenge, work that offers solid compensation, benefits, and advancement.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference through a career in Scouting, please contact Bill Lawrence at
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Congratulations to some of our newest Eagle Scouts!

Simone N., 16, of Virginia Beach, a Tidewater Council Class of 2022 Eagle Scout, became the first person to earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award from Tidewater Council’s “Award Center,” the first and only Award Center in Virginia. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is, like Scouting, one of the international “Big 6 Youth Organizations.” The International Award has teamed up with Scouts BSA to offer the Award in the US.
The Award includes four components of personal development that participants choose and complete, including a skill, physical recreation, service, and an adventurous journey. The Award requires youth to write SMART goals and check in with advisors for each activity, while focusing in one section. Simone chose baking for her skill, tennis for her physical recreation, and tree planting and maintenance for her service. For her adventurous journey, Simone participated with three other youth on a bike camping trip up the Virginia Capital trail, stopping along the way at historical sites to learn more about the history of Virginia. Simone is now a sophomore at Kempsville High School in the Entrepreneurship and Business Academy, where she has begun working on her Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
Tidewater Council is proud to be the only Award Center serving youth in Virginia and North Carolina. We strive to help youth be World Ready. Interested in learning more about the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award? Contact Laura Bussiere at or Joel Nied at
Congratulations to our Top 10 Popcorn Sellers in 2022!

Congratulations to Tom Lundquist, Popcorn Kernel of Troop 1791, for winning the “Guess the 2022 Popcorn Sales Total” contest!
Tom’s guess of $1,175,000 was the closest (without going over) to the actual council sales total of $1,192,244. Tom received a delicious Chocolate Lover’s as his prize.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of the “EK” Electronic Knapsack. Sign up below to receive the latest Tidewater Council news.