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Upcoming Events

Darden Gala
November 4
Join us for the 2023 Darden Gala on November 4, 2023 at the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center!
The Darden Gala is an annual fundraising event for Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America. Each year, Tidewater Council bestows the “Citizen Scouter of the Year Award” to deserving individuals who exemplify public service in the community.
In 2023, we are pleased to honor Barbara Lewis as our Citizen Scouter of the Year. Barbara is the founder and president of Town Center City Club. She established the Outstanding Professional Women’s Awards to create role models and motivation for women, and hosted the Inaugural Examples of Success Dinner to honor our region’s first female Eagle Scouts. In 2022, the Virginia Beach Jaycees recognized Barbara as the First Citizen of Virginia Beach.
The Darden Gala will feature Monte Carlo games, live and silent auctions, live music, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Join us for a night of elegance under the City Lights!
Star Sponsors
Charles Barker Automotive
Gentry Locke Attorneys
Old Point National Bank
First Class Sponsors
ABNB Federal Credit Union
The Anoia Family
The Barry Robinson Center
Sarah Boyce Castleberry & John Castleberry
Crenshaw, Ware & Martin, PLC
Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital
Southern Bank
Virginia Electronic Systems
Wilbanks Smith & Thomas
Williams Mullen
Scouting for Blood Drive
November 8
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend
November 10-12
Albemarle District Merit Badge Weekend is an annual educational and advancement opportunity open to all registered Scouts. All meals on Saturday and lunch on Sunday are included in the fee, so no cooking is required.
More than 30 merit badges will be offered, including some Eagle-required options. Participants can choose one, two, or three merit badges to work on for the weekend. Some merit badges will be partials, depending on time and requirements.
Online registration is now open on Black Pug. Space is limited – sign up today!

Veterans Day Parade
November 11
All packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts are invited to participate in the annual Tidewater Veterans Day Parade and ceremony at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront.
Event Details
- This year, the parade will begin at 16th Street and Atlantic Avenue, and proceed to the Tidewater Veterans Memorial on 19th Street, across from the Virginia Beach Convention Center. This is a different route from previous years.
- Check-in and line-up begin at 8:00 AM, with exact location to be determined.
- Scouts will get to see the entire parade and then step off as one of the last units in the parade.
- All units are requested to bring their American and unit flags.
- Scouts and leaders should be in uniform.
- Scouts are invited to remain for the 11:00 AM Memorial Service.
- Registration is required. Please register by unit.
- Registration closes on November 9, 2023.
- Patches are available by pre-order only. The deadline to pre-order patches is November 9, 2023.
- Patches will be available after the event for pick-up at Roundtables or in the Scout Shop. Units that order patches will be notified when they arrive, so pick-up can be coordinated.

Trainer's EDGE
November 18
Trainer’s EDGE is the Boy Scouts of America’s trainer development course designed to help Scouts and Scouters:
- Put into practice the EDGE training model
- Gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences
- Develop the platform skills of a trainer
- Raise the level of skill a trainer brings to the learning experience
- “Train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media
This course is part of a continuous process of updating trainers with the latest training methods, principles, and technologies.
Trainer’s EDGE is ideal for:
- District and council trainers
- Merit badge counselors
- Summer camp staff, including both youth and adults
- Winter Camp staff, including both youth and adults
- Roundtable staff
- Pack trainers
- Commissioner trainers
- Youth troop guides and instructors
- Unit leaders
- Staff for Wood Badge and National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
The course will be offered on November 18 at United Way of South Hampton Roads in Norfolk.
Scoutmaster Specific Training
December 2
Scoutmaster-Specific Training introduces adult leaders to everything they need to know about running a Scouts BSA troop.
In Scouts BSA, adult leaders serve in more of a “mentor” position, where their job is to help youth members learn and practice leadership. While this training will not answer every single question about being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster, it is a great introduction.
Along with Youth Protection Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), this course is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be considered “position trained.”
Troop Committee Challenge
December 2
Running a Scouts BSA troop is a little like running a business: there’s a budget and a calendar, there’s money coming in (fundraising and dues), there’s money going out (activities, equipment purchases, registration fees), there’s a “workforce” (adult volunteers), and there are goals and evaluation of whether the troop reached its goals. And, of course, all this occurs within the unique context of Scouting with some special rules and requirements.
At Troop Committee Challenge training on December 2, get the foundational training with the tools and best practices to succeed.

Scout Night with the Norfolk Admirals
December 9
Join the Scouts to cheer on the Norfolk Admirals as they take on the Jacksonville Icemen!
Tickets are available for $18 each at the Tidewater Council Scout Shop, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 until December 2, or sold out. A portion of ticket sales supports local Scouting. Units purchasing tickets will be recognized on the video board.
Stay after the game for FREE public ice skating!

Scout Day at Winterplace Ski Resort
January 28, 2024
Winterplace Ski Resort in Ghent, WV is offering a special ski program for Tidewater Council Scouts, leaders, family members, friends, and neighbors!
The package offers a special rate of up to 50% off, and includes a full-day lift ticket, ski equipment rental, helmet rental, and a customized 90-minute group lesson.
There are optional add-ons available for meal vouchers and snowtubing.
Lodging is not included in the package, but there are nearby facilities at Winterplace and the Summit Bechtel Reserve.

Klondike Derby
February 23-25, 2024
Klondike Derby registration is now open!
The 2024 Klondike Derby: Quest for the Gold will be held in beautiful Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation. Using your sled, compete in skills from first aid, wilderness survival, lumberjack skills, fire building, cooking, pioneering, and shooting.
The Blue Heron Lodge will conduct an Order of the Arrow call-out ceremony on Saturday night.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Mike Maruska at

Wood Badge
April 12-14 and May 4-5, 2024
Wood Badge is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide adult members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their Scouting positions and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Lord Baden-Powell originally designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way as possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is, first and foremost, learning by doing.
Wood Badge has evolved over the years into the core leadership skills training course for the BSA. The Wood Badge course focuses on strengthening every volunteer’s ability to work with and lead groups of youth and adults and is less focused on outdoor skills, which are more effectively addressed in other courses.

Cub Scout Working Group
We are seeking applications from volunteers to serve for several months on a Cub Scout Working Group. We seek a Chairperson and up to six members, a minimum of three of which we seek to be active parents of Cub Scouts. The mission of this advisory working group is to help develop the Cub Scout program for summer resident camp and to provide suggestions on several other aspects of Cub Scout programming in Tidewater Council. More information and the application can be found here. Applications are due to by November 5, 2023.
Scout Shop

Knit Caps
With fall weather, there is a need for warmer outerwear. Besides the jackets and hoodies we carry, don’t forget about our Scout-themed knit caps. We have new ones this year, two for Scouts and one for Cubs. The Cub Scout Camo Mohawk is blue and yellow and sells for $22.99. Both Scout knit caps (gray and green) are $24.99 and have the fleur-de-lis. A great way to show off Scout pride and keep warm!
Thank you!
As our busy fall season winds down, we want to give a huge “THANK YOU” to Dave & Anne Bussiere for their help in the Scout Shop during some busy Saturdays. They came to the aid of many new customers, and we truly appreciate them!
Need a Knife?
We have a good selection of BSA-logo knives ranging in size from 2.25 inches to 7.5 inches and priced anywhere from $10.00 (Pipsico knife) to $29.99 (Boy Scout Deluxe Knife). Several are multi-tools and come in their own case. Looking ahead, these make great stocking stuffers!

Pinewood Derby
Pinewood Derby cars will be coming in a large shipment by mid-November for those packs who purchase them to give out as stocking stuffers. The price is $6.99 per car and there is a discount of $0.25 per car when you purchase 10 or more. This year, there are many new accessories which we will be getting in after the holidays.
Speaking of holidays, this is a good time to start shopping for Scout-related gifts. Remember, anything Scout-related makes a wonderful gift for any occasion. We encourage customers to look online at, find something you want to purchase, and give us a call at 757-497-2688. If we don’t have it, we can order it and usually have it in stock within a week. The sooner we order, the better. You can avoid expensive shipping charges by ordering through us, but any order placed after the first week in December may not be here in time before our holiday closings.
We continue to ship orders by USPS on Wednesdays and Fridays. If a holiday happens that week, we can ship on other days. Call or email your order, and we will calculate shipping and call you back for a VISA or Mastercard number.
Scout Shop Hours and Holidays
November has a few holiday closings to remember:
- Closed Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11 for Veterans Day
- Open late (3 PM) on Friday, November 17 for staff gathering
- Closed Thursday, November 23 – Saturday, November 25 for Thanksgiving
Have a fun and safe November!

Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Online Sales
It is not too late for your unit to participate in the 2023 Popcorn Sale! Online sales continue until November 20. Product purchased online is shipped directly to the purchaser with free shipping. Units earn 30% commission on online sales, and do not have to handle product or logistics. Each Scout receives a unique Seller ID to ensure credit goes to the right unit.
If you need your Scout’s Seller ID for online sales, please contact your Unit Popcorn Kernel.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.

Serious injuries can occur when it’s cold and you spend time working, playing, or sleeping outside, particularly if you are wet or your clothes are wet or too tight. Scouts should be instructed to inform an adult as soon as possible if they are at an event, winter camp, or troop campout and start experiencing any of the symptoms in this Safety Moment.

Arrow of Light Den Camping Reminders
The Arrow of Light Scouting Adventure is an important step to preparing Arrow of Light Scouts to transition into a Scouts BSA troop. Part of this adventure provides them the opportunity to “participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity. Use the patrol method while on the outing.”
As with all Scouting activities, this participation must follow the policies of the Boy Scouts of America as outlined in the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Helpful Tips
- It is not required for the Scouts to camp overnight. The troop event could be a campout or other outdoor activity, such as an age-appropriate hike or other outdoor event. The Arrow of Light den, the den leadership, and the Scouts BSA troop they are working with should make that decision in collaboration. If the troop and pack do not share the same chartered partner, the troop and pack/Arrow of Light den must receive permission from the council to hold the joint activity.
- If the outdoor event is an overnight campout and the Arrow of Light Scouts are staying overnight, the Arrow of Light den must camp according to the specific camping guidance for Cub Scouts found in the Guide to Safe Scouting. This includes:
- The den must have a BALOO-trained adult leader in attendance.
- Each Scout should attend with their parent(s) or guardian(s). A Webelos or Arrow of Light Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a den overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of at least two registered leaders. The leaders and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. A Scout cannot share a tent with any adult other than their parent or guardian.
- Cub Scout youth may tent with a parent or guardian as outlined in Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse.
- The participating troop and pack/den must each have their own leadership.
- Council approval is required when units from different chartered organizations camp together, including when a den camps with a Scouts BSA troop. To get council approval, simply email the district executive with:
- What units/dens are attending?
- Where is the campout?
- Verify that properly trained leaders will be present on the outing.
- Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse outline registration requirements for adults. Arrow of Light dens must have registered two deep leadership in attendance at the overnight event. Review Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse for information on the “Cub Scout Programs – Overnight Exception” for parents or legal guardians taking part in an overnight Cub Scout program with their own child or legal ward.
- What does it mean to “use the patrol method while on the outing”? First, engage the youth leadership of the collaborating troop to find ways they can help the Arrow of Light Scouts in attendance see and experience the patrol method. There are many wonderful ways to use and see the patrol method during the event! Examples could include:
- Assign a member of the Arrow of Light den to serve as the “patrol leader” of their “Arrow of Light” patrol during the event.
- Provide the Arrow of Light den the opportunity to divide up chores or other necessary tasks to enable them to work together as a group to meet their group’s goals.
- Showcase the patrol method through the Scouts BSA patrols in attendance at the activity so the Arrow of Light Scouts can see the value and fun that comes from participating in a patrol.
- Regardless of the activity, verify that the planned Arrow of Light “Scouting Adventure” aligns with the policies in the Guide to Safe Scouting, including whether the planned activities are approved for an Arrow of Light Scout to participate. Review the Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities.
- Use the SAFE Checklist, a helpful tool for Arrow of Light den leaders, Scouts BSA troop youth leaders, and adults to review and use to plan a successful event.

Leave a Legacy
James E. West Fellowship Award
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a national recognition for individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Tidewater Council BSA endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and does not diminish or replace, the donor’s annual gift to the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign.
Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone — an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Living Legend, any outstanding Scout or Scouter.

Camp Baker Temporary Closure in 2024
In an effort to bring additional electric power to the region, Dominion Power will engage in a 12-month project at Camp Baker, erecting 50-60 new power line towers in the area east of the camping areas. Project construction plans involve camp road impacts, which include the widening and reinforcement of the ground to accommodate large semi-trucks bringing in construction materials and equipment. The work will be continual (seven days a week).
As a result, from February 15, 2024 through December 2024 (and possibly into spring 2025), Camp Baker will be closed to camping to allow for construction activities. Although unfortunate, this action is necessary to avoid putting campers in an unsafe environment. As soon as the project in Camp Baker concludes, even if earlier than planned, the reopening will be announced.
Short-term camping will still be available at Camp Moonyah, located in the Deep Creek area of Chesapeake, or at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Make camp reservations early, as the fall through spring/early summer months are peak camping times in these camps.
Any questions regarding Camp Baker or Camp Moonyah can be directed to Ron Misfeldt, Camps Baker and Moonyah Ranger, at 757-646-1384 or
Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
High Adventure Treks in 2024 and 2025
Many units regularly pack yearly schedules with outings and activities that keep youth coming back and wanting more. Units provide many different activities which appeal to a variety of age groups. Youth ages 11-13 crave and need activities that deliver basic skills, such as camping. Youth ages 14-17 are looking for more robust adventures that challenge their physical abilities, as well as their minds. Additionally, older Scouts are looking for activities which become available as they mature.
To help older youth keep their interest in Scouting, the Council High Adventure Committee has produced a long-range calendar outlining longer (5+ days) high adventure activities. To assist units, the council offers these longer treks on a council contingent basis. The High Adventure Committee is soliciting youth and units’ interest in these treks for 2024 and 2025. Units and individuals with an interest in these activities should contact or for more information. The first two treks are:

Okpik Winter Program at Northern Tier: December 2024
Okpik is the premier winter camping program in the Boy Scouts of America. The Charles L. Sommers Canoe Base in Minnesota is the site of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Cold Weather Camping Development Center. All trips are fully outfitted and provisioned, including almost all the personal gear necessary to stay warm in the winter. A highly trained staff member, called an Interpreter, accompanies all crews on their trek.
This activity is scheduled around winter break (December 2024). Northern Tier has a wide range of winter treks. Crews can choose cabin stay programs, cross country skiing (which could include sleeping one night on a frozen lake), or dog sledding (which includes living with and caring for the sled dogs).
Learn to never fear the cold again while experiencing all the Great North Woods have to offer. The cost varies with the activity the crew chooses, but is estimated around $2,000 per person.

Backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch: Summer 2025
Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America’s largest National High Adventure Base, challenges Scouts and Venturers with more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness. Backpacking treks, horseback cavalcades, and training and service programs offer young people many ways to experience this legendary country.
Tidewater Council is planning a trek to Philmont during summer 2025. Costs for 2025 are not yet available, but, for reference, the fee for the 2022 council contingent trek to Philmont was around $2,300 per person.
Participants who sign up for either trek must make a $250 deposit.
In succeeding years, Tidewater Council-offered contingents will include Sea Base in Florida and The Summit in West Virginia.
Members of the High Adventure Committee are available to assist individuals and units in developing and conducting long (5+ days) high adventure treks. Contact or
Program Ideas
- Native American Heritage Month:
- Invite a Native American guest speaker to a unit meeting
- Work on the Indian Lore Merit Badge
- Veterans Day:
- Participate in the Tidewater Veterans Day Parade
- Invite a veteran to be a guest speaker at a unit meeting
- Make thank you cards for veterans
- National Hiking Day (November 17):
- Take a hike!
- Work on the Hiking Merit Badge
- Learn about the Six Essentials for Cub Scouts and the Ten Essentials for older Scouts
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Wanted

District Executive Job Opening
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path towards a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
Today’s professional Scouters are a diverse group of men and women sharing a dynamic career offering independence, achievement, and stability. This is work that makes a difference, work that calls one to continual learning and challenge, work that offers solid compensation, benefits, and advancement.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference through a career in Scouting, please contact Bill Lawrence at

Commissioners are volunteers who believe in Scouting and want to prepare youth become responsible, participating citizens and leaders who are guided by the Scout Oath and Law.
They are a resource for unit leaders when the leader has questions on Scouting policies and procedures. Unit commissioners guide and assist units through the charter renewal process.
Each district needs dedicated volunteers to support Scouting units. If you are interested in learning more about being a commissioner, contact the district commissioner or district executive.

American Red Cross Instructors
Tidewater Council is seeking current American Red Cross Instructors to become part of the council’s Authorized Provider agreement. Instructors who are part of the Authorized Provider agreement can host courses for Scouts and Scout leaders.
The council is also seeking an American Red Cross Instructor Trainer to help qualify new instructors.
Contact Richard Becker for more information.

Camp Service Weekends
Attention all Scouting units!
If you have Scouts who need service time, your unit is needed at Camp Moonyah or Camp Baker. The ongoing need for grounds maintenance, mowing, trimming, site-clearing, clean-up, and more is never-ending. We are seeking units that can dedicate a full day or a weekend of service time to these two camps in Chesapeake.
As an added incentive, Scouts and Scouters can work towards earning the highly sought-after and much-desired camp service patch. Contact Ron Misfeldt at 757-646-1384 or for additional details.
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Congratulations to some of our newest Eagle Scouts!

On Saturday, October 28, Princess Anne District held a Scout Field Day to recognize new Cub Scouts who have joined over the past year, as well as to invite prospective Scouts to join in the fun.
185 youth and adults attended and had the opportunity to learn Scout skills, have fun on the wrist rocket range, learn amateur radio, pass through a haunted house, and much more! Special thanks to all of the units that volunteered to staff the event!

We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to (with parental permission, of course).