Table of Contents
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting is Tidewater Council’s annual giving campaign. The Friends of Scouting campaign provides 21% of the council’s annual budget – that means more than a fifth of every dollar in the council budget comes from the generosity of Scouting families, alumni, and community supporters. Friends of Scouting keeps the overall cost of Scouting affordable so all families can participate.

Be a Pathfinder for Friends of Scouting! Pathfinders are donors who blaze the trail for a successful Friends of Scouting campaign by making their gift or pledge by January 31. Pathfinder donors are recognized with a special lapel pin.
All Friends of Scouting donations stay local to support families in northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. You can fill out a Friends of Scouting pledge card and email it to or donate using the button below:
Campaign Progress as of January 16, 2023
Each district shares a portion of the overall goal:
Upcoming Events

New Member Coordinator Training
January 18
Calling all Cubmasters and Committee Chairs-
Do you find that you are being pulled in 15 different directions? Wouldn’t it be nice to have an extra set of hands? Someone to follow up on those new leads or help a new family with their questions? The three-word solution is: New Member Coordinator.
Let us show you how this position can be an asset to your unit and make your life a whole lot easier. We will also be showing new key 3’s how to work Invitation Manager to help grow your unit. If you have a person in mind or would like to learn more about this position and Invitation Manager, this evening is for you.
Join us on January 18 from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. The training is free of charge; RSVP at For questions, please contact Pam Samples at or Rich Becker at
Albemarle District Freezoree
January 27-29
Winter Weekend is a chance to join in one of the oldest traditions in Boy Scouts of America – coming together as a district for Scouting. District gatherings provide an opportunity for fun, friendship, and fellowship. We would love for you to come join the fun and excitement of the 2023 Winter Weekend.
Join us January 27-29, 2023 at Maple Commerce Park, Barco, NC. All Tidewater Council troops, crews, and ships are welcome to attend.
Scout Day at Winterplace Ski Resort
January 29

Ski at Winterplace Ski Resort in West Virginia!
Scouts and their guests are invited to spend the day on the slopes at Winterplace Ski Resort at a special discounted rate – up to 50% off!
The $80 Ski Package includes:
- A full day (open to close) lift ticket
- Ski rental equipment (boots, poles, skis)
- Helmet rental
- Customized 90-minute group lesson (based on availability; must be minimum age 8 for group lesson)
- Meal voucher ($10.00 value)
Add-ons are available for snowboard rental, extra meal vouchers, and snowtubing.
Students in Dare County, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach do not have school on Monday, January 30, which allows those Scouts an extra travel day after an exciting Sunday on the slopes. Scout units and families are responsible for their own lodging and transportation.
Adams Award Deadline
January 31
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community, or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Nominations are due to the council by January 31, 2023. The youth must have passed their Eagle Board of Review between January 1 – December 31, 2022.
Read about Tidewater Council’s 2021 Adams Award recipient here.

Camp Cards Kickoff and Training
January 31
Designed for Camp Card Coordinators, the Camp Cards Kickoff and Training lays the groundwork for a successful Camp Card sale.
- Gain fundamental knowledge BEFORE the Camp Cards arrive!
- Entry-level information to help form a successful Camp Card fundraiser, from start to finish!
- Networking opportunity that shouldn’t be missed!
Join us on Tuesday, January 31, 2022 at 7 PM, either virtually via Zoom or in-person at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.
For questions, contact Christy Cooper at

Scouting for Food
February 4-12
As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky.
That’s why we participate annually in Tidewater Council’s Scouting for Food drive. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing Good Turns.
Scouting for Food takes place on two consecutive weekends. On the first weekend, Scouts distribute bags and/or doorhangers to let their neighbors know about the drive. On the second, Scouts revisit those houses to pick up bags full of canned food, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, juice, and other nonperishable items. So, save the dates to distribute information on the weekend of February 4-5, 2023, and return to pick-up donations on February 11-12, 2023.
Visit the Scouting for Food webpage for resources including doorhanger templates, report forms, and information on the Foodbank Truck drop-off.

Silver Beaver Nomination Deadline
February 4
The Silver Beaver Award is the council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council-level.
To nominate a worthy Scouter, please submit the nomination form to and
Learn about Tidewater Council’s three most recent Silver Beaver recipients:

Trainer's EDGE
February 4
Trainer’s EDGE is BSA’s trainer development course designed to help Scouts and Scouters:
- Put into practice the EDGE training model
- Gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences
- Develop the platform skills of a trainer
- Raise the level of skill a trainer brings to the learning experience
- “Train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media
This course is part of a continuous process of updating trainers with the latest training methods, principles, and technologies.
Trainer’s EDGE is ideal for:
- Adults who wish to pass their knowledge and skills on to other leaders by instructing a position-specific course or University of Scouting course
- Troop and crew leaders, so they can better pass their knowledge on to the youth
- Youth who have a responsibility for teaching or instructing other youth, including Instructors, Troop Guides, and other senior youth leaders
- Youth who wish to staff National Youth Leadership Training
The course will be offered on February 4 at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center.

Scouting for Blood Drive
February 7
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga

Klondike Derby
Quest for Gold
February 24-26
Are you ready to go on a hunt for gold? Are you ready for some competition? If you answered yes, then it’s time to sign up for the 2023 Klondike Derby: Quest for the Gold!
Join us in beautiful Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation with your sled to compete in skills from first aid, wilderness survival, fire-building, cooking, pioneering, and rifle shooting. The Blue Heron Lodge will conduct an OA Call-Out Ceremony on Saturday night.
Station Coordinators Needed
The Klondike Derby Committee is looking for one adult and one youth to run a station during the derby. There is a special patch for those who run a station. If you are interested, please contact Mike Maruska at
Virginia Beach Trade-O-Ree
February 24 and February 25
Buy, sell, and trade Scouting collectible memorabilia at the 2023 Virginia Beach Trade-O-Ree. Check out the event flyer for more information.

VFW Scout of the Year Nomination Deadline
March 1
Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) awards three individuals who have risen above their peers in exemplifying the qualities of the highest youth Scouting ranks. Recipients can be awarded scholarships at both the local and national levels.
The deadline to apply is March 1, 2023 at 11 PM. Please review the local handout from VFW Post 392 for more information, as well as the brochure and entry form.

Pinewood Derby
March - April
Get your engines ready – it is Pinewood Derby season!
What is a Pinewood Derby? The Pinewood Derby is one of the most popular and successful family activities in Cub Scouting. Cub Scouts design and build their own small wooden cars, with some help from their families. Then they race their cars in competition, down a gravity-powered track.
Win or lose, Cub Scouts will take pride in having done their best. Cub Scouts learn craft skills, STEM principles, the rules of fair play, and good sportsmanship—things they will remember for life.
You can view the 2023 Pinewood Derby Rules & Procedures for Tidewater Council here. Scouts must make a new car each year.
Albemarle District Pinewood Derby: March 4
Get ready to rumble at the Albemarle District Pinewood Derby on March 4 at 10 AM at Sawyer’s Creek Baptist Church, 241 Sawyers Creek Road, Camden, NC 27921, just minutes from downtown Elizabeth City. All racers of each rank from every pack in Albemarle District are eligible to race. Arrows of Light (AOL) who have just bridged to a troop are still eligible. Family Fun Run races are an open class that will race after the qualified racers. The entry fee for qualified pack racers is $8.50 per car. Family racers are $10 per car (no trophies for family racers; this is for bragging rights only).
Registration is coming soon on Black Pug. Late registration starts February 19 and the deadline to register is Friday, March 3 at 5 PM. For more information, contact Anthony Dowd at
Bayside District Pinewood Derby: March 4
Start your engines! The top three finishers of each rank from every pack in Bayside District are eligible to race in the Bayside District Pinewood Derby. Arrow of Light Scouts (AOL) who have just bridged to a troop are still eligible.
Registration and more information are coming soon.
Three Rivers District Pinewood Derby: March 4
Get ready for the Three Rivers District Pinewood Derby! The top three finishers of each rank from every pack in Three Rivers district are eligible to race. Arrows of Light (AOL) who have just bridged to a troop are still eligible.
Registration and more information are coming soon.
Princess Anne District Pinewood Derby: March 18
Let’s race! The Princess Anne District Pinewood Derby will be held on March 18. The top three finishers of each rank from every pack in Princess Anne district are eligible to race. Arrows of Light (AOL) who have just bridged to a troop are still eligible.
Registration and more information are coming soon.
Council Pinewood Derby: April 1
Scouts who qualify in the top three of their class at the district level will qualify for the council derby. We hope to see you there!

University of Scouting
March 11
The University of Scouting is the largest annual training event for Scouts and Scouters of all ages in Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouting, Venturing, and Exploring. All leaders, parents, and volunteers are encouraged to attend this fun-filled conference to learn new skills and make new friends. Adults and youth (10+) will participate in exciting classes, while Cub Scouts and younger siblings will have fun at day camp.
Register on Black Pug at
Classes Include:
- First Aid/CPR/AED
- How to Backup a Trailer
- Basic Boating
- Pizza Cooked More Ways Than You Can Imagine
- Iron Chef Competition
- The History of Women in BSA
- First-Hand Experience of Scouting Adventures
- International Opportunities
- Using Social Media & Other Technologies
- Scouts with Special Needs
- High Adventure
- Project Management
- Mentoring
- Older Youth Programs: Sea Scouts, Venturing, and Exploring
- And MUCH more!
Cub Scout Day Camp
Bring the whole family to a fun-filled day!
Sasquatch Expedition – The ESCAPE!
Experience a brand-new escape room.
Staff & Instructors Wanted
Teach the next generation of Scouts & Scouters.
Midway Booths Available
Space available for vendors, information booths, demonstrations, and units.
For more information, please contact Keegan Daley at

2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast
March 15
We are pleased to announce the keynote speaker for Tidewater Council’s 2023 Annual Leadership Breakfast: Mark Moseley!
With an impressive NFL career spanning 1970-1987, Mark Moseley is the all-time scoring leader for Washington’s NFL team.
To learn more about how you, your company, or your community group can host a table, please contact Christy Cooper at

Wood Badge
March 24-26 and April 22-23
Wood Badge is the preeminent Scouting leadership program for adult leaders. Wood Badge courses make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond amongst leaders working toward improving Scouting for all.
Wood Badge Course NST15-596-23 will be held at Pipsico Scout Reservation on Friday, March 24 – Sunday, March 26 and Saturday, April 22 – Sunday, April 23, 2023. Participants must attend both weekends of the course activities to complete the practical phase of the training.
For more information, contact NST15-596-23 Course Director Matthew Hipsher at or your district training chair.
Welcome from Course Director Matthew Hipsher
Thank you for your interest in Wood Badge! Wood Badge training was begun by Baden-Powell in 1919 to ensure that the leaders of Scout troops were properly trained. Since then, Wood Badge has been held worldwide, providing advanced leadership training to thousands of Scout leaders.
But you might be wondering, why should I attend Wood Badge? For me, Wood Badge taught me a myriad of things, including communication skills I have used with youth and adults, team building, unit recruiting techniques, how all the Scouting programs work together to teach character building and leadership skills to our youth, and countless other things not taught in the basic leader trainings for our programs. But my biggest take away in my years of involvement with this course is the personal connections to other leaders I have made. Be it mentors, partners, resources, or friends that eventually become family, the #1 reason I tell leaders to attend is the exposure to other great leaders like yourself. The skills learned at Wood Badge will not only help your Scouting unit excel, but will also benefit your personal and professional lives as well.
Join us in March and April at Pipsico Scout Reservation for the 2023 Wood Badge Course. Consider bringing along a friend to share in the fun. I will guarantee you will have a great time, will make friends, will be challenged, and will have lots of fun doing it.

Back to Brownsea
Bayside District Spring Camporee
April 14-16
Lord Baden-Powell was very popular among his troops. He could sing, dance, draw pictures, and loved performing in a stage play.
Baden-Powell was right at home on a stage. For the many talented youth (and even some adults) in Bayside’s troops, the Saturday night campfire will feature “Bayside’s Got Talent.”
Who are the most talented people in your unit? Have them sign up to win the district-wide talent show! It doesn’t matter what their talent is – singing, musical instrument, magic, comedy, etc. – we want to see them perform their talent. Participants may perform as individuals, groups (such as a singing trio or three-piece band), or the whole unit. Group performances can be youth and adult, but youth must outnumber adults. All entries must present talent that is above what is expected at a Scout campfire.
When patrols hike the adventure trail at the Back to Brownsea Camporee, they will learn about Scouting’s history and origins. Where did Baden-Powell get his illustrations for his Scouting for Boys handbook? Find out the answer – and much more – at the Bayside district camporee at Camp Lions, Pipsico Scout Reservation on April 14-16.
More information is coming soon on the adventures that await those who accept and conquer Lord Baden-Powell’s requirements. Your patrol could be the top winner of the Brownsea challenge.

Scout Day at The Adventure Park
May 7
The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium presents Boy Scouts Tidewater Council Day on May 7, 2023!
Members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring, and their guests, are invited to enjoy an “adventure in the trees,” with aerial trails, challenge bridges, and zip lines. Scouts and their guests can register at the discounted rate of $45, and Scouts who bring a uniform item will receive a special patch. Per the Guide to Safe Scouting and the the BSA’s Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities, this event is not for Cub Scout packs.
Each timed ticket will include a 30-minute safety briefing and harnessing session and a three-hour climbing session. Register for your climbing adventure here.
Wilderness First Aid
May 13-14
Wilderness first aid, or “WFA”, commonly refers to any training course that focuses on prevention, assessment, and treatment for an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. It is essential to have some basic principles of wilderness first aid and know how to apply them, even under stress. Knowing how to treat minor injuries and keep serious casualties stable until further help is available can make a difference in an emergency situation. Although there are innumerable injuries and ailments, the basic principles of first aid can be applied to almost any situation.
All High Adventure Bases require that at least one person in each crew (Philmont requires two) be currently certified in Wilderness First Aid or the equivalent, and CPR from the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or equivalent. Wilderness First Aid is recommended for any unit that is conducting backcountry hiking or camping trips. Attending this training also meets one of the requirements for the Venturing Ranger Award.
Tidewater Council will be offering a Wilderness First Aid course on May 13-14. Registration opens February 1.

Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Training
May 20
The Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies, such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims about 12 years and older. Successful students will receive a certificate for Adult First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. This is a blended learning course; you must complete the online portion before taking one of the skills demonstration sessions.
Registration opens on February 15. There will be three sessions on that date, limited to 12 students per session.
Day Camp 2023 - Off to the Races
June & July
Join us for a weeklong adventure with racing-themed games, activities, and fun. Your district day camp pit crew wants you to join them in planning the 2023 racing season. Do you want to see car racing or foot racing? How about drag racing?
The day camp planning committee meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at Great Bridge Baptist Church. Unit representatives are welcome to attend.
The tentative dates for 2023 day camps are:
- June 12-16 in Albemarle; contact Tiffany Bounds at
- June 19-23 in Princess Anne; contact Dave Montoto at
- June 19-23 in Bayside; contact Amy DeVault at
- June 26-30 (twilight camp) in Three Rivers; contact Kirsten Misfeldt at
Summer Camp 2023
June & July
Pipsico Scout Reservation offers Scouts and Scouters the opportunity to immerse themselves in a positive camping environment, at a beautiful property, with a friendly camp staff. Tidewater Council is proud to offer quality programs for everyone.
Week #1 – June 25 to July 1
Week #2 – July 2 to July 8
Week #3 – July 9 to July 15
Week #4 – July 16 to July 22

NYLT Leadership Academy
NYLT Leadership Academy is a national course devoted to building leaders, communicators, and evaluators who will propel Scouting into the future. Built around a core curriculum of public speaking, evaluation, and experiential leadership, the Academy has a proven track record of enabling Scouting’s youth to be effective trainers and leaders in programs across the Boy Scouts of America.
Scouts who attend NYLT Leadership Academy access several unique opportunities:
- Meet with leaders from business, senators and congresspeople, and national Scouting leadership to hear their unique stories and leadership lessons
- Collaborate with other youth from across the country to understand the challenges and opportunities facing Scouting and to share best practices
- Take part in a college credit program, thanks to the exciting partnership between the BSA and West Virginia University.
Two sessions of NYLT Leadership Academy will be held at Summit Bechtel Reserve during the weeks of July 2-8 and July 9-15, just before the National Scout Jamboree.
Participant Qualifications
This course is for Scouts BSA members, Sea Scouts, and Venturers who meet the following qualifications:
- Have completed National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
- First Class rank or above; or a Venturer
- All participants must be 13 years old and have completed 8th grade by the opening day of course, but not yet 18; or, if a Venturer, not yet 21.
- Willingness to take newly acquired knowledge and skills back to the council, troop, and community

2023 National Scout Jamboree
July 19-28
The National Scout Jamboree, Scouting’s flagship event, is one-of-a-kind. Over the course of ten summer days, tens of thousands of members of the Boy Scouts of America from across the country gather together to explore all kinds of adventures—stadium shows, pioneer village, adventure sports, and more—in the heart of one of nature’s greatest playgrounds. With 10,000 acres to explore at the Summit, there is no shortage of opportunities to build Scouting memories. Scouts will have an opportunity to interact with youth not only from across the country, but also from the international community of Scouts, as many countries send representatives to the Jamboree.
Tidewater Council is organizing a contingent to attend this awesome event in West Virginia. The contingent will consist of:
- Two male Scouts BSA troops (72 youth and eight adults) led by Scoutmaster Steve Bowser. The first male troop is full and Scouts are registering now for the second troop.
- One female Scouts BSA troop (36 youth and four adults) led by Scoutmaster Brandy Schlossberg. The female troop is almost full, so sign up now!
If your unit would like a presentation about the National Scout Jamboree and the adventure and activities available, contact Karen Allgaier.

Tents for Pipsico Scout Reservation
To continue to provide a quality camping experience for our Scouts, Tidewater Council plans to replace tents at Pipsico Scout Reservation. The cost to replace one tent and its platform is $1,250. You can make a difference for local Scouts by sponsoring a tent at Pipsico!
Scout Shop
HAPPY 2023 from the Scout Shop! With the many fun events happening this year, you can count on the Scout Shop to supply those needs, whether it’s Pinewood Derby, Scout Sunday, Blue & Gold, or other events.

Thank You!
Thank you to the outstanding volunteers who helped with year-end inventory!
Dave & Anne Bussiere
Shane H.
Buddy Harper
Brian & Elena Kaneta
Ethan Rinehart
Mary Jo Robins
Brandy Schlossberg
Mike Scott
Bill Stine
AJ Vasta
Joann West
Pinewood Derby
We have a full stock of Pinewood Derby kits and accessories for the upcoming exciting races! Besides the car kits, we have paints, decals, weights, and even tool kits for cutting. Kits are $6.99 each but, with the purchase of ten or more, there is a discount of $0.25 per car. We have patches for the 2023 Pinewood Derby racing season in stock, and these colorful patches are $2.49 each.

Journey to Excellence
We are taking orders for Journey to Excellence patches for 2022. Patches are $2.69 each and must be prepaid. Patches are available for the gold, silver, or bronze levels. If you wish to pay using a store account, just call 757-497-2688 or email and we can put your order in.
System Upgrade
A system upgrade is happening in our Point-of-Sale System in the Scout Shop and will be up and running when we reopen in January. As a result, we have had to delay our opening until Thursday, January 5. We ask for patience as we begin working with new software.
We will continue to ship orders by USPS. Our normal shipping days are Wednesday and Friday.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is considered “any activity that diverts the driver’s attention away from driving,” according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. The distractions can include a wide range of a driver’s or passenger’s personal actions or activities while in a vehicle. Even if a driver is only trying to keep Scouts in their seats while the vehicle is in motion, that is a distraction.
Distracted driving can have deadly consequences. In 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 14% of all motor vehicle traffic crashes in the U.S. involved distraction, and 2,841 people died in crashes involving a distracted driver.

Positions of Responsibility: Instructor
An important trait of a good leader is their ability to help the members of their team learn about and acquire additional skills. All the positions of responsibility listed in the requirements for Star, Life, and Eagle help Scouts lead others in various ways.
In addition to the troop guide, there is another role specifically related to teaching and learning – instructor.
In most troops, there is a Scout, or Scouts, who quickly understand a basic Scout skill. As they mature in the troop and learn through other positions of responsibility, they also may develop the ability to communicate and share what they know. The wise senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster take advantage of these skills.
The instructor’s responsibilities are to:
- Teach basic Scouting skills
- Schedule/coordinate merit badge counselor(s) for troop/Scout instruction
- Set a good example
- Wear the Scout uniform correctly
- Live by the Scout Oath and Law
- Show Scout spirit
Ideally, the instructor uses the Scouting EDGE method (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) to help other Scouts learn a basic skill – while improving their own ability to communicate effectively. To help the instructor be successful, they should attend either Fundamentals of Training or Trainer’s EDGE.
The instructor role is an excellent way for a Scout who has grasped a basic Scouting skill to:
- Get even better at that skill
- Improve their ability to share knowledge
- Pass that skill on to other Scouts
- Become a better leader
- Meet one of the requirements for Star, Life, or Eagle.
This will thus fulfill both the BSA aim of leadership development and the Scouts BSA’s method of advancement.

Time Extensions for the Rank of Eagle Scout
The 18th birthday looms large in the minds of many Scouts, as the deadline before which they must complete all requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout. However, many do not know that, in certain special circumstances, a time extension may be granted. Section of the Guide to Advancement details the requirements and procedures for these rare extensions. The council may grant extensions of enough time to complete the requirements, but only up to six months. Under most circumstances, three to four months has proven sufficient. If the council denies the request, or the Scout needs more time, the request must be appealed to, and reviewed, at the national level.
These extensions are “reserved only for work on Eagle,” which means the Scout MUST have earned the rank of Life by their 18th birthday. There are no exceptions to this policy, and it is the most common reason that extension requests are declined.
There are three tests used to evaluate extension requests, and the Scout must meet all three:
Test 1: The member joined or rejoined (or became active again after a period of inactivity or became refocused on advancement after a period of inattention) in time to complete all requirements before turning 18.
Test 2: Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life-changing event with severe consequences has come to exist that now precludes completion of the requirements before the deadline. Examples might include, but are not limited to, a hospital stay, disabling injury, significant personal or family incident or issue, natural disaster, severe unseasonable weather, or the actions of others (see “Misinformation from adults in positions of authority” in the Guide to Advancement section If the circumstance is health-related, it should have been unforeseen and of recent onset, or a complication or intensification of an ongoing issue.
Test 3: The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout, could not have been anticipated or planned for, and was not or cannot be resolved in time to complete the requirements.
Setbacks and surprises are part of everyone’s life, but sometimes they rise to an entirely different level. If this is the case, and it threatens to prevent a Scout from earning the rank of Eagle Scout, the extension process would be appropriate. COVID alone is no longer sufficient, but may be considered as one factor.
To apply for an extension, complete the Request for Extension of Time with as much detail as possible. This, and other advancement forms, are available at The request must include an explanation of why or how circumstances necessitate an extension, the number of months needed to complete the requirements, how that number was determined, and documentation of the circumstances. If the issue is medical, documentation from a health professional must be included. The Scout should continue working on rank requirements throughout the process.
The forms are turned in to the district advancement chair to present to the council advancement committee.

Sea Scouts
Sea Scouting is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men and women ages 14 to 20. This program is built on adventure in, on, around, and under water.
Based on the pillars of seamanship, service, Scouting, and social, Sea Scouting offers limitless opportunities, exciting challenges, and lifelong friendships.
Advancement is one of the things that makes Sea Scouting so rewarding. Sea Scouts learn and lead, and then pass their knowledge along to others. Sea Scouts develop as leaders – and may even get a head start on a fulfilling career in the military or marine industry.
Current Sea Scouts, build interest in Sea Scouting by raising awareness of your unique experiences. Have you achieved your Able rank? Did you earn a Sea Scout Leadership Award? Did you run a successful Safety at Sea event? Post about your achievements on your own social media channels, submit your stories for the Electronic Knapsack, and tell your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. As more community members learn about the opportunities available, you can recruit them to join in the adventure.

Exploring Leader Training
The online modules for Explorer Leader Training have been updated to better serve Exploring. They are available at
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Wanted

District Executive Job Opening
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path towards a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
Today’s professional Scouters are a diverse group of men and women sharing a dynamic career offering independence, achievement, and stability. This is work that makes a difference, work that calls one to continual learning and challenge, work that offers solid compensation, benefits, and advancement.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference through a career in Scouting, please contact Bill Lawrence at
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Message from the Jacob Seeley, Blue Heron Lodge Chief:
Zach Grinvalsky, Elected as 2023 National Chief, Order of the Arrow
It is with great pleasure that I announce Blue Heron Lodge’s very own Zach Grinvalsky as the 2023 National Chief of the Order of the Arrow. Zach, an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member, Founder’s Award recipient, James E. West Fellow, and member of Tidewater Council becomes the 5th Arrowman from Blue Heron Lodge in the past 11 years to serve as an Order of the Arrow National Officer and the 6th in our lodge’s history – a national record.
Zach first began his service to the Order of the Arrow when he was inducted into the organization in 2015, regularly attending lodge events and service projects. He then evolved into his first leadership position when he was elected to serve as the 2018 Princess Anne Chapter Chief. Following his term as Princess Anne Chapter Chief, Zach was elected to serve as the 2019 Blue Heron Lodge Chief, later being elected to serve a second term in 2020. Continuing into Zach’s second term in 2020, he was elected to simultaneously serve as the SR-7A, now Section E9, Section Vice-Chief. Later in the year, Zach was elected as the SR-7A Section Chief, which he served from September 2020 – September 2021. During his tenure as SR-7A Section Chief, Zach led the planning of the 2021 Conclave, the first Conclave since 2019 due to restrictions by COVID-19. Following his tenure as SR-7A Section Chief, he was elected as the Section E9 Chief in April 2022. And most recently, Zach was elected this past December 2022 to serve as the National Chief.
Zach now has responsibility for setting policy and directing the program of the Order of the Arrow during the upcoming year. He leads an officer team of three other elected Arrowmen, which include the National Vice-Chief, Eastern Region Chief, and Gateway Region Chief. He and his team also have the responsibility of leading the Operation Arrow initiative at the 2023 National Scout Jamboree. Zach has a big year ahead of him, but wishes to thank everyone who has supported him on his Scouting journey.
In cheerful service,
Jacob Seeley | Lodge Chief
Blue Heron Lodge #349

Congratulations to our newest Eagle Scouts!

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