“EK” Electronic Knapsack – June 15

Friends of Scouting

Tidewater Council is facing financial setbacks with the loss of camping and activity revenue, declines in Scout Shop sales, and postponed fundraising events and Friends of Scouting presentations. It is more important now than ever that the families and businesses who have the means to support Scouting continue to give generously. Families who are economically-impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are depending on us to make Scouting more affordable for all. If you are able, please make a gift to help us continue the mission of Scouting.

The recently-passed CARES Act includes a provision for taxpayers who don’t itemize to take an “above the line” deduction for charitable gifts of up to $300 ($600 for a married couple). This means that gifts to Tidewater Council may be tax deductible, even if you take the standard deduction. This is not intended as legal advice; please consult with your tax adviser. 

We are all in this together. Tidewater Council’s staff and Executive Board donate to the 2020 Friends of Scouting campaign.

Staff Participation
Executive Board Participation

Progress as of June 14, 2020:

Council Goal: $375,000

Each district shares a portion of the overall goal. 
District progress as of June 14, 2020:

Albemarle District Goal: $20,000
Bayside District Goal: $125,000
Princess Anne District Goal: $115,000
Three Rivers District Goal: $115,000

Take Action: More Ways to Support Local Scouting

Combined Federal Campaign

Federal employees, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) has opened a Special Solicitation period, now through June 30. Make your pledge to support local Scouting online with CFC Code 94511.

The CFC Special Solicitation allows federal employees and retirees to make supplemental one-time or recurring donations to eligible charities via credit/debit card or bank draft. Anyone who did not pledge during the 2019 CFC will also be eligible to start a payroll deduction pledge. No distribution fees will be withheld from donations made during the CFC Special Solicitation.


If you shop on Amazon, use AmazonSmile and direct your support to Tidewater Council. There is no extra cost to you. AmazonSmile is also available through the Amazon Shopping app.

  • Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device.
  • Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into ‘Settings.’
  • Tap ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Service Hours

Tidewater Council reports Scouts’ service hours to United Way and other charitable organizations, and this information impacts the amount of their financial gifts. Report your service hours to help show the community impact of local Scouting programs. Scouts are already doing a Good Turn daily – it just takes a few minutes more to record their community service.

Connect on Social Media

Help us expand our reach on social media by liking and sharing.

Facebook: @tidewaterbsa
Instagram: @tidewatercouncilbsa

Annual Leadership Breakfast

Recruit local community businesses to host a table of ten to attend the 2020 Annual Leadership Breakfast featuring Kevin Greene on September 22, 2020. Contact your district executive or Susan Miley-Petrehn for more information.

Civic Organizations

Are you a member of a civic organization?

  • Ask them to choose Tidewater Council as one of the recipients for funds raised at their next special event.
  • Do they have guest speakers at their meetings? Contact us to request a presentation about the value of local Scouting.
Special Occasions

Is a loved one celebrating a graduation, birthday, or Scouting milestone? You can give a memorial or tribute gift in their honor.

Is your family or company hosting a party? You can ask for donations to support Scouting in lieu of gifts.


In addition to the many ways that you support program delivery, there are also opportunities available to volunteer with finance. Help plan the Darden Gala, volunteer at the Boy Scout Rick Anoia Golf Classic, do Friends of Scouting presentations, and more. There is an opportunity for everyone – contact Susan Miley-Petrehn for more information.

Upcoming Events

Many events have been postponed due to COVID-19. Click here for a continuously updated list of event changes. Tidewater Council’s official updates and policies can be found here.

Virtual Campfires

Every Saturday

Connect with your fellow Scouts with a weekly Virtual Campfire. Hosted by Troop 5212 on Zoom, the Virtual Campfires will occur at 8:30 PM every Saturday night until the COVID-19 isolation is over.

Please invite your unit’s Scouts to join from their backyards, living rooms, or kitchen tables. We look forward to fun and fellowship around the campfire!

To ensure the safety of all youth participants, please contact Scoutmaster Shelley Drisko at scoutmastert5212@gmail.com for log-on information.

Patch Order Deadline

June 20

If you participated in Camp Cooped Up and would like to order a patch, please submit your order by June 20.

Princess Anne District Pinewood Derby

June 27

The Pinewood Derby is one of the most memorable events for any Cub Scout in Boy Scouts of America. Each year, Cub Scouts work with their families and others to build cars and race in the Pack Pinewood Derby. The top three winners from each rank move on to compete in the District Championship race. Top finishers in the District earn a spot in the Council Championship.

Princess Anne packs, the top three pack finishers for each rank can join the district race at Fleet Reserve Association – Branch 99, 357 Edwin Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Register for the race and pay the $12.00 per Scout registration fee on Tentaroo. Please register by pack and use the online registration; there are no forms for paper registration. Registration closes on June 22, so get your cars registered now!

Scouts BSA Resident Camp

Due to COVID-19 policies in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Tidewater Council has not been allowed to open summer camp during Phase 2. This has forced us to cancel Week 1 of summer camp. Please be patient as we work through this extraordinary situation. We will update everyone as the situation changes. As always, we put the safety of Scouts and leaders above all else.

Backpack to Retention

July 8 and 15

Calling all Cub Scout leaders! You are invited to attend a training session that will give you the tools to lead a high-performing, successful pack!

Learn about the NEW improved fall recruiting plan. We’ll show you how to recruit Cub Scouts in a more effective way and help you prepare for the membership growth. You’ll also get tips for calendar planning, budgeting, product sales, leader training, and more!

You can attend in-person in Virginia Beach on July 8, in-person in Moyock on July 15, or virtually on either date. Space may be limited due to COVID-19 restrictions, so please register online.

Stay Camp

July 11 - August 8

Tidewater Council is pleased to announce our first-ever Virtual Day Camp! We understand that many families have concerns about health and safety this summer, and we don’t want your child to miss out on the fun and fellowship of camp.

Stay Camp is a five-week virtual program for boys and girls grades K-5. You will receive:

  • A box of activity supplies
  • An awesome camp t-shirt
  • Exclusive access to weekly online content
  • A commemorative patch

Activities will include virtual field trips, STEM, nature, arts and crafts, Scout skills, and more.

  • July 11, 2020, 9 AM to 12 noon: Explore the Sea
  • July 18, 2020, 9 AM to 12 noon: Explore the Land
  • July 25, 2020, 9 AM to 12 noon: Explore the Air
  • August 1, 2020, 9 AM to 12 noon: Explore Space
  • August 8, 2020, 9 AM to 12 noon: Explore the Future
Get all five weeks for only $55!*

*$55 when picked up at one of our convenient locations, or $73 shipped directly to your home

Stay Camp is open to ALL youth grades K-5, whether you are a Cub Scout or not. Invite a friend to share in the fun!

Registration is open until June 20 – sign up now to explore with us!

Wilderness First Aid

July 11 and 12

It’s essential to have some basic principles of wilderness first aid and know how to apply them, even under stress. Even knowing how to treat minor injuries can make a difference in an emergency situation. You can treat minor injuries and keep serious casualties stable until further help is available. Although there are innumerable injuries and ailments that could affect you, as long as you learn the basic principles of first aid, you can apply them to almost any situation. Learn essential skills in this two-day training course.

Cub Scout Day Camps

Tidewater Council is continuously evaluating the COVID-19 situation in our community. We are dedicated to developing a Day Camp Program that is SAFE AND FUN for all. We will follow guidelines from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Camp Association (ACA), and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Health screenings will be performed upon arrival. Thank you for your patience as we work with the evolving nature of the situation. Updates will be posted on our website as they are available.

We currently have three in-person day camps:

  • Elizabeth City: July 20-24
  • Chesapeake: July 27-30
  • Virginia Beach: August 3-7

If you have any questions, please contact Thad Cloer at 704-472-6847 or Christy Cooper at 208-597-6044.

Albemarle Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

August 12

Please join us to recognize all the Albemarle district volunteers – those dedicated people who give selflessly of their time, talents, and treasures. Our annual appreciation dinner has been rescheduled for August 12 at Holy Family Catholic Church, 1453 North Road Street, Elizabeth City, NC at 6 PM. We will start with dinner and fellowship, with recognitions and district updates immediately following. You can register online at https://scoutingevent.com/596-ALdinner. This event is for the entire family – Scouts, leaders, siblings, and guests. Please register now and we hope to see you there!

Princess Anne Shooting Sports Day

August 15

Princess Anne Cub Scouts, save the date for a district shooting sports day on Saturday, August 15 at Memorial United Methodist Church, 804 Gammond Road, Virginia Beach. Registration is coming soon. Contact James Carroll at tidewaterpass@gmail.com for more information.

OA Service & Ordeal Weekend

August 21-23

Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the March and May OA Service & Ordeal Weekends were postponed. Those who registered in Tentaroo will be moved to the August 21-23 event. Additional information will be sent through the OA communication channels. If you are not receiving these communications, please contact your Chapter Chief.

Three Rivers District Camporee

August 28-30

“Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow” at Pipsico Scout Reservation, Camp Lions. The Three Rivers District Camporee will be an end-of-summer campout. Registration is now open on Black Pug.

In the Scouting tradition of promoting camping and the Scout motto of “Be Prepared,” this camporee will focus on Scouting skills acquired in the journey to the rank of First Class Scout. The skills learned in this journey enable a Scout to be prepared to take on life’s challenges and make wise decisions. 

Powder Horn

September 11-13 and September 18-20

Powder Horn is a resource course designed to introduce Scouting’s adults and youth to the exciting outdoor and high-adventure program possibilities for their unit. The ultimate goal is for the participants to leave the Powder Horn course with a list of ideas to help their program, along with the contacts and resources needed to implement them.

Session options include:

  • Expedition Planning
  • Backpacking/LNT
  • Shooting Sports
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Geocaching
  • Orienteering
  • Sailing
  • Watercraft
  • Wilderness First Aid & Survival
  • And much more!

The course will be held at locations throughout Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Chesapeake, and by teleconference. The fees are $150 for adults and $100 for youth.

Three Rivers Merit Badge University

September 12

Calling all Merit Badge Counselors! We are looking for Merit Badge Counselors for Three Rivers Merit Badge University on September 12. Our recommended class size is ten Scouts. Contact 3rdistrictmbu@gmail.com to volunteer or learn more.

We hope to offer a beneficial program for our Scouts, but we can only be successful with the generous help of our volunteers. Merit Badge Counselors who volunteer by July 26, 2020 will have the opportunity for their troop to register and select their merit badges first. Registration will open on August 9, 2020

This will be a single-day event, with two 3-hour in-person sessions. Bring a bag lunch or buy our pizza lunch deal. We plan to finish the in-person requirements and check off the prerequisites accomplished. For merit badges that cannot be completed in one session, Scouts will follow up with the counselor to finish.

Annual Leadership Breakfast

September 22

Tidewater Council has made the difficult decision to postpone our Annual Leadership Breakfast until September, because the health and safety of the community is our top priority.

The extended shutdowns have put Tidewater Council in a difficult financial position. Please consider making your financial gift to Tidewater Council today. You can donate online or fill out a pledge card and submit it to shannon.foster@scouting.org.

Keynote speaker Kevin Greene, an Eagle Scout and NFL Hall of Famer, will join us for the Annual Leadership Breakfast this fall. RSVP to Shannon Foster

Council Banquet 09.30.2020

Council Banquet and Legends Dinner

September 30

Celebrate outstanding Scout volunteers and enjoy a delicious meal prepared by the OA Cook Crew! The annual Council Banquet and Legends Dinner will honor the 2020 Silver Beavers, 2020 Living Legends, Venturing Leadership Award recipients, Sea Scout Leadership Award recipients, Council Alumnus of the Year, and more. Join us at 6 PM on Wednesday, September 30 at the Norfolk Masonic Temple. 

Silver Beavers

Jon Cooper
B.G. Lee
Lisa Miller
John Scheib

Living Legends

Jeanne Blair
Anne Bussiere
Mike Coley
Clarence Harrison
Robert Johnson MD

John Klemenc
Dave Lannetti
Byron McPherson
Don Schultz
Dennis Stewart

Fall Family Camp

Back to the Campfire!
October 2-4

Let’s take a break and get back to the campfire for a fun-filled weekend at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Scouts and families are invited to camp from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning with activities planned for learning and lots of fun on Saturday. There will be a variety of activities including archery, BB’s, handicrafts, cooking, sports, and a campfire program. Save the date – registration and the leader’s guide are coming soon.

Albemarle District Gold Rush Cub-O-Ree

Yee-Haw! There’s GOLD in them there fields!
October 16-18

The Gold Rush is an Albemarle District Family Camping event held at Currituck County Rural Center for all Cub Scouts, their families, and/or leaders to experience together. Non-Scout siblings are invited to participate in all activities during Gold Rush. Activities include: BB guns, archery, field games, crafts, campfires, and much more. Mark your calendar now! Registration and the leader’s guide will be available soon on Black Pug. The cost will be $40 per family if paid by October 2, and $50 after that date. Packs will be given more details from our Sherriff, Tiffany Bounds, on what units are expected to contribute. Let’s get ready to camp!

Highlander Games at the Albemarle District Camporee

Are you ready to storm the castle?
October 23-25

Deep in the woods of Maple, North Carolina, the ancient Celtic spirit beckons. Answering the call, as tartan banners unfurl, are the sounds of bagpipes echoing through the trees as kilt-clad Scouts make their way to Albemarle Highlander Games. Join us October 23-25 and see if your troop will be the winning team to storm the castle. Wait, there’s a castle?! No, but each troop will need to bring the materials (wood and rope) to make a 6-foot ladder (lashings and knots) with rungs every 12 inches to use to “storm the castle.” Teams will have 25 minutes to build their ladder and it will be judged on proper lashings used and how well they are done, as well as withstanding a judge standing on the rungs. Are you ready for the challenge? Hope to see you there!


November 14

Get ready to gather with other Mad Scientists at the Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow for a day of wild and somewhat wacky hands on, interactive, and practical classes to help you be the best Scientist (Cub Scout Leader) you can be!

Pow-Wow is an action-packed supplemental training event for adult Cub Scout leaders, pack committee members, and parents of Cub Scouts. You’ll spend the day learning new ideas and enjoying hands-on experiences that will enhance your ability to deliver a fun-filled, exciting program to Cub Scouts. Lunch will be provided.

The Pow-Wow staff is using this time of social distancing to plan an event that will help current and future Cub Scout leaders become better leaders. Develop your skills this fall with your fellow Cub Scout Leader Mad Scientists. Every Scout deserves a Trained Leader!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to serve on staff, please contact Anne Bussiere.



The National Council announced registration fees that will go into effect on August 1, 2020. These fees go directly to the national organization and do not include local fees.

We stand by our intention to reduce council fees to offer an affordable program for all. We will offer specific details on our 2021 recharter fees after our volunteer executive board makes the final decision.

Save Money by Registering New Members Now

New youth, siblings, and friends – register now! The national new-member joining fee goes into effect on August 1, 2020. New members can save money by registering in June or July 2020.

The online registration process is a convenient way to register new members while maintaining social distancing.

BeAScout Updates

Today’s parents can do it all online. With a few taps on their tablet, they can buy school supplies, sign up for soccer, or hire a babysitter. And, more and more these days, they’re finding out about Scouting online too. Today’s parents want, and expect, to learn more about the BSA through a simple-to-use, nicely designed website.

Keeping your BeAScout pin updated is essential when a new family is searching for a unit. Share what you are doing so families know that your unit is active and continuing to meet virtually. You can update your pin in Unit Pin Manager, which is now part of Organization Manager in My.Scouting. If you have any questions, please contact your unit commissioner or district executive.

Online Registration Changes

Some changes are rolling out for online registration on August 1, including:

  • A Chartered Organization Representative Delegate will be able to approve adult applications. Previously only the Chartered Organization Representative could approve.
  • The payment option will be credit/debit card only – no more cash transactions. Leaders will know all online applications have been paid in full.
  • A processing fee of 3% will added to all online registration transactions and will be charged to the individual. (Previously, the national council covered processing fees.)
  • If a unit’s BeAScout pin is active, online payment will be activated. (The cash/check option will not be available.)

COVID-19 Assistance

Does your family need assistance due to COVID-19? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. North Carolina families, please reach out to NCCARE360 to request assistance. Virginia families, please contact the United Way of South Hampton Roads Coronavirus Response team. For other coordinated care referrals unrelated to COVID-19, please contact us.


Journey to Excellence

Journey to Excellence (JTE) is built upon a grassroots effort by Scouters to recognize units that are delivering the promise of Scouting, as well as provide a framework for continuous improvement. The National Council is working with a team of volunteers to evaluate and edit the JTE scorecards for 2020 in light of COVID-19-related restrictions.

While JTE will change for 2020, it’s worth noting that Scouting itself has continued. It’s been truly inspiring to see Scouts continue meeting, serving others, and having fun from home.

Resources for #ScoutingAtHome

Scout Shop

Shop Local! The Tidewater Council Scout Shop is the only place where you can purchase official BSA merchandise and have the proceeds stay in our local Scouting community.

Summer is rolling in quickly and so are the fun activities of Scouting! The Scout Shop can help any Scout prepare for the summer months ahead.

Scout Pants & Shorts Sale

Get $5 off the previous style of pants/shorts, which includes the MICROFIBER quick-dry shorts. These microfiber shorts are being phased out, but we still have some in stock. On sale, the youth sizes are just $14.99 and the adult sizes are $16.99. The canvas shorts are on sale too, as well as the canvas and microfiber zip-off pants. Come and get ‘em or call to have an order shipped. Remember the old-style pants/shorts will always be considered official.

Camping Gear

CAMPING is still a great adventure, whether it’s with a unit or in your own backyard, so every Scout needs to be ready. Check out our supply of camping gear with tents, mosquito netting, mess kits, water bottles, hiking socks, waterproof items, and much more!

Class-B T-Shirts

Sport-Tek microfiber t-shirts are still the coolest thing around during the heat! Youth sizes are $14.99 and adult sizes are $17.99. Colors in most sizes include tan, olive green, navy, red, and gray. We still have a good stock of the 100% COTTON t-shirts on our back wall. Youth sizes are $9.99 and adult sizes are $10.99. These Scout-themed t-shirts are perfect for summer activities.

Council Shoulder Patches

We have a new Tidewater Council shoulder patch, still only $5. If you would like to place an order, just call the Scout Shop and we can send as many as you like.

Crossover Items

Do you need books, neckerchiefs, or slides? Please contact polly.fugate@scouting.org with the quantities you need so we can ensure we have enough in stock to fulfill your order. We are experiencing longer turnaround times from the BSA supply chain, and we want to Be Prepared to serve you!

The Scout Shop will continue to provide service in the best possible way we can for all customers. To ensure customers feel safe, we encourage social distancing, and we can ship orders at the minimal cost. 

To place an order, call the Scout Shop at 757-497-2688 or email polly.fugate@scouting.org.

Please note our current hours:
Tuesday – Friday: 11 AM – 4 PM
Saturday: Noon – 3 PM
Sunday – Monday: Closed

Our next holiday closing will be June 29 through July 4. We will reopen on Monday, July 6.

Camp Cards

Sales Dates Extended

Even though many Camp Cards are being sold, there are still some available! With the complications and restrictions caused by the pandemic, we are extending the Camp Card sale.

We will now be selling Camp Cards through July! Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships, and Posts now have until August 3rd to return their cards and not be charged.

Online Sales Available

Sell Camp Cards from the safety of home! Direct your customers to https://tidewaterforms.tentaroo.com/OrderCampCards. Your unit will still receive $5 per card (deposited into your store account) if the customer specifies your unit. If the customer doesn’t specify a unit, $5 per card will go to camperships for low-income Scouts.

Cards purchased online can be picked up at the Scout Shop, or shipped for a nominal fee.

Donate Camp Cards to Frontline Heroes

Purchase cards for nurses, first responders, and hospital staff members who are on the front lines of combating COVID-19. Cards may be purchased online, and Tidewater Council will cover distribution.


The 2020 popcorn sale will run from August to November. Many of the aspects of the sale that you love will stay the same, like the Pecatonica River Popcorn line, free shipping for online sales, and some of the highest unit commissions in the country. And we’re adding new features to make the sale even better, including a user-friendly app and new prizes.

Unit Popcorn Kernels lead and manage each unit’s sale. Use the job description linked below to identify the best Unit Popcorn Kernel for your unit.

You can sign up your unit’s Popcorn Kernel electronically at pecatonicariverpopcorn.com. Even if you have used the online system in the past, you will need to sign up as a new user. Click on Create Unit Profile. The Council Key is 596TWC. While you can split the job responsibilities of the Unit Popcorn Kernel among multiple leaders, each unit may only have one unit login.

SCOUTStrong Unit Award

As the COVID-19 restrictions lift and Scouts start getting back together, units can earn the SCOUTStrong Healthy Unit Award for encouraging healthy living. By serving healthy snacks, serving water at meetings, and doing physical activities at the meeting your unit can become a Healthy Unit.

A Scout is Kind

The principle that a Scout should treat others as he or she wants to be treated—a Scout is kind—is woven throughout the programs and literature of the Boy Scouts of America. When a Scout follows the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, bullying and hazing situations should never occur. Visit the Bullying Awareness website to find resources to help ensure that your unit is a bullying-free place.

Advancement During COVID-19

Youth advancement reporting is down by 12.5% for Cub Scouts and 5.25% for Scouts BSA. In most cases, youth are working on advancement, but it has not yet been reported to the council. Unit leaders do not have to wait until a pack awards ceremony or Court of Honor to report awards. Advancements and awards can be reported online at any time via Scoutbook or Internet Advancement 2.0. Leaders can print or save an Advancement Report to purchase the awards later.

Outdoor Activity Award and Summertime Pack Award COVID-19 Guidance

For the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award and National Summertime Pack Award, packs and dens should “Do Your Best” to meet the intent of the awards. If a required activity is not possible due to the pandemic, packs can utilize an alternative option of their choosing. Be sure to follow the health and safety guidelines and restrictions in your state and locality.

"Up and Away" with iFly

The Boy Scouts of America and iFly collaborated to develop the “Up and Away” STEM Nova Award.

iFly Virginia Beach has implemented enhanced cleaning and safety measures, and is now taking reservations for flights and for the STEM education program. Learn more on iFly’s website or contact them to book your visit.

National Scout Jamboree

Over 20,000 Scouts will enjoy 10 days of fun and excitement at the National Jamboree. You won’t want to miss out! Get ready to Face the Challenge by signing up to attend the Jamboree. Contact us for a presentation about why youth should attend this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Visit Tidewater Council’s Jamboree webpage for registration information. The cost to attend the Jamboree is $1,700, and there is a payment plan available. The payments can be made electronically here.

Congratulations to leaders selected for the Tidewater Council’s 2021 National Jamboree contingent! We still have limited openings for troop and crew leaders.

  • Male Troop
    • Scoutmaster – Karen Allgaier
    • 1st Assistant Scoutmaster – Steven Bowser
    • 2nd Assistant Scoutmaster – Larry Brittain
    • 3rd Assistant Scoutmaster – VACANT
  • ½ Female Troop
    • 1st Assistant Scoutmaster – Skip Brady
    • 3rd Assistant Scoutmaster – Kaitlyn Roetz
  • ¼ Venture Crew
    • Associate Advisor – VACANT
    • Associate Advisor – VACANT
  • ¼ Sea Scout Ship
    • Skipper – Rodger Brown
    • Mate – VACANT

DisAbilities and Scouting

The basic premise of Scouting for youth with disabilities is that all youth want to participate fully and be respected like every other member of the unit. While there are, by necessity, units exclusively composed of Scouts with disabilities, experience has shown that Scouting usually succeeds best when every Scout is part of a traditional unit.

If you have questions about how to work with youth with different abilities, contact your district advancement chair or visit National’s Disabilities Awareness website.

Mental Health During COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 may be stressful. Fear and anxiety can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Please find ways you and your family can reduce the stress. Here are some ways to help you family cope with stress:

  • Take a break from watching, reading, or listening to the news, including social media about the pandemic.
  • Make time to unwind.
  • Connect with others by calling someone you trust and discussing your concerns.
  • Take care of your body.
    • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
    • Exercise regularly.
    • Get plenty of sleep.

Scouts in Action

Community service is a big part of what Scouting contributes to the community. Markus S. of Albemarle Troop 116 has been helping his community by collecting food donations for Beach Food Pantry. Markus collected 263 pounds of food, which equates to 219 meals for families in the Outer Banks. Great job Markus!

Princess Anne Pack 405’s Bear Den came together during rainy weather for a virtual fort night meeting. The Cub Scouts shared their favorite books and their homemade snacks for the evening. Den Leader Jennifer discovered that almost all the Bears play instruments, and they each played a tune after their den mates received awards. The Bears had a great time jamming while Scouting at Home!

As lockdown restrictions are easing, Albemarle units are getting back together to enjoy the Scouting movement together. What this looks like is different for every unit, as they work with their chartered organizations to move forward.

Pack 164 got together at Bennett’s Millpond for a little hiking and fellowship.

Troop 158 gathered at a local baseball field and enjoyed a kickball game.

Bayside Pack 67 held a drive-through Pack meeting.

On June 8, WAVY News 10 Meteorologist Jeremy Wheeler was a guest speaker at Princess Anne Troop 303’s virtual meeting. Mr. Wheeler gave an outstanding presentation on “Preparing for a Hurricane.”

Princess Anne Pack 991 held a virtual Pinewood Derby on June 13. Cub Scout families turned in their cars, and a small group of leaders ran the races. The derby was livestreamed on Zoom and Facebook Live. Congratulations to all who participated!

The Princess Anne Chapter of the Order of the Arrow held a virtual meeting on June 1. Chapter Chief David and Executive Vice Chief Tyler provided outstanding youth leadership. Guest Speaker Rick Speegle spoke about his experiences as a youth in Scouting and how the program has changed over the years.

The Arrowmen added a creative twist to the typical virtual meeting format by playing a game of virtual Pictionary!

Ethan of Princess Anne Troop 179 did Good Turns for his family, neighbors, and teachers as part of Camp Cooped Up.

Princess Anne District welcomed special guests to its Cub Scout Roundtable on June 9. Three Roundtable Commissioners from Etowah District, Northeast Georgia Council came to learn and bring ideas back to their district. Thank you to Carol Claramunt, Elizabeth Matthews, and Mark Weiss for attending!

Thank you to Princess Anne Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner David Montoto and fellow Roundtable staff for setting a high standard of Roundtable excellence!

We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to alison.harrison@scouting.org (with parental permission, of course). 


We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of the “EK” Electronic Knapsack. Sign up below to receive the latest Tidewater Council news.