April 11, 2023
For more information:
Alison Harrison, Marketing and Communications Director
James Parnell, Scout Executive
Virginia Beach, Va. – Three local Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leaders have received the Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor bestowed by a local BSA council. First introduced in 1931, the prestigious award recognizes volunteer leaders who have provided distinguished service to youth. The Silver Beaver Award is not an “earned” award; rather, the distinction is granted by one’s peers in the local Scouting area.
J. Scott Buggey enjoyed Scouting as a youth in Pennsylvania. He joined as an adult committee member with BSA Troop 182 in Currituck, NC. He enjoyed his first summer camp at Raven Knob in North Carolina the next year and years afterward.
He served in many positions with Troop 182, ending as Scoutmaster. The troop never missed a district camping experience or summer camp and went on unique trips, such as the Blackstone Methodist Encampment. While Scott was with Troop 182, twelve youths earned the Eagle rank.
He received the Albemarle District Scouter of the Year award in 2009 and the Albemarle District Award of Merit in 2015. He completed the Wood Badge course as a Bobwhite in 2017.
Scott was inducted into the Order of the Arrow’s Blue Heron Lodge in 2010 and received the Vigil Honor in 2018. He has served on several Ordeal weekends, working on various vehicles and equipment. After repairing the Blue Heron Lodge’s old ceremonial team drum twice, he built the team a new drum.
He took the Albemarle Assistant District Chair position in 2018. In 2019, he became District Chair. In his four years as chair, he oversaw an active district program of camporees, Cub-o-rees, Pinewood Derbies®, recruiting events, Scouting for Food, and Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaigns. Under his leadership, donations to FOS improved to meet council goals, and membership picked up well despite the challenges of COVID.
Scott was instrumental in rebuilding Camp Maple in Currituck County on two occasions, a popular camping location for Scouts. He is a part of the Albemarle cooking crew and has prepared dozens of cracker barrels and meals for staff and youth. He cooked for several merit badge weekends at the U.S. Coast Guard Base in Elizabeth City and planned and executed food services for the week-long NYLT course in 2021.
He has cooked for many community dinners sponsored by the Lions Club in Elizabeth City. The money raised went to pay for various vision services for people needing financial assistance.
Scott has appreciated all the aspects of his time in Scouting, but he has especially enjoyed building relationships with the adults and youth with whom he has worked.
The recognition ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at the Khedive Shrine Center, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia. Scott will be honored alongside fellow Silver Beaver Award recipients Tom Callahan and AJ Vasta.
About Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America
Tidewater Council is the 5th oldest Boy Scouts of America council in the United States, established in 1911. Today, the council serves approximately 4,000 youth and 2,000 adult volunteers in the North Carolina counties of Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank, and Perquimans, and the Virginia cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. More information about Tidewater Council is available by visiting TidewaterBSA.com, emailing james.parnell@scouting.org, or calling 757-497-2688.
About the Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the nation’s foremost youth programs of character development and values-based leadership training. Since its inception in 1910, more than 130 million young men and women have participated in the BSA’s youth programs. More than 35 million adult volunteers have helped carry out the BSA’s mission.
BSA programs serve boys and girls ages five through 20, and their families, with age-appropriate curriculums that develop character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness.
More information about the Boy Scouts of America is available by visiting scouting.org.