May 31, 2024
For more information:
Alison Harrison, Marketing and Communications Director
James Parnell, Scout Executive
Virginia Beach, Va. – Mick Meyer has been recognized as a Living Legend of Tidewater Council. He was honored by the Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America, at its Recognition Banquet on May 15, 2024, at the Khedive Shrine Center in Chesapeake.
The Living Legends of Tidewater Council award recognizes well-known living volunteers who have generously given untold amounts of their time, resources, and talents to the Scouting program. Tidewater Council’s service area encompasses the Virginia cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach, and seven northeastern North Carolina counties.
Meyer is an Eagle Scout from Troop 1 in Meridian, Idaho, sponsored by American Legion Post 113. Over the past 20+ years, Mick has served as a Roundtable commissioner in two councils, National Capital Area and Tidewater, and three districts, Powhatan, Elizabeth River, and Bayside.
He is the father of two Eagle Scouts, and his granddaughter is a Cub Scout Bobcat. He is the Bayside District Scouts BSA Roundtable commissioner and unit commissioner. Meyer served as Cubmaster of Pack 1570 in Herndon, Virginia, and assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 48 and Venturing crew Advisor to Crew 48, both in Chesapeake.
Meyer took Tidewater Council crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2003 and Sea Base in 2005. At the council’s University of Scouting, Mick served as the Dean of Boy Scouting three times and president in 2017.
He received the District Award of Merit and Venturing Leadership Award and is a James E. West Fellow. He has served on the staff of six National BSA Jamborees at Fort A.P. Hill and the Summit Bechtel Reserve. He was Commissioner of the Year in Elizabeth River District in 2003 and Bayside District in 2018 and 2023. Meyer has served as a quartermaster and troop guide during Tidewater Wood Badge courses.
During the summers of 2016 and 2017, Meyer volunteered to serve as Pipsico’s director of handicrafts (underwater basket weaving!) and donated his salary to the council. He attended Powder Horn at the Mecklenburg County Council’s Camp Grimes (North Carolina) in 2003, where he enjoyed his first (and last) zip line.
After working for defense contractors for 40 years as an MBA and CPA, Meyer is now “retired” and works as a lifeguard at the City of Virginia Beach Williams Farm and Seatack Recreation Centers, where he helps promote swimming skills, water safety, and Scout outreach.
He likes to say, “Everything you need to know you learned in Cub Scouting: Do your best! Work hard and have fun.”
Meyer received the Living Legend of Tidewater Council honor alongside fellow Scout leaders Larry Ritter and Bob Robins, both of Virginia Beach.
About Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America
Tidewater Council is the 5th oldest Boy Scouts of America council in the United States, established in 1911. Today, the council serves approximately 4,000 youth and 1,700 adult volunteers in the Virginia cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach, and the North Carolina counties of Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank, and Perquimans. More information about Tidewater Council is available by visiting TidewaterBSA.com, emailing james.parnell@scouting.org, or calling 757-497-2688.
About the Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the nation’s foremost youth character development and values-based leadership training programs. Since its inception in 1910, more than 130 million young men and women have participated in the BSA’s youth programs. More than 35 million adult volunteers have helped carry out the BSA’s mission.
BSA programs serve boys and girls ages five through 20, and their families, with age-appropriate curriculums that develop character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness. More information about the Boy Scouts of America is available by visiting scouting.org.