Table of Contents
Friends of Scouting
Friends of Scouting is Tidewater Council’s annual giving campaign. The Friends of Scouting campaign provides 21% of the council’s annual budget – that means more than a fifth of every dollar in the council budget comes from the generosity of Scouting families, alumni, and community supporters. Friends of Scouting keeps the overall cost of Scouting affordable so all families can participate.
Campaign Progress as of April 28, 2023
Each district shares a portion of the overall goal:
Congratulations to Albemarle and Three Rivers for achieving their district goals!
Has your unit scheduled its 2023 Friends of Scouting presentation? It is a great opportunity to hear about some of the council’s highlights and accomplishments over the past year, and to illustrate to families how the program is funded. All units that hold a Friends of Scouting presentation will receive a special ribbon for their unit flag. Contact your district executive to schedule your presentation.
Upcoming Events

Scout Day at The Adventure Park
May 7
The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium presents Boy Scouts Tidewater Council Day on May 7, 2023!
Members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, and Exploring, and their guests, are invited to enjoy an “adventure in the trees,” with aerial trails, challenge bridges, and zip lines. Scouts and their guests can register at the discounted rate of $45, and Scouts who bring a uniform item will receive a special patch. Per the Guide to Safe Scouting and the the BSA’s Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities, this event is not for Cub Scout packs.
Each timed ticket will include a 30-minute safety briefing and harnessing session and a three-hour climbing session. Register for your climbing adventure here.

Council Recognition Banquet
May 11
The Annual Recognition Banquet is held each year to recognize Eagle Scouts and the volunteers of Tidewater Council. Some of the highlights of the evening will be the presentation of the George Coker 2022 Class of Eagle Scouts, Silver Beaver Awards, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Awards, and Living Legends of Tidewater Council. The evening will start with dinner served by our own Blue Heron Lodge cook crew. This will be a night of food and fellowship you will not want to miss. Join us on May 11, 2023 at 6 PM at the Khedive Shrine Center, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA. Registration is open on Black Pug.
Wilderness First Aid
May 13-14
Wilderness first aid, or “WFA”, commonly refers to any training course that focuses on prevention, assessment, and treatment for an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. It is essential to have some basic principles of wilderness first aid and know how to apply them, even under stress. Knowing how to treat minor injuries and keep serious casualties stable until further help is available can make a difference in an emergency situation. Although there are innumerable injuries and ailments, the basic principles of first aid can be applied to almost any situation.
All High Adventure Bases require that at least one person in each crew (Philmont requires two) be currently certified in Wilderness First Aid or the equivalent, and CPR from the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or equivalent. Wilderness First Aid is recommended for any unit that is conducting backcountry hiking or camping trips. Attending this training also meets one of the requirements for the Venturing Ranger Award.
Tidewater Council will be offering a Wilderness First Aid course on May 13-14. Register by May 7.

Scouting for Blood Drive
May 17
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga

Backpack to Retention
May 17
Cub Scout packs, spring is the best time to load up your backpacks with the tools to ready your pack for fall success. We are gathering some of the most successful Cub Scouters in the council to share some of their best methods in:
- Planning the next program year
- Recruiting more Scouts
- Turning parents into leaders
- Retaining Scouting families
In addition to these great tools, you will be the first to see the reveal of our 2023 recruiting theme!
Join us on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 PM at Old Donation Episcopal Church, 4449 N. Witchduck Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.
CPR for Professional Rescuers
May 18
CPR for Professional Rescuers is for people who will be serving on Aquatics Staff at summer camp or are registered to take BSA Lifeguard training. You must complete the online session prior to attending the in-person skills demonstration.
As part of our commitment to support safer communities, and support you in all that you do, we are proud to partner with the American Red Cross to offer this course.
The in-person portion of the course will be held at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center on Thursday, May 18.

Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Training
May 20
The Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies, such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden illnesses, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for victims about 12 years and older. Successful students will receive a certificate for Adult First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. This is a blended learning course; you must complete the online portion before taking one of the skills demonstration sessions.
Registration is now open. There will be three sessions on May 20, limited to 12 students per session.

Popcorn 101 Training
May 30
Designed for new Unit Popcorn Kernels, Popcorn 101 training lays the groundwork for a successful popcorn sale.
- Great resource course for new Unit Popcorn Kernels!
- Gain fundamental knowledge BEFORE the popcorn arrives!
- Chock-full of helpful tips!
- Entry-level information to help form a successful popcorn fundraiser, from start to finish!
- Networking opportunity that shouldn’t be missed!
- Come join us for a popping-good time!
This training will be offered both in-person at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center and virtually. For questions, contact Tony Montemurno at
Three Rivers District Recognition Banquet
May 31
Scouters and their families are invited to attend a special evening of recognition for Three Rivers district adult leadership. The event will take place at New Creation United Methodist Church in Chesapeake.

Scout Night with the Norfolk Tides
June 16
Join us for Scout Night with the Norfolk Tides: Friday, June 16, 2023 at Harbor Park!
Back for 2023: Uniformed Scouts and leaders will have the opportunity to participate in a pre-game opening ceremony.
Ticket vouchers and camping vouchers are now available at the Tidewater Council Scout Shop!

Beaver Day
June 17
OA Summer Camp Workday, also referred to as Beaver Day, is a chance for everyone (not just OA members) to help get Pipsico ready for summer camp. Help make camping areas and structures useful to everyone for years to come.
On Saturday, June 17, work will begin at 9 AM and end around 4 PM. There will be projects for everyone, skilled and unskilled alike. Whether you are a master carpenter, an amateur gardener, or a lawyer, everyone can be a “Busy Beaver” on a project of their choice. More information on specific projects is coming soon.
As a thank you to volunteers, camping will be available at no cost on Friday and/or Saturday.
Off to the Races
Day Camp 2023
June & July
Start your engines – Cub Scout Day Camp is Off to the Races this summer!
On your mark, get set … GO REGISTER!
Princess Anne Day Camp: June 19-23
Registration is now open for Princess Anne Day Camp at Tabernacle Baptist Academy in Virginia Beach. Work with the unit day camp coordinator to sign up now.
For questions, contact:
- David Montoto (Camp Director) at or 757-575-8880
- Ted Green (Program Director) at or 724-931-0224
Albemarle Day Camp: June 19-23
Registration is now open for Albemarle Day Camp at Forest Park Church in Elizabeth City. For questions, contact Tiffany Bounds at
Bayside Day Camp: June 19-23
Registration is now open for Bayside Day Camp at Bayside Masonic Lodge #218 in Virginia Beach. For questions, contact Amy DeVault at
Great Bridge Twilight Camp: June 26-30
Registration is now open for Twilight Camp at Great Bridge Baptist Church in Chesapeake. For questions, contact Kirsten Misfeldt at
Covenant Twilight Camp: July 10-14
Registration is now open for Twilight Camp at Covenant UMC in Chesapeake. For questions, contact Kirsten Misfeldt at

Rick Anoia Scouting Golf Classic
June 22
Are you looking for a fun day on the golf course AND to support a good cause? Join us for the Rick Anoia Scouting Golf Classic at Virginia Beach National Golf Club!

Summer Camp 2023
June & July
Pipsico Scout Reservation offers Scouts and Scouters the opportunity to immerse themselves in a positive camping environment, at a beautiful property, with a friendly camp staff. Tidewater Council is proud to offer quality programs for everyone.
Week #1 – June 25 to July 1 – FULL
Week #2 – July 2 to July 8
Week #3 – July 9 to July 15 – FULL
Week #4 – July 16 to July 22

Popcorn Training
July 12 & July 17
Join us to learn about the 2023 Tidewater Council Popcorn Sale!
There are two training dates available, and both trainings will be offered both in-person and virtually. The same information will be covered at each session, so pick the date that is best for you!
- Wednesday, July 12 at 6:30 PM
- Monday, July 17 at 6:30 PM
This popcorn training is designed for both new and returning popcorn kernels. We will focus on what is new for this year’s sale, best practices, and opportunities that can benefit your unit.
This training will be offered both in-person at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center and virtually. For questions, contact Pam Samples at
In Fond Remembrance
Harvey Lindsay Jr.
Harvey Lindsay, Jr. was an influential member of our community. While he is best known for his work in real estate development, Lindsay was also a lifelong advocate for civil rights and an involved member in many local community organizations.
He was recognized by Tidewater Council in 1998 as our Colgate W. Darden, Jr. Scouter Citizen of the Year. He will be greatly missed, and he leaves a lasting legacy in Hampton Roads.
Living Legends of Tidewater Council
It is a long-standing tradition in Tidewater Council to recognize those council volunteers who continue to provide significant leadership, service, and support to Scouting over many years and in many roles. The Living Legends recognition acknowledges volunteers for these continued contributions.
Please join us in honoring the newest Living Legends of Tidewater Council recipients at the Council Recognition Banquet on May 11:

Ray Bland has provided quiet servant leadership through his many years and different roles in Scouting.
Ray was not a Scout in his youth and has no children, the traditional avenues so many of us travel to join Scouting as adults. A close friend was a leader in Troop 158, so Ray helped with the troop and eventually became a leader in the early ’80s. He has been a member of Troop 158 ever since, serving as assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster. He is now a Chartered Organization Representative.
Ray has been the driving force behind the success of the Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend since its inception more than 20 years ago. He, his committee, and the U.S. Coast Guard Elizabeth City Station staff plan and execute a unique weekend of learning and fun for troops in and outside our council.
He has been the Eagle Scout Coordinator in Albemarle District for several years. He, or one of his aides, meets with each Scout, discusses their service project, and guides them in implementing their plan as needed. He sits on most district Eagle Scout Boards of Review.
Ray has always been happy to teach at Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training sessions, conduct youth stations at camporees, and present at roundtables.
Ray has received the Albemarle District Award of Merit and the Silver Beaver Award from Tidewater Council.

Sam Grinvalsky’s long and extensive Scouting service has spanned multiple contributions in Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, and the Order of the Arrow’s Blue Heron Lodge. Sam earned his Eagle Scout rank in 1984.
Sam began his volunteer service in Pack 407, where he has served as assistant Cubmaster, Cubmaster, and committee chair. Today, he continues to serve as the committee chair of Pack 303.
He has two daughters, Brianna and Meggan, two sons, Zach and Tyler, and one grandson, Sammy. Brianna currently serves in the U.S. Navy, and both Zach and Tyler are Eagle Scouts. Most recently, his son Zach has been elected as the National Chief of the Order of the Arrow.
As Zach and Tyler advanced through Scouts BSA, Sam served as assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 303 and an OA advisor to several youth. Sam has continued in his support as an assistant Scoutmaster, merit badge counselor, Supernova mentor, OA advisor, and even finding time to serve on the district committee and as a trusted associate lodge advisor.
An OA Vigil Honor member as a youth, Sam is a James E. West Fellow and was awarded the District Award of Merit in 2019, recognizing his extensive Scouting service. Sam’s impact on the youth and volunteers of Tidewater Council has been profound, and his example of service and Scouting’s values continues today.

Dan McFarland has contributed two decades of selfless service in Scouting’s unit, district, council, region, and national programs.
He has earned distinction as Cubmaster of the Year, Committee Chair of the Year, Scoutmaster of the Year, the Unit Leader’s Key Award, and Unit Leader Award of Merit as both a Cubmaster and Scoutmaster. He also received the District Award of Merit, the Silver Beaver Award, and the Order of the Arrow’s Vigil Honor.
Dan has been a Scoutmaster at the National Jamboree, Wood Badge, National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), and NYLT Leadership Academy. He has been NYLT Coordinator and Leadership Training Committee Chair for Tidewater Council, as well as Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) Advisor and Conclave Training Advisor for Blue Heron Lodge.
He has served the Princess Anne district as Chapter OA Advisor, Unit Commissioner, Roundtable Staff, Day Camp staff, Committee Member at Large, Merit Badge Counselor, and chair for many events.
Dan has been a staff member for NYLT, Pow Wow, University of Scouting, Powder Horn, Wood Badge, Regional Course Directors Conferences, Conclave, LLD, and NYLT Leadership Academy.
He says his biggest inspiration has been his two amazing sons and beautiful Scouter wife “JenniMac,” who has been by his side for more than 40 years.
Dan’s most prized Scouting possessions are his two Eagle Dad Pins, 32 Eagle Scout Mentor Pins, and countless relationships made through Scouting.

Tom Williams’ adult Scouter journey began in 1999 as a den leader with Pack 876 in the National Capital Area Council.
After moving to Virginia Beach, he joined Pack 417 in Tidewater Council as an assistant den/Webelos leader in 2000-2003. He then became an assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 417 from 2003-2010. He joined the troop committee in 2011 and continues to serve in this role. He is a Brotherhood member of the OA and served as his chapter’s Election Advisor from 2006-2007.
Beyond the unit level, Tom served on his district committee in various capacities, including stints as Eagle Advancement Chair in 2013-2014, Family FOS Chair in 2015, District Committee Chair in 2016-2018, and Vice Chair in 2019-2021. He has been a member of the Council Executive Board since 2016.
Tom is from his family’s middle generation of Eagle Scouts, earning the rank in 1968. His father (1947) and his son (2008) are also Eagle Scouts. Tom is a James E. West Fellow and wears knots for the District Award of Merit, Community Organization Award, Scouter’s Key, and Scouter’s Training Award.
As a Scouter, Tom’s leadership and support at all levels of Tidewater Council have benefited local youth for 24 years. He continues to share the story and values of Scouting with others, and his efforts have helped ensure ongoing community support for Tidewater Council BSA.

Spring Popcorn Sale
The Pecatonica River Popcorn online store is open for a special spring sale from April 1 – May 31, 2023. Scouts who are interested in selling can use their existing Seller IDs from the Fall 2022 Popcorn Sale. Just like with the fall online sales, units earn 30% commission, and there is no money or product handling required!

Ranger's Moment
Pipsico Scout Reservation: Beaver Day and Camp Needs
It has been a busy start to 2023 at Pipsico Scout Reservation. District events, unit camping, training events, and recreational activities have been occurring in the midst of exciting construction on the James River and project progress all over the property.
We would like to take this opportunity to invite our Scouts and Scouters to help chip in. There are five ways, in particular, that we would like to invite you to help out at this time.
1. Beaver Day
First, please take a moment to check your calendar to see if the weekend of June 16-18 is available. If so, please consider joining us for “Beaver Day” on Saturday, June 17 (9 AM – 4 PM) to make final preparations for summer camp before the staff check-in on Sunday, June 18. While “day-only” help is welcome, units that volunteer are invited to camp on Friday and/or Saturday at no cost. Register on Black Pug.
There will be a variety of projects for skilled and unskilled help. Projects will be posted closer to Beaver Day. Units may use these service hours for their Journey To Excellence (JTE) scorecard and for youth rank advancement.
2. Passenger Vans
Second, summer camp at Pipsico this year is in another year of growth. Many thanks and congratulations to our past campers and staff. This summer, summer camp has grown more than 30% over last year. In preparation for our offsite summer programs, we are looking for at least one, hopefully two, 15-passenger vans to use from June 25 through July 22. If you can help in this way or can provide us with a lead, please contact Bill Lawrence at 828-582-6955 or
3. Marsh Plants
Third, we are in the middle of construction of approximately 750-feet of living shoreline off the Camp Lions beach to help with cliff erosion. At the time of this article, two of five breakwaters have been completed, and the progress is truly exciting.
In the next two or three weeks, we will begin advertising an opportunity for Scouts to help plant marsh plants on the new construction to help hold the soil together and give a start to some new natural habitats. This will be a great opportunity for some conservation service hours, and will be a great help toward the maintenance of Pipsico.
4. Maintenance and Program Supplies
Fourth, we could use some help gathering supplies for pending projects and ongoing needs. Brooms with dustpans, 25ft+ garden hoses, and pressure-treated lumber always come in handy. If you would like to coordinate a supply drive for camp or purchase some maintenance or program supplies, please contact Ranger Evan to see what the latest needs are (
5. Tents
Lastly, Pipsico Scout Reservation’s current tents have been in service for 30 years. In order to continue to provide a high-quality camping experience for our Scouts, Tidewater Council will replace 250 tents between 2023-2027.
Based on the recommendation of our Camping Committee, we will replace the current wooden platforms and ridge pole system tents with new platforms and Diamond Brand tents with aluminum-mounted frames. In addition to housing Scouts and keeping them dry, the new tents will exponentially decrease the time needed for tent setup and takedown.
The cost of a new tent, platform, and frame is approximately $1,250 each. To contribute to the tent replacement fund, click here.
Thank you all for your continuous kind and generous support. We are blessed indeed.
Kind Regards,
Evan Sommerfeld
Ranger, Pipsico Scout Reservation
Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America
Scout Shop
Cub Scout Essentials
May is a busy month as we wrap up spring and look ahead to summer. With Cub Scouts moving up, the Scout Shop has a full stock of books ($23.99), neckerchiefs ($12.99), slides (7.99), and Webelos Colors ($7.99).

Adult Recognition
Recognizing unit volunteers is so important that plaques and certificates have been made especially for those in leadership roles. We have the Outstanding Cubmaster and Den Leader plaques ($25.99 each), as well as the Outstanding Service to Scouting plaque ($37.99). All plaques come with engravable nameplates. Certificates of Appreciation, suitable for framing, are also available ($1.89).
Journey to Excellence
Journey to Excellence (JTE) patches for 2022 are no longer available from BSA Supply.
STEM Nova and Supernova Awards
STEM Nova Awards may still be earned. The Scout Shop has more than five dozen Scout Nova patches still in stock. We also have about one dozen Nova Pi pins and large medals for Cub Scouts (Dr. Luis Alvarez) and for Webelos (Dr. Charles Townes) with the proper applications submitted.
While National Supply no longer carries the awards, they may still be purchased from the following sites after the Scout Shop’s supplies are exhausted:
- Nova patches are available from ClassB.
- Nova medals and Pi pins are available from Crown Awards.

New T-Shirts
NEW T-shirts are now in the Scout Shop on the front rack. The navy Merits of Scouting T-shirt features the points of the Scout Law forming a circle on the back with the front of the shirt sporting a universal emblem on the left shoulder. The gray T-shirt has a large BSA universal emblem in red and blue on the front. Both styles are cotton, come in sizes adult small-2XL, and sell for $22.99.
Day Camp T-Shirts
There are still many Day Camp T-shirts from previous years that make great activity shirts for Cub Scouts. They are only $5 and come in youth and adult sizes. What an inexpensive way to advertise Scouting!
Don’t forget that we still ship orders (by USPS) on Wednesdays and Fridays. We take VISA and Mastercard and no longer charge a fee for card use. You may call in your order (757-497-2688) or email We can get the order together and call you for a card number. If advancements are needed, please email the appropriate paperwork.

BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Sand Dunes
Sand dunes can collapse unexpectedly, so it is important that Scouts, adult volunteers, and adult supervision understand these dangers and prepare for outings where sand dunes may be in the area.
Excavation, digging caves, creating places to sit in a sand dune, or digging tunnels into earthen mounds are not part of the Scouting program by design and are prohibited. Please do not put youth, yourself, or others at risk by such activities. Scouting’s buddy system and two-deep adult supervision requirements exist both to prevent abuse and safeguard against tragedies.
National Program Updates
Cub Scout Unit Coordinated Camping
In a recent update to the Guide to Safe Scouting, “Cub Scout pack unit coordinated camping is limited to single overnight experiences.”
Adult Registration Requirement to Take Effect September 1, 2023
Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants. Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided.
All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant. There is a limited exception for Cub Scout overnight programs; see below. Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor does not meet this requirement, as that is a no-fee position. See the FAQ for list of adult fee required positions.
Cub Scout Programs – Overnight Exception
Cub Scout parents or legal guardians taking part in an overnight Cub Scout program with their own child or legal ward are not required to register as leaders. All adults must review the “How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” that can be found in the front of each Cub Scout Handbook. In addition, the parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by a registered leader at any time they are with youth members other than their own child/ward. All other overnight adults must be currently registered in an adult fee required position.
Merit Badge Counselor Registration
There is a known issue with Scoutbook sending incorrect notifications about merit badge counselor registration. The National Council is working to resolve this issue. To verify a leader’s merit badge counselor registration, please check My.Scouting instead of Scoutbook. While registered merit badge counselors can continue to work with youth, they will not be able to update merit badge progress through Scoutbook until the issue is resolved.

Journey to Excellence
2023 Journey to Excellence (JTE) unit scorecards are available at For packs and troops, guidebooks and tracking sheets are available as well.
Unit leadership should use the tracking sheet at least once each quarter to evaluate progress. The guidebooks discuss how best to utilize JTE standards during the annual program planning conference to ensure delivery of a quality program.
2024 JTE unit scorecards now are available for packs, crews, ships, and posts.
Unit Program Planning Conference
Most Scouting units plan their program year during the summer, aligning the program year with the traditional school year.
Who should attend the unit program planning conference?
- Unit leader
- Other program leaders, such as den leaders
- Unit committee chair and committee members
- Unit commissioner
- Chartered organization representative
- For troops, crews, ships, and posts, youth leaders
What to bring?
- Journey to Excellence workbooks
- Calendars:
- Council calendar (use the “Print” function in the upper right corner to retrieve up to 12 months in a PDF format)
- School calendar(s)
- Chartered organization’s calendar
- Personal calendars for leaders
- Previous year’s budget
- Previous year’s fundraising goals (If the unit or leadership is new to unit fundraising, consider attending Popcorn 101 training on May 30.)
- Before the unit program planning conference, survey Scouts on activities they enjoyed, activities they did not enjoy, and new activities they would like to try. Bring the survey results to the conference.
What to do after the conference?
- Share the unit calendar with families and Scouts.
- Reserve venues needed for meetings, campouts, and activities.
- Share the budget and fundraising goals with families.
- Use the calendar at recruiting events to highlight the unit program.
- Follow the plan and deliver an engaging program!
- Cub Scout Pack Meeting Plans
- Pack Committee Resources – Including budget planning resources
- Scouts BSA Unit Program Planning Tools
- Venturing Annual Program Planning
- Sea Scouts Program Toolbox
- Exploring Program Planning Meeting Guide
- Exploring Activity Library
- The unit commissioner and/or district executive are available to assist
Succession Planning
Succession planning is an ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing talent to ensure the leadership continuity for all key positions in an organization.
Types of Departures
Vacancies in adult leader roles can be expected or unexpected. Expected departures can come, for example, when military families have planned deployments or changes of duty stations. Another expected leadership departure is when Scouts graduate from a program (such as from Cub Scouting to Scouts BSA), the unit expects that their family members will move units too. Unexpected departures can occur as the result of illness, injury, employment changes, or unexpected moves. Even unexpected departures are manageable when a succession plan is in place.
What Roles Should Have a Succession Plan?
For every unit position, there should be someone preparing to take over that position at a later date.
Remember to include a plan for seasonal or specialized roles too, such as Popcorn Kernel, Blue & Gold Banquet coordinator, Day Camp pack coordinator, Pinewood Derby® timer, Annual Health and Medical Record form manager, or outing coordinator.
Identifying leaders before their term begins allows them a transition and training period with the person currently serving in that role. The new leader can acclimate to the position and have someone to turn to with their questions. Current leaders can grow, guide, encourage, and train new leaders with less pressure to fulfill all the responsibilities right away.
Plus, having a succession plan alleviates stress and eliminates vacancies when unexpected departures occur.
- Unit commissioners can help with the succession planning process by conducting an annual leadership inventory.
- ScoutCast: Succession Planning
- Scouting Magazine: Next in line: Why succession planning is a must in every Scouting unit

Summer Family Opportunities at Philmont
What does it take to build a dynamic and resilient Scouting program filled with adventure and learning? How do you create a program that keeps youth, leaders, and families engaged and energized to keep coming back for more? Find out at Philmont Training Center (PTC) this summer.
PTC has something for all Scouters. Learn from their enthusiastic and experienced faculty, many of whom literally “wrote the book” on the Scouting program. There are conferences for den and pack leaders that will invigorate everyone to get the most fun out of the Cub Scout program. Learn to use games and activities to energize units and make Scouting incredibly fun. Leaders who train groups and teams, preside over meetings, or lead Scouts and Scouters will benefit from attending the Facilitator’s Tool Box conference. PTC has many more classes like this as well.
Philmont Training Center offers an engaging family experience to everyone who attends. Children participate in age-appropriate activities all day, led by Philmont’s outstanding counselors. PTC even has day care for infants. Spouses can participate in their own program, with the freedom to do what they like – whether create art in the craft center, venture out on hikes, visit local shops and museums, or just relax on the Villa Philmonte grounds. Evening programs include a western barbecue, movie night, and campfires. A family trip to PTC offers family togetherness and a lifetime of memories.
PTC also offers both full and half-week Family Adventure Camp. Families can hike to the top of the Tooth of Time, go on horseback rides, try their skills on the shooting range, learn fly fishing, or create art in the amazing craft center.

Arrow of Light Den Camping Reminders
The Arrow of Light “Scouting Adventure” pin is an important step to preparing our Arrow of Light Scouts to transition into a Scouts BSA troop. Part of this adventure provides them the opportunity to “participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity. Use the patrol method while on the outing.”
As with all Scouting activities, this participation must follow the policies of the Boy Scouts of America as outlined in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Here are a few helpful tips:
"Participate in a troop’s campout or other outdoor activity."
- It is not required for the Scouts to camp overnight. The troop event could be a campout or other outdoor activity, such as an age-appropriate hike or other outdoor event. That is a decision the Arrow of Light den, the den leadership, and the Scout troop they are working with should make in collaboration.
- If the troop and pack do not share the same charter partner, remember that the troop and pack/Arrow of Light den must receive permission from the council to hold the join activity.
- Arrow of Light Scouts cannot participate in a Scouts BSA camporee as overnight guests. They could participate during the day in age-appropriate activities.
- Arrow of Light dens cannot be family dens. Arrow of Light girl dens must participate with a Scouts BSA troop for girls. Arrow of Light boy dens must participate with a Scouts BSA troop for boys.
- If the outdoor event is an overnight campout and the Arrow of Light Scouts are staying overnight, the Arrow of Light den must camp according to the specific camping guidance for Cub Scouts found in the Guide to Safe Scouting. This includes:
- The den must have a BALOO trained adult leader in attendance.
- Each Scout should attend with their parent(s) or guardian(s).
- A Webelos or Arrow of Light Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a den overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of at least two registered leaders. The leaders and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. Reminder, a Scout cannot share a tent with any adult other than their parent or guardian.
- Cub Scout youth may tent with a parent or guardian as outlined in Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse.
"Use the patrol method while on the outing.”
What does it mean to “use the patrol method while on the outing”? First, engage the youth leadership of the collaborating troop to find ways they can help the Arrow of Light Scouts in attendance see and experience the patrol method. Examples could include:
- Assign a member of the Arrow of Light den to serve as the “patrol leader” of their “Arrow of Light patrol” during the event.
- Provide the Arrow of Light den the opportunity to divide up chores or other necessary tasks to enable them to work together as a group to meet their group’s goals.
- Showcase the patrol method through the Scouts BSA patrols in attendance at the event/activity so the Arrow of Light Scouts can see the value and fun that comes from participating in a patrol.
- Guide to Safe Scouting
- Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse
- Age Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities: Verify that planned activities are approved for an Arrow of Light Scout.
- SAFE Checklist: Helpful tool for Arrow of Light den leaders and Scouts BSA troop youth leaders and adults to review and use as they plan for a successful event.
- Additional Guidelines Specifically for Cub Scout Unit-Coordinated Camping: Part of the Guide to Safe Scouting
June Activity Suggestions
- Scout Night with the Norfolk Tides
- Cub Scout Day Camp
- Summer Camp at Pipsico Scout Reservation
- World Oceans Day is on June 8 and World Sea Turtle Day is June 16. Why not take a trip to the aquarium or work on the Oceanography merit badge?
- June is Audiobook Appreciation Month. Visit a local library, listen to an audiobook, or work on the Reading merit badge. What Scouting-related books would you enjoy hearing on audiobook?

Camp Cards
Want an easy NO-RISK fundraiser that offers 50% profit? Do you have Scouts who haven’t raised enough to attend day camp or summer camp? Does your unit have new members? Then the Camp Card fundraiser is for your unit!

How to Participate
Contact the district executive to register and pick-up cards. Cards are usually delivered at district Roundtables, but district executives will make arrangements for units that cannot attend Roundtable.
Training and resources are available online at Review these resources for deadlines and important information.
And then – simply sell. This is a super easy fundraiser that scores Scouts some serious bucks toward camp.
For questions, please contact the district’s Camp Cards Chair:
Albemarle: Julie Roasa at
Bayside: Cory Van Kirk at
Princess Anne: Jen Conway at
Three Rivers: Liz Schwegel at
Camp cards are in limited supply, so don’t miss out!
Community Engagement
JDRF One Walk: May 6
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) is holding the JDRF One Walk at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront on May 6 to enable research, advocacy, and support for Americans with type 1 diabetes. Volunteers are needed to assist with setup, water stations, and breakdown. Please contact Pam Samples at to volunteer or for more information.
Service Opportunity with Feed My Starving Children
Feed My Starving Children is a worldwide hunger relief organization. This non-profit partners with community organizations nationwide to fund and host Mobile Pack events.
Scouts BSA Troop 824 will participate in a Mobile Pack event at Hope Lutheran Church in Virginia Beach, and invites other local Scouts to join them.
Scouts are not asked to fundraise nor to collect food, but instead to volunteer two hours of their time to package food for shipment worldwide. The goal is to pack 100,000 meals. Over the two-day event, a total of 500 volunteers are needed. Families are more than welcome, but children must be at least five years old to participate.
Please register online to participate.
Event Details
Hope Lutheran Church Virginia Beach
5350 Providence Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464
Available Shift Times:
- Friday, May 5 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
- Saturday, May 6 from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
- Saturday, May 6 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Clean the Bay Day: June 3
Thousands of volunteers participate in Clean the Bay Day annually. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation coordinates this united effort to remove harmful litter and debris from the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
The 2023 event will take place on Saturday, June 3. Registration is required; please visit to sign up. Registered volunteers will receive assignment details via email approximately one week before Clean the Bay Day. For questions, contact
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Wanted

District Executive Job Opening
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path towards a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
Today’s professional Scouters are a diverse group of men and women sharing a dynamic career offering independence, achievement, and stability. This is work that makes a difference, work that calls one to continual learning and challenge, work that offers solid compensation, benefits, and advancement.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference through a career in Scouting, please contact Bill Lawrence at
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Congratulations to some of our newest Eagle Scouts!

Three Cub Scouts from Pack 374 in Virginia Beach each earned their second STEM Supernova Award! Isaac S., James L., and Dylan W., who have scouted together for five years, have each earned both the Dr. Luis W. Alvarez Supernova Award and Dr. Charles Townes Supernova Award during their time in Cub Scouting.
When asked about earning their second Supernova award, Isaac said, “I feel like I’ve accomplished a big thing!”
James agreed, “I feel happy and proud. I feel excited to have them.”
Dylan added, “Doing the experiments was fun.”

More than 70 Scouts braved the wind and rain to have a great time at the Princess Anne District Spring Camporee on April 21-23. Six youth were recognized as Ordeal candidates for the Order of the Arrow.
Congratulations to these award-winning troops:
Camp Site Inspection
1st: Troop 407
2nd: Troop 19/Troop 417
3rd: Troop 362
Youth Cook-Off
1st: Troop 362
2nd: Troop 19/Troop 417
3rd: Troop 660
Adult Cook-Off
1st: Troop 362
2nd: Troop 408
Sam Grinvalsky was introduced as the chair for the Princess Anne District Fall Camporee scheduled for October 20-22 at Camp Kiwanis. Can your unit survive the wilderness? Contact Sam at for questions or to serve on the planning committee.

Scouts from Troop 127 experienced a K9 Unit Demonstration and tour. Thank you to Currituck County Sheriff Matt Beickert and Captain Smith!
Troop 362 Scouts did their civic duty at Naval Station Norfolk on Sunday, April 23 by welcoming home the crew of the USS H.W. BUSH (CVN 77), and especially CDR Jason Roberson, from their deployment! Jason is an Assistant Scoutmaster and the father of Life Scout Jacob.

Cub Scout families enjoyed a fun-filled weekend at Pipsico on April 28-30. Cub Scout Family Camp offered carnival games, cotton candy and sno cones, archery, BBs, beach hikes, and campfires. A huge thank you to event chair Rick McIlrath and his team for putting together this engaging event!

We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to (with parental permission, of course).
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