Table of Contents
Upcoming Events
Camp Card Sale
Now through July 3
Earn your way to camp with Camp Cards! Camp Cards are cards that offer valuable discounts to local retailers. Some of the discounts are single-use, while many can be used throughout the year. Scouts sell the cards to family, friends, neighbors, and community members. Units earn a 50% sales commission, which they can use to pay for camping adventures.
The Camp Cards have great discounts from The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium, iFly Virginia Beach, Harris Teeter, Tractor Supply Co., and more! See the full list of vendors here.
Contact your district executive for assistance.

Princess Anne District Awards Fellowship
June 5
Princess Anne District will host its annual Volunteer Award Fellowship event at Memorial United Methodist Church. The event will recognize adult volunteers for outstanding service in Scouting, including District Award winners and recipients of the District Award of Merit. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will not be a dinner, but each registrant will receive a goody bag. Bring your family and friends for an evening of fun and fellowship! For more information, contact Tom Callahan at
Cub Scout Range Master Training
June 5 and June 19
Attend Range Master Training to become a certified Range Master for Cub Scout shooting sports. Range Masters are required to attend this training to operate the ranges during Day Camp and other district/council events. You must be registered with BSA and at least 18 years of age. This training is valid for two years. Range Masters are required to operate water bottle rocket launches and other devices that shoot items into the air at unit activities.
Popcorn Training
June 7 and June 12
Join us to learn about the 2021 Tidewater Council Popcorn Sale!
This popcorn training is designed for both new and returning popcorn kernels. We will focus on the new procedures, return policies, and opportunities that can benefit your unit. Attending this training is also a requirement for a possible end-of-year bonus opportunity. Sound intriguing? Sign up today!
There are two training dates available. You may choose to attend on either date, either virtually via Zoom teleconferencing or in-person at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455:
- Monday, June 7 from 7-8 PM
- Saturday, June 12 from 10-11 AM
Three Rivers Awards Gathering
June 10
Three Rivers District will present its District Awards at a fun-filled event on Thursday, June 10 at 7 PM at Izaak Walton League, 2150 Trailsend Lane, Chesapeake. Join us for a scavenger hunt, desserts, Kona Ice Truck, and presentation of the Three Rivers District Awards. There is no fee for the event, but the Kona Ice Truck does charge for their products.

Beaver Day
June 12
Join us at Pipsico Scout Reservation to spruce up and set up our camp for our summer season!
Beaver Day is June 12 from 9 AM – 5 PM. Lunch will be provided by the Order of the Arrow Cook Crew to all who come up to provide service to camp. In order to ensure we have enough food for all our volunteers, please sign up on Black Pug.
There are projects for everyone, skilled and unskilled alike. Whether you are a master carpenter, an amateur gardener, or a lawyer, you can be a “Busy Beaver” on a project of your choice. Useful equipment to bring includes weed eaters, hand tools (rakes, bow saws, axes, etc.), and/ or portable power tools.
Chainsaws and experienced operators are also needed. All Personal Protective Equipment must be used (chaps, hard hat, ear and eye protection), and the operator must go through Pipsico’s Chainsaw Safety Course before work begins.
In exchange for service hours, camping from Friday at 6 PM to Sunday at 10 AM is offered at no cost. These opportunities are referred to as “Beaver Days” and are free camping opportunities at Pipsico. Units may use these service hours for their Journey to Excellence (JTE) scorecard and for youth rank advancement.
How to Be a Better Trainer
June 12
A pair of upcoming training courses, The Fundamentals of Training and Trainer’s EDGE, are for anyone interested in different training methods. These courses equip leaders with ideas, techniques, and materials for improving presentations. Learn how to select approaches that will communicate your messages most successfully and with PIZZAZZ! Both courses will be held at Deep Creek UMC in Chesapeake.
Fundamentals of Training
In Fundamentals of Training, participants learn the tools of good training, including characteristics of good trainers, how people learn, and training methods. This course is required for Pack Trainers and recommended for anyone who will be training others, including camp staff and youth who take on the responsibilities of Troop Guide and Instructor. This is a half day course.
Trainer's EDGE
Trainer’s EDGE emphasizes the importance of “experiential learning,” or learning by doing, as well as numerous other contemporary training strategies. The strategies taught in Trainer’s EDGE can be applied to a wide range of training programs. Trainer’s EDGE builds upon the foundation of Fundamentals of Training. This full-day course is required for anyone serving on Wood Badge or NYLT staff.
National Youth Leadership Training
June 21-26

Tidewater Council will hold a week-long National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) course at Camp Kiwanis, Pipsico Scout Reservation on June 21-26. NYLT is a 6-day, action-packed program designed to provide youth with leadership skills.
The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW, and what a leader must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.
Age requirements apply:
- Scouts BSA: 13 years of age or older and at least a First Class Scout by June 21, 2021
- Sea Scouts and Venturers: 14 years or older by June 21, 2021 and under age 21 as of June 26, 2021
- $295 if paid on or after May 22, 2021
If you have any questions, please contact Course Director Frances Creel at
2021 Cub Scout Day Camps
June & July
Weird Science is about to hit Cub Scout Day Camp. Day camp is an outdoor experience for Cub Scouts, which promotes a year-round program and encourages Cub Scouts to benefit and grow. The daily program centers on Cub Scout and Webelos electives as they relate to the outdoor program. The Scouts will work on activities that are challenging and age appropriate.
There are a wide range of activities, varying between camps, but common activities include:
- Shooting sports (BBs, archery, wrist rockets, and/or sling shots)
- Sports and games
- Science
- Nature
- Crafts
- Skits and songs
- Mealtime programs

All registered Cub Scouts are eligible to attend day camp. All day camps are run with a Camp Director and a Program Director, along with a staff of volunteers to conduct the camp programs. You are invited to be part of the staff – contact Rich Becker for more information.
Registration ends on June 1. Registrations after that date require written permission from the camp director. Camp locations and times are subject to change.
Virginia Beach Day Camp
Dates: June 21-25
Location: Tabernacle Baptist Academy
Time: Monday-Thursday 9 AM-4 PM; Friday 9 AM-1 PM
Registration link:
Elizabeth City Twilight Camp
Dates: June 21-25
Location: Forest Park Church
Time: 3-7 PM
Registration link:
Norfolk Day Camp
Dates: June 28 – July 2
Location: Elks Lodge
Time: Monday-Thursday 9 AM-4 PM; Friday 9 AM-2 PM
Registration link:
Chesapeake Twilight Camp
Dates: June 28 – July 2
Location: Great Bridge Baptist Church
Time: 3-8 PM
Registration link:
Portsmouth Twilight Camp
Dates: July 12-16
Location: Coast Guard Base Portsmouth
Time: 3-8 PM
Registration link:
Summer Camp at Pipsico 2021
June - July
Camp Local! Sign up today for Summer Camp at Pipsico Scout Reservation.
- Week #1 – June 27 to July 3
- Week #2 – July 4 to July 10
- Week #3 – July 11 to July 17
- Week #4 – July 18 to July 24
Check-in on Sundays between 1 PM and 4:30 PM.
Pipsico offers Scouts and Scouters the opportunity to immerse themselves in a positive camping environment, at a beautiful property, with a friendly camp staff. Tidewater Council, BSA is proud to offer quality programs for everyone. Pipsico is geographically located along the James River and adjacent to the epicenter of Virginia’s colonial attractions and thrilling entertainment, such as Busch Gardens and Water Country USA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit for for answers to Frequently Asked Questions, including health and safety protocols.
Our First Year Camper Program – “Huskanaw,” meaning “Rite of Passage,” is a unique program. The Huskanaw program area encompasses over an acre of property, filled with amenities specifically designed to focus on requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. The setting teaches new and younger Scouts about troop structure, the value of the Patrol Method, the importance of the Buddy System, and the benefits of learning and applying new skills using the E.D.G.E. Method (Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable).
Meet our Awesome Camp Staff
Camp Provisional!
Provisional campers are Scouts who come to Pipsico Scout Reservation as individual Scouts, rather than coming with a troop. You will be grouped with other provisional Scouts into a provisional troop, and will still enjoy the full, fun, and awesome Pipsico experience!
Attending summer camp at Pipsico Scout Reservation as a provisional camper is a great opportunity for Scouts who can’t attend their troop’s selected dates or location, who prefer to camp locally at Pipsico, or who want an extra week of camp!
If you are interested in serving as an adult provisional leader, please contact Camp Director John Scheib at
Cub Scout and Webelos Family Resident Camp
July 29 - August 1
Pipsico Scout Reservation is the ultimate in outdoor Scout camping in Tidewater Council. Cub Scout and Webelos Family Resident Camp is a great way to enjoy a safe haven for each Scout amid a beautiful wilderness camp, while learning about the out-of-doors. These fun-filled days spent in camp will make memories that will last a lifetime.
All Cub Scouts, leaders, den chiefs, parents, and siblings are encouraged to participate during their stay at Pipsico. As you travel through the day’s activities, everyone will have the opportunity to participate in hiking, games, and swimming. Plus there will be some activities just for our Cub Scout-aged participants, such as crafts and shooting sports. Pirates of Pipsico, set out for the adventure of a lifetime at Cub Scout and Webelos Family Resident Camp!

Scout Shop
Ready for Summer?
It’s the time for ADVENTURE for Scouts of all ages! Camping is in full swing this year and the Scout Shop has what you need to make preparation fast and convenient. Come in and check out our camping section with tents, sleeping bags and mats, mosquito netting, emergency blankets, mess kits, flashlights, backpacks, and much more. If it is not in stock, we can order it for you.
Thorlos Sock Sale
The Thorlos Sock Sale is still going on through June 19. Buy two or more pairs and get 25% off each pair! These socks are fantastic for hiking! They reduce pressures points, pain, moisture, and blisters. With cushioned instep and arch, a ventilation panel for moisture control, and padding specifically engineered for hiking, these socks offer the ultimate comfort. The Thorlos Outdoor Fanatic socks even have copper yarns with anti-fungal properties and odor reduction. Come in and pick up a few pairs. Your feet will thank you!

We have flags for retirement ceremonies. Our stock has grown this past year, so please feel free to come in and take out as many as you can carry. Just ask at the front counter.
Masking is still in effect for the Scout Shop. Due to the high volume of children visiting our shop, we are continuing to keep this mandate in effect and appreciate your compliance and patience.
Unable to Shop In-Person?
For customers not able to shop in person, just give us a call (757-497-2688) and we can ship the order by USPS. We accept VISA and Mastercard or customers may mail in a check. You may also email us at
Scout Shop Hours
For planning purposes, please note the Scout Shop will be closed July 3 – July 9.

Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) is the largest Scouting event in the world. This annual international program will be held October 15-17, 2021. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world, around the nation, and in your own community.
The Council International Committee is planning a JOTA event in October. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Jim Manley at
World Scout Jamboree 2023
In 2021, the BSA International Committee will select leaders of the Contingent Management Team (CMT) for the 2023 World Scout Jamboree in SaeManGeum, Korea. The CMT will organize the USA Contingent to the Jamboree. Units will consist of 36 Scouts and four adult leaders. The CMT will coordinate a tour of South Korea prior to the Jamboree experience.
Details on logistics, cost, schedule, and leadership will be available at a later date. World Jamborees are expensive, so if you plan on attending, it is a good idea to start saving now. The 2015 Jamboree in Japan cost about $5,500 per Scout and adult volunteer.
If you are interested in attending, register for more information here.

BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
As the weather warms and COVID-19 restrictions lift, hiking is a great way to spend your time in the outdoors. It’s also a good way to get your heart pumping for some exercise or to test your limits. Some hikes are just a few hundred feet while others are many miles, but all can pose potential hazards if not carefully considered. Take some time to research your destination and its terrain so you can better prepare to have a memorable experience and fun while exploring.

Hurricane Preparedness
Scouts learn to Be Prepared for emergencies. On the Atlantic coast, hurricane season is June 1 – November 30. Does your family have an emergency plan? Visit for tips for building an emergency supply kit.
Leave No Trace: Wildfires
The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, a national partner with the BSA, has a new action alert to share: a social media resource with information regarding “ How to Avoid Starting a Wildfire.”
Please find (and share!) the downloadable social tile as well as Instagram story slides here.
Buddy System
The Buddy System provides a way for Scouts to take an active role in their own safety, and is a key part of Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse. Remind your Scouts and Scouters that the Buddy System has a dual purpose: You ensure your buddy’s safety during activities, and your buddy ensures your safety. You are never alone and vulnerable.
Community Service
A service project is a special “Good Turn” that puts Scout spirit into action. Service is Scouting’s greatest legacy and the primary reason that the Boy Scouts of America is the world’s premier youth organization. We currently have several opportunities for youth to give back to our communities through service. Here are some current projects needing assistance:
- Marshview Park is a little known gem in an undeveloped wetland area between Seatack and Shadowlawn. Many years ago when it was privately owned, some parts of the park were used to dump construction debris in the wetlands. Virginia Beach recently improved the trails and park facilities at this location and several groups of volunteers have started to remove some of the debris, but we need a hard working crew to get serious about finishing the job. The city will bring a dumpster as close to the site as possible, but we will need wheel barrows and strong backs to pull the debris out of the wetlands and transport it to the dumpster. We are looking for at least ten people, including leaders, for about three or four hours. There is also the potential for a unit to adopt this area as a long-term service project, as there is additional work that needs to be done, including invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and park improvements. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.

- Rain garden project to benefit the SPCA. Contact Clay Bernick at or 757-377-3120.
- Various projects for the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Contact Clay Bernick at or 757-377-3120.
- Build two five- to six-foot wooden benches with plant boxes and complete a butterfly garden for the ViBe District Mediterranean Avenue Parklet. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.
- A few projects on the horizon for those Scouts wanting to be a part of planning, execution, and maintenance are slated for the future. A landscape project in the ViBe District, a living shoreline project in Great Neck, and a couple fall tree plantings. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.
Advancement Reminders
Eagle Scout Rank
- The Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook was updated in 2021. Please ensure that Scouts are using the correct version.
The Eagle Scout Rank Application was updated in 2020. Please ensure that Scouts are using the correct version.
Alternative Merit Badges
A youth in Scouts BSA or qualified Venturer or Sea Scout who has a physical or mental disability may achieve the Eagle Scout rank by qualifying for alternative merit badges.
Scouts must apply and be approved for alternative merit badges before starting them. Please submit the application to the Council Advancement Committee.
Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility
Youth and adults who are developmentally disabled, or youth with severe physical challenges, may be considered for registration beyond the age of eligibility for their program. It is not necessary for Scouts to wait until reaching the end of the age eligibility for their program to submit the request; please allow ample time for applications to be reviewed.
Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards
Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards recognize registered youth and adults who have performed an attempt to save a life, or to recognize notable acts of service that put into practice Scouting skills or ideals.
Recommendations for any of the awards are submitted by unit leaders to the Council Advancement Committee for review and submission to the National Court of Honor. The awards are:
Lifesaving Awards
- Honor Medal with Crossed Palms: Awarded in exceptional cases to youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated unusual heroism or resourcefulness in saving or attempting to save a life at extreme risk to self.
- Honor Medal: Awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated unusual heroism and skill in saving or attempting to save life at considerable risk to self.
- Heroism Award: Awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated heroism and skill in saving or attempting to save life at minimal personal risk to self.
Meritorious Action Awards
- Medal of Merit: Awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has performed an act of service of a rare or exceptional character that reflects an uncommon degree of concern for the wellbeing of others.
- National Certificate of Merit: Awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has performed a significant act of service that is deserving of special national recognition.
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Summer of Service
Nationwide, Scouting families are answering the call to provide service and make an impact in our neighborhoods and communities. Join us for a Summer of Service!
- Plan: Find a way to serve others, whether it’s a spur-of-the-moment opportunity or a planned project.
- Serve: Do your project or activity between April 1 and October 31.
- Post: Show your Scout Spirit by posting about your service on social media using hashtag #SummerOfService.
- Report: Tell the BSA about your service.
- Celebrate!: Print certificates and order patches to commemorate your service.
Alpha Phi Omega
As youth head off to college and seek ways to get involved, they may be interested in Alpha Phi Omega (APO). APO was founded by Scouts for Scouts — transporting the Scouting commitment to service into college, where service projects are a great way to give back, make friends, and strengthen résumés.
To find out whether there is an APO chapter at your prospective or future school, or your alma mater, use the APO Chapter Locator Tool.
COVID-19 Assistance
Does your family need assistance due to COVID-19? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Help Desk
The National Council no longer has a volunteer help desk. If you need assistance with any help desk issues, including Scoutbook, online training, and address changes, please contact us at In your email, please include:
- Your Name
- Member ID
- Contact Phone Number
- Contact Email Address
- What is the issue? (Password reset, a module is freezing, forgot username, etc.)
- If it is a training issue:
- Username
- Date Training Taken
- Browser Used
Due to high volume, we are unable to respond to phone inquiries; please send all help desk issues via email.
Merit Badge Counselors
Scoutbook now is regularly updating its listing of merit badge counselors. If your merit badge counselor registration is no longer reflected in Scoutbook, please submit a help desk request to
If you are transferring a youth from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA and receive the “Person has no valid parent/guardian relationship in our records” error message, please submit a help desk request to
Membership numbers are unique to each BSA council. If you transfer from one council to another, you will receive a different membership number.
Scouts in Action

Tidewater Council recognized exemplary Scouts and Scouters at the Council Banquet.
Honorees included Silver Beavers, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recipients, Second Century Society, Living Legends of Tidewater Council, Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award, Summit Awards, the 2020 Class of Eagle Scouts, and more.
The evening’s keynote address was given by Ron Kilmer, Eagle Scout, Council Activities Chair, and 2020 Class of Eagles Honoree.

Congratulations to new Eagle Scout John S. of Princess Anne Troop 362!
The bridging from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA is a wonderful experience in Scouting. With the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was even more difficult this year to plan this ceremony than any other years before. Luckily, Brandi Todd and Belinda Traber from Pack 471 found a way to get-’er-done. In late April 2021, the Triple R Ranch in Chesapeake offered the optimum outdoor venue to accommodate the pack. Gaga ball, outdoor fire pit, llamas, horses, wide-open spaces, and a camping theme provided the perfect backdrop to this ceremony. The finer details that Brandi and David Todd coordinated should not be overlooked, such as the camping dinner menu, the campsite centerpieces that the Arrow of Light Scouts got to take home, the arrow boards provided by Belinda and Kirk Traber, and thousands of other details to make it a special and memorable day. Kenzie’s Kakes owner Makenzie Martinez literally provided the icing on the cake with a one-of-a-kind camping cake, complete with “crossing over bridge.”
Written by Michael Myers, photos by Coral Cope.

Pack 585, Troop 12, and Crew 520, all of Princess Anne district, volunteered to help with the Indian Lakes Association Memorial Day Festival. The Scouts retired the Association’s old flag and raised a new one. The ceremony was appreciated by the community residents, and also served as a recruiting opportunity for the Scouting units.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of the “EK” Electronic Knapsack. Sign up below to receive the latest Tidewater Council news.