Table of Contents
Upcoming Events

October 18-20
Calling all Scouts from around the globe! Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) / Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) is happening this weekend! This virtual event is a phenomenal opportunity for Scouts worldwide to come together and share their experiences in the biggest digital Scouting event on the Internet and airwaves.
Held annually on the third weekend in October, the event connects millions of Scouts worldwide for an entire weekend of activities that promote friendship and global citizenship. JOTA-JOTI enables young people to participate in fun and engaging group activities over the Internet and amateur radio.
Find more information, register to participate, and discover available activities at
JOTA/JOTI 2024 emblem patches are available for purchase here.

Albemarle District Cuboree
October 25-27
This year’s Albemarle District Cuboree theme is Rocket Into Scouting, and we will be building and launching model rockets! There will also be a variety of STEM activities to include things for nature enthusiasts, fishermen, and more.
We have added a campsite decorating contest in the theme for our campsite-or-treat event (trunk-or treat style, only at the campsites) on Saturday evening. Cub Scouts and families are encouraged to wear a Scout-friendly costume for the evening.
Join us at Currituck County Rural Center to Rocket into Scouting!

Three Rivers Spook-O-Ree
October 25-27
Are you prepared to have a spooktacular time? Then you have come to the right camporee!
This year, Three Rivers District of Tidewater Council promises to give you the fright of the season with the Spook-O-Ree Camporee. This camporee promises to be a great one. We ordered extra ghosts, and hunted down some zombies, all so that each Scout who attends can have a great time.

Princess Anne Field Event Weekend
October 25-27
Registration is now open for the 2024 Princess Anne Field Event Weekend!
New for 2024, this bigger and better field day event will include glow-in-the-dark archery and an escape room! New Scouts who joined this fall can launch their rockets!
Troops and crews are invited to kick-off their fantastic new year of Scouting by showing off their Scout Skills at learning stations geared toward Cub Scouts.
- Scouts BSA troops and Venturing crews can arrive Friday, October 25 at 6:00 PM to camp overnight.
- Cub Scouts are invited to arrive at 12:00 PM on Saturday, October 26 for the field event. Stations begin at 1 PM. The event ends for Cub Scouts at 9:15 PM on Saturday.
- New Scouts who joined this fall will have an opportunity to launch their rockets from 3:00-4:30 PM. Extra rockets can be purchased (while supplies last) for $15 each on the day of the event.
- After the stations, dinner will be provided. Then, get ready for some fun at the campfire!
- Arrows of Light (5th graders only) are invited to continue in an overnight campout Saturday night. A BALOO-trained leader and two-deep leadership is required for each unit with Arrow of Light Scouts attending. No unregistered parents are allowed to camp overnight, per Scouts BSA guidelines. Arrows of Light must camp with their dens.
Scouts BSA troops, this is a great opportunity to show off your troop to the packs of Princess Anne. Cub Scouts get to see all the cool things that the troops do, and Arrows of Light get to visit troops to shop for their new home. Don’t miss out!

Bayside Rocket Launching Party
October 26
Cub Scouts and their families are invited to launch their rockets and participate in a variety of fall outdoor activities at Bayside District’s Rocket Launching Party at Aragona Pembroke Little League Park on Saturday, October 26. Registration is free! (Rockets will be available for purchase.)
Troops are invited to attend to build relationships with local Cub Scout packs and to put their skills to use by leading an activity station. If interested, please email Wes Sherman at

Fall Festival Family Camp
November 1-3
Come out, participate in, and witness the true spirit of Scouting: Scouts teaching Scouts and experiencing all that Pipsico has to offer in a fun-filled, outdoor, adventure-packed fall weekend at “Spooky-STEM-Camp”!
There will be numerous general camp events that guests will have the opportunity to participate in, such as range and target sports, pumpkin contests, games, nature events, and handicrafts – just to name a few.

Darden Gala
November 2
Join us for the 2024 Darden Gala on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center!
The Darden Gala is an annual fundraising event for Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America. Each year, Tidewater Council bestows the “Colgate W. Darden, Jr. Citizen Scouter of the Year Award” to a deserving individual who exemplifies public service in the community.
In 2024, we are pleased to honor Taylor Harrell as our Citizen Scouter of the Year. Taylor is the President of Southern Bank and Trust Company.
The Darden Gala will feature Monte Carlo games, live and silent auctions, live music, and heavy hors d’oeuvres.
Scouting for Blood Drive
November 6
Did you know that one donation of blood can save up to three lives? Or that every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood? Tidewater Council is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive through the Pint-Size Hero program. This program introduces youth to the components of blood and the importance of blood donation. Scouts have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by recruiting blood donors, hosting drives, and engaging in the community.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Tidewater Council
Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center
1032 Heatherwood Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
1-6 PM
There are two easy ways to schedule your appointment:
1. Visit and use the sponsor code “TidewaterBSA” in the “Find a Blood Drive” field.
2. Make your appointment on the American Red Cross Blood Donor App.
Nicole Moga
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend
November 8-10
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend is an opportunity for all registered Scouts (ages 11+) and Scouters. Participants will be able to choose between one, two, or three merit badges to earn for the weekend. Some merit badges will be partials depending on time and requirements.
Registration is now open. This annual event is popular, and you won’t want to miss your chance to attend!
Merit Badge Counselors Needed
Calling all merit badge counselors! Come share your knowledge with the youth, our future leaders.
Please contact Ray Bland at 252-312-4285 or or Christina Raymer at to sign up today.

Tidewater Veterans Day Parade
November 11
All Tidewater Council Cub Scout packs, Scouts BSA troops, Sea Scout ships, Exploring posts, and Venturing crews are invited to participate in the 2024 Tidewater Veterans Day Parade and Ceremony at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront!
This year, the Veterans Day Parade will begin at 16th Street and Atlantic Avenue, and will proceed to the Tidewater Veterans Memorial on 19th Street across from the Virginia Beach Convention Center. Check-in and line-up begin at 8:00 AM with exact location to be determined. Scouts will get to see the entire parade and then step off as one of the last units in the lineup.
All units are requested to bring their American and unit flags. Scouts and leaders should be in uniform. Scouts are invited to remain for the 11:00 AM Memorial Service.
Register your unit to march in the parade and pre-order your patches no later than November 9, 2024. Registration is required, and a patch is available by pre-order only.

Cub College
November 16
Register now for Cub College! This annual training event will take place on Saturday, November 16 at Tallwood High School in Virginia Beach.
New Cub Scout Families and Leaders (Participants)
Learn more about Cub Scouting, make new friends, and gain valuable resources to help your Scouts get the most from the program. Topics include Cub Scout program updates, enhancing den meetings and outings, crafting exciting pack programs and ceremonies, and learning about resources available to help you succeed. We will also offer First Aid/CPR/AED certification and Cub Scout Rangemaster training. Bring a notebook, pen, water bottle, and enthusiasm!
Experienced Cub Scout Leaders (Staff)
Help train the next generation of Cub Scouts and leaders. We need your experience and expertise to offer the best program. If interested in volunteering as Cub College staff, please contact Bill Lawrence at
Youth Academies (Grades Pre-K - 5)
Forget finding a babysitter – bring the whole family for a fun-filled day of Scouting excitement!
Cub College is offering a mini-camp of engaging activities for Cub Scouts and their siblings. Activities include science, nature, Scoutcraft, games, crafts, songs and skits, and more. Many activities will meet requirements for advancement and STEM Nova awards.
- Akela’s Academy: Grades 2 to 5 (Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light)
- Dragon Academy: Grades Pre-K to 1 (Lions, Tigers, and younger siblings)
All youth attendees must be toilet-trained.
Shooting Sports Training: Rifle Instructor Course
November 16
The NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting course allows Instructor Candidates to demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and to complete an instructor certification examination.
Scout Night with the Norfolk Admirals
December 15
Join the Scouts to cheer on the Norfolk Admirals as they take on the Cincinnati Cyclones!
Tickets are now available for $18 each at the Tidewater Council Scout Shop, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 until December 13, or sold out. A portion of ticket sales supports local Scouting. Units purchasing tickets will be recognized on the video board.
The tickets purchased in the Scout Shop are actual tickets with assigned seats. If you are attending Scout Night with the Norfolk Admirals as a unit or with a group, please purchase the tickets together to ensure you are seated together.

Scout Day at Winterplace Ski Resort
January 26, 2025
The new year means winter weather and winter sports! For the third year in a row, Winterplace Ski Resort in Ghent, WV is offering a special winter sports program for Tidewater Council Scouts, leaders, family members, friends, and neighbors! No matter what Scouting program you’re a part of (Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Exploring, Sea Scouting), this winter sports day is open to you!
Youth Scouts who register by January 3, 2025 are guaranteed an event patch. Youth Scouts registering after January 3 may receive a patch, as supplies last.
The package includes a full-day lift ticket, ski equipment rental, helmet rental, and a customized 90-minute group lesson – all for a discounted rate! There are optional add-ons available for meal vouchers and snowtubing (additional cost).
Lodging is not included in the package, but there are nearby facilities at Winterplace and the Summit Bechtel Reserve for group/unit lodging. For individuals and families, there are hotels in nearby Beckley, WV.
For members of Scouts BSA, the Winter Sports merit badge will also be offered in conjunction with this program. Scouts interested in earning this badge will need to participate in one of the discussion sessions held prior to the Scout Day, and must demonstrate their proficiency (skis/snowboard) on the slopes.
Please contact Mr. Mack Brunson ( for more information on the event and to sign up for the merit badge.

Wood Badge
May 2-4 and May 31-June 1
Registration for Wood Badge 2025 is now open!
Participating in Wood Badge will show you tips, tricks, and best practices for being an adult volunteer at any program level, whether you are a brand-new leader or have been leading for years. What’s more, though, is how it will change YOU. You will find yourself talking about team development and leadership tendencies at work, about managing conversations at home, and about what your personality tendencies are when interacting with others.
Wood Badge is the doorway, the start to learning about yourself and others, and the spark you will carry and instill in your Scouts. It will teach you how to lead from the perspective of the youth you serve.
Register now for Wood Badge and enter for a chance to win custom-made course swag! The earlier you are paid in full, the more chances you have to win! Prizes include an engraved nametag, a set of four coasters, and a travel mug, with a grand prize of a course jacket.
Chances to Win
- Paid in full by December 31, 2024 = 4 tickets
- Paid in full by February 1, 2025 = 2 tickets
- Paid in full by March 15, 2025 = 1 ticket
Black Pug allows for a self-paced payment plan, and some loan and scholarship funds may be available.
For more information, contact Kate Sklat, Course Director, at

Cub Scout Day Camp
June 2025
Cub Scout day camp is a summer outdoor experience for Cub Scout youth. Staffed by a team of volunteers, day camp activities include sports and games, academics, STEM and science activities, nature exploration, crafts, marksmanship, and skits and songs. Each activity is challenging and age appropriate. Cub Scouts have the opportunity to try new things as they work on elective Cub Scouting Adventures.
Planning is already underway to provide your Cub Scouts with awesome experiences in 2025!

2025 Philmont Trek
June 19 - July 3, 2025
Save the date for Tidewater Council’s next Philmont trek in summer 2025! If interested in joining the council contingent or getting more information, contact Bill Lawrence at

National Scout Jamboree
July 22-31, 2026
The next National Scout Jamboree will be held on July 22-31, 2026 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia! The National Scout Jamboree is a gathering of thousands of members of Scouting America from across the nation.
Start early in gauging interest in attending and planning fundraising so Scouts can take advantage of this unique opportunity. For assistance in planning unit fundraising, check out the popcorn sale or contact the district executive.
Reserve your spot for the adventure of a lifetime now with a $100 deposit!
In Fond Remembrance
Tim Roisen

Gone home.
Tim Roisen, a longtime Tidewater Council Scouter, went home on October 10, 2024 after a long, but courageous battle with cancer and a bleeding ulcer. Tim was the consummate Scouter and had been involved with Tidewater Council Scouting since the late 1990s. His many leadership roles included serving as Venturing Crew Advisor for Crew 91, Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 234, Cubmaster for Pack 223, Den Leader for Pack 210, Merit Badge Counselor, Unit Commissioner, and many roles in Three Rivers district. As Venturing Advisor for Crew 91, one of the largest crews in the area, Tim led 60 young men and women to Scouting’s adventures – and half of them even earned their SCUBA certifications. Even while undergoing cancer treatments beginning in the late 2010s, Tim continued his Scouting leadership—his dedication was stronger than the disease!
Tim’s joy of Scouting led to his role as the Three Rivers District Membership Chair, where he excelled in recruiting new Scouts and families. Tim was an animated recruiter, and he exuded a true passion for sharing all that Scouting can do for a child. He built authentic connections, impacted many lives, and eagerly helped the less fortunate. Tim attended Wood Badge in 2018 and received his beads soon after—he was always proud to call himself an Owl!
Post-COVID, Tim became involved with HaRdLUG (Hampton Roads LEGO User Group) and brick fairs. Then, he worked on LEGO-building with a homeschooling group of about ten youth. The group recently completed a large Medieval village together, one of their largest builds, and it was wonderful to see the youth move from individual projects to collaborative building.
Professionally, Tim served in the US Army before beginning a career in pharmacy. He served as President of the Virginia Pharmacy Association from 1992-93 and was influential in legislation that requires the licensing of pharmacy technicians.
Tim’s family is hosting a remembrance of his life on Saturday, October 19, from 1-4 PM at Smith & Williams Funeral Home at 4889 Princess Anne Road in Virginia Beach.

Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Five Things To Do in October
- Submit the third military donation recognition by Wednesday, October 30.
- Place the unit’s final popcorn order by Wednesday, October 30.
- If planning to return any product, make the return no later than Wednesday, October 30.
- Make the final unit invoice payment by Wednesday, October 30 at 5 PM.
- Sell, sell, sell!
Getting Started
It is not too late for your unit to participate in the 2024 Popcorn Sale!
- Conduct “take order” sales. Scouts can make personal sales to family, friends, and neighbors. Units have until October 30 to order the product needed to fill take orders, with delivery in mid-November. The sales flyer is available here, or contact the district executive for a sales kit.
- Participate in online sales. The online sale is slated to continue until November 24. Product purchased online is shipped directly to the purchaser with free shipping. Units earn 30% commission on online sales, and do not have to handle product or logistics. Each Scout receives a unique Seller ID to ensure credit goes to the right unit.
Contact your District Popcorn Kernel for help getting started.
Did your unit miss Popcorn Training? You can view the recording on the Popcorn Sale webpage. Make sure to review the 2024 Popcorn Guide while you’re there too!
Do you need help with any aspect of the sale? We have a great team of District Popcorn Kernels who are here to help you! You can find their contact information here.
Scout Shop
Fall is an exciting time in Scouting, and the best way to enjoy all the activities is to be prepared. Besides uniforms, books, and awards, the Scout Shop has many extra items so you can be ready for your adventures.

BSA Hoodies
New this month are BSA Hoodies! These maroon hoodies with the BSA fleur-de-lis symbol in white on the left shoulder are 50% cotton/50% polyester fleece. They are available in sizes adult small-2XL and sell for $44.99. What a comfortable way to stay warm and advertise Scouting!
NEW Swiss Army Knives
The Scout Shop has NEW Swiss Army knives, small and easy to carry. These translucent knives come in two styles:
- Blue with the Cub Scout logo
- Pink with the BSA fleur-de-lis logo
Both knives are seven-function, including a 2 ¼” knife blade, scissors, nail file with screwdriver, key ring, tweezers, and a toothpick. These knives are $27.99 and are nice gift ideas for those who can carry them, since they may be used for Scouting activities and daily tasks.

Fall Uniform Sale
The Fall Uniform Sale continues through Saturday, November 2. Get a uniform shirt and bottoms (pants, shorts, or skorts) from the same program and get 20% off the bottoms. If you are buying for more than one Scout, the savings add up!
Help New Families Be Prepared
Leaders, we need your help! Frequently asked questions that the Scout Shop staff cannot answer on behalf of units include:
For Scouts BSA:
- Which color of neckerchief do I buy?
- Which patrol patch do I get?
- What is my troop number?
For Cub Scouts:
- Do I need a den number?
- What is my pack number?
For Arrows of Light: New changes in the Cub Scout program have changed uniform requirements for most Arrow of Light dens. Many are either not using a neckerchief, or are choosing one of the Scout neckerchiefs and the solid green Scout cap.
Please help the families in your unit have a successful shopping experience, by informing them what they need before they come in to shop!
Having a hard time getting to the Scout Shop? We are glad to ship orders by USPS. Just call us at 757-497-2688 or email or We can fill the order, calculate shipping, and call you back for a VISA, Mastercard, or Discover credit card number.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.

A concussion, also known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), is an injury that results from a blow to the head causing an alteration of brain function. Concussions may also be due to falls or blows to the body that cause the brain to move quickly back and forth.
Concussions are difficult to diagnose and are often called “invisible injuries.” It is important to note that in 90 percent of all youth-related concussions, there is no loss of consciousness. Most people with concussions recover quickly and fully, but for some the symptoms can last for days, weeks, or longer. Recovery may be slower among young children and teenagers. Those who have had a concussion in the past are at greater risk for another one, and recovery may take longer the second time.

Registrar's Corner
Online Registration - Unit Pay Option Removed
The National Council of Scouting America has removed the “Unit Pay” option from online registration due to technical issues.
If your unit would like to pay registration fees for members, please communicate with families that they should not pay online. Units may remit membership payments in the Scout Shop with the 2024 Scouting Registration Renewal Form.
Administrative Changes to the Membership and Unit Registration Period
The National Council of Scouting America has made the following membership and unit registration administrative changes:
- Administrative changes to the membership expiration dates for all youth and adult members who joined starting August 2023. This is to ensure that everyone receives the full 12 months of membership registration. Membership in Scouting America is annual. For example, members who joined in October 2023 have a membership expiration date of October 31, 2024.
- Extended the membership lapse period for everyone from two months to three months.
- Extended the unit lapse period for every unit from two months to three months.
VFW Scholarship Opportunities
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Posts have scholarship opportunities for middle school and high school students. Visit for more details and entry forms.
For High School Students
High school students can enter the Voice of Democracy Essay Contest. The 2024-25 theme is: “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?”
The deadline to submit entries to a local VFW Post is October 31, 2024. The national first place winner receives a $35,000 scholarship.
For Middle School Students
Middle school students can enter the Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest. The 2024-25 theme is: “My Voice in America’s Democracy?”
The deadline to submit entries to a local VFW Post is October 31, 2024. The national first place winner can win $5,000.
Students may submit their entries to a local VFW Post. For more information, please call your local VFW Post.
Posts in the Tidewater Council area include:
- Post 10950 Outer Banks Post in Nags Head, NC
- Post 7312 Gates County Memorial Post in Gatesville, NC
- Post 6060 William Clarence Jackson Post in Elizabeth City, NC
- Post 4809 Tidewater Post in Norfolk, VA
- Post 3160 Ocean View Post in Norfolk, VA
- Post 2894 SSG Jonathan K. Dozier Memorial Post in Chesapeake, VA
- Post 1211 Back Bay Post in Virginia Beach, VA
- Post 392 General MacArthur Memorial Post in Virginia Beach, VA

Help Needed: Camp Moonyah Improvement Projects
Camp Moonyah has been an integral part of Tidewater Council’s camps for more than 85 years. As such, it has a rich history hosting functions, events, celebrations, and ceremonies encompassing all arenas of the Scouting program. Over the past many, many decades, dedicated volunteers have continually strived to improve the camp to ensure safe and enjoyable experiences for all. Even with past improvements, it is time to bring this facility into the 21st century. To that end, there are two proposals before the council:
Introduction of Electrical Power
Working with Dominion Power, bringing power into Camp Moonyah will require several measured electrical wire runs of 250’+ from a transformer located off property to the maintenance shed where the meter base would be located. Because of the distance, a 25kw transformer will be required to maintain a continual, safe load of power. The cost of connection to a power source, running a total of 500’+ of underground cable, the transformer, and other fees associated with this project will run from $10,000 – $12,000.
Potable Water
Working with the City of Chesapeake water department, tapping into an existing water line conveniently located just outside the camp entrance will bring viable potable water into the camp. City connection fees, trenching a water line to a meter and further on to end at a frost-free water spigot similar to those in use at Pipsico will run from $3,400 – $5,000.
What's Next?
To achieve the success of these projects, we are reaching out to you in Tidewater Council to either help fund in full or in part one or both of these projects. By doing so, you will ensure the continued success and growth of Camp Moonyah for decades to come.
For questions or to find out more about how you can support Camp Moonyah improvements, please contact Ron Misfeldt at and Wes Parker at
Development Corner

Sponsor a Tent at Pipsico Scout Reservation
Many of Pipsico Scout Reservation’s tents have been in service for 30 years. In order to continue to provide a high-quality camping experience for our Scouts, Tidewater Council is replacing 200 tents between 2023-2027.
Based on the recommendation of our Camping Committee, we are replacing the current wooden platforms and ridge pole system tents with new platforms and Diamond Brand tents with aluminum-mounted frames. In addition to housing Scouts and keeping them dry, the new tents will exponentially decrease the time needed for tent setup and takedown. The cost of a new tent, platform, and frame is approximately $1,640 each. A contribution in any amount is appreciated, and will be designated to provide new tents at Pipsico.
Thank you for ensuring that our Scouts enjoy their camping adventures at Pipsico!

Leave a Legacy: James E. West Fellowship Award
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a national recognition for individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Tidewater Council BSA endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and does not diminish or replace, the donor’s annual gift to the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign.
Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone — an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Living Legend, any outstanding Scout or Scouter.
Program Ideas
- National New Friends Day: October 19
- Invite a friend to visit a Scout meeting or event.
- Make a card or another gesture of friendship to new members in your Scout unit.
- International Artist Day: October 25
- Visit a local art museum or gallery.
- Work on an art-related merit badge, such as Animation, Art, Graphic Arts, Photography, Pottery, or Sculpture.
- Encourage Scouts to use their creativity in an art project.
- Family Stories Month
- Invite Scouts to come up with questions or prompts to ask their family members at holiday gatherings.
- Work on the Genealogy or Family Life merit badges.
- Encourage Cub Scouts to discuss their families’ faith traditions as they work on the rank-specific Family & Reverence Adventure:
- Lion: Lion’s Pride
- Tiger: Tiger Circles
- Wolf: Footsteps
- Bear: Fellowship
- Webelos: My Family
- Arrow of Light: Duty to God
- Veterans Day: November 11
- March in the Tidewater Veterans Day Parade.
- Attend a Veterans Day ceremony.
- Place American flags on veterans’ graves.
- Invite a veteran to be a special guest speaker at a unit meeting.
- Make thank you cards for veterans.
- World Kindness Day: November 13
- A Scout is Kind. Discuss the sixth point of the Scout Law.
- As a den or patrol, plan ways to show kindness.
- National Hiking Day: November 17
- Work on the Hiking merit badge.
- Work the rank-specific Cub Scout Adventure for outdoor exploration:
- Lion: Mountain Lion
- Tiger: Tigers in the Wild
- Wolf: Paws on the Path
- Bear: Bear Habitat
- Webelos: Webelos Walkabout
- Arrow of Light: Outdoor Adventurer
- Go on a hike!
Community Engagement
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us. You may also visit NC 211 or 2-1-1 Virginia for assistance finding resources.
Eagle Project Ideas: Seton House
Seton Youth Services, often known as Seton House, has opportunities for two ambitious Eagle Scout projects. Seton House is a youth shelter for boys and girls ages 9-18 who have faced extreme hardship at home or on the streets. They receive food, shelter, school supplies, and clothing there.
Community service projects are also available for units.
For more information, please contact Gene Hoffman at 757-469-0957 or

Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Congratulations to our September Eagle Scouts!

Albemarle Troop 165 celebrated Miles B.’s achievement of the Eagle Scout rank on October 6 at the Manteo Lions Club. Miles has been Scouting since Cub Scouts, and will be off to college soon to study marine biology.
Great job, Miles!

We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to (with parental permission, of course).