Table of Contents
Upcoming Events

Neptune Festival Grand Parade
September 30
Calling all Scouts – The Neptune Festival Grand Parade needs YOU!
Reserve your positions now to be a part of the Neptune Festival Grand Parade on September 30 and show off your Scout Spirit.
Thanks to the Neptune Festival, the first 120 volunteers to register will receive a free patch!

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)
September 30 - October 1
Outdoor skills are critical to the success of the Scouting program. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills provides leaders with the basic outdoor skills information needed to start a program right, and the practical skills needed to lead Scouts in the outdoor environment.
Adult leaders work as patrols in this hands-on course. Upon completion, leaders should feel comfortable teaching Scouts the basic skills required to obtain the First Class rank.
Along with Scoutmaster Specific Training and Youth Protection Training, this course is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be considered “position trained.”
The next IOLS course will be held at Camp Moonyah on September 30 – October 1.

Pow Wow
October 7
Cub Scout Leaders, join us at Pow Wow Cub Scout Leader Supplemental Training!
Saturday, October 7, 2023
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Centura College Chesapeake Campus
932 Ventures Way
Chesapeake, VA 23320
Pow Wow is an action-packed training event for adult Cub Scout leaders, pack committee members, chartered organization representatives, parents of Cub Scouts, and Cub Scout-interested persons. Spend the day learning new ideas and concepts and talking about experiences that will enhance your ability to deliver and support a fun-filled, exciting program to Cub Scouts.
- Lunch will be served.
- Door prizes awarded!
- Akela’s Academy, a one-day day camp for Cub Scout-aged youth, is available all day. Sign up now – enrollment is limited!
- Tot Lot is available for the day.
- Fun will be had by all!
Registration is now open.

Albemarle District Fall Camporee
October 20-22
A camporee can be a perfect showplace for the Scouting program and, therefore, go far beyond just being a gathering of youth. A camporee starts with the recognition that a patrol is the basic camping unit. The patrol demonstrates its very best camping techniques and shares its experiences with other patrols. The camporee involves the type of equipment that can be carried in a pack by youth and can be set up entirely by them, allowing them to be completely self-sufficient for a self-reliant experience.
This year, Albemarle District will hold its Fall Camporee on October 20-22, 2023 at Maple Commerce Park in Barco, NC. This year’s theme is “Work Hard Play Hard.” We are working hard for the community through service projects in the morning and having fun and fellowship in the afternoon. The day will end with a campfire and cracker barrel.
All Tidewater Council Scouts BSA troops, Venturing crews, Exploring posts, and Sea Scout ships are welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!

Princess Anne District Fall Camporee
October 20-22
The 2023 Princess Anne District Fall Camporee is coming to Camp Kiwanis at Pipsico Scout Reservation this fall!
Get ready for an adventure-filled weekend with:
- Scout skills and puzzles led by older Scouts
- Saturday night cookoff
- Potluck cracker barrel for youth and adults
- Saturday night campfire conducted by the Princess Anne chapter of the Blue Heron Lodge
For questions, please contact Sam Grinvalsky at or 757-639-7214.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
October 21-22
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is a one-and-a-half day course that introduces leaders to the Cub Scout outdoor program. BALOO is designed for leaders interested in adding a camping component to their pack activities.
BALOO consists of an online pre-requisite component and an overnight, hands-on practical. The course teaches BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies and the necessary tools to help units carry out a successful camping experience. When a Cub Scout pack or Webelos den camps, a minimum of one adult who has completed this training must be present on the overnight experience.
The online component, which contains introductory and basic information, must be completed prior to the practical component. The information learned in the online prerequisite training is the necessary foundation for the overnight, practical part of the course.
Online modules are available at in the BSA Learning Center – Expanded Learning – BALOO Prerequisite Training.

Albemarle District Fall Cuboree
October 27-29
This Cub Scout Family Camping Weekend is an opportunity to experience Scouting with others! There will be a variety of activities to include things for nature enthusiasts, fishermen, marksmen (aspiring marksmen), and more. The program schedule is jam packed with activities; however, if a Scout tires out or a program doesn’t interest you, feel free to do your own thing. Please try not to arrive late to sessions, as safety briefings must start on time.
Participants are invited to camp from Friday evening through Sunday, or any portion in between. Families are welcome to arrive on Friday to set up camp and relax (this makes Saturday easier). Likewise, after a day of activity on Saturday, you are welcome to take it easy Saturday night and make your way home on Sunday morning.
The Albemarle District Family Camping event will be held at Currituck County Rural Center for all Cub Scouts and their families and/or leaders to experience together. Non-Scout siblings are invited to participate in activities (some age restrictions may apply).

Bayside District Fall Camporee
October 27-29
The 2023 Bayside District Fall Camporee is coming to Camp Kiwanis at Pipsico Scout Reservation this fall!
There is a mystery to be solved, and we need your Scouts and their skills to find out Who Dunnit. Get ready for a mystery-packed weekend including:
- Patrol-based Scout skills stations led by older Scouts to earn mystery clues
- Scoutmaster cook-off
- Friday mystery show
- Saturday night campfire
For questions, please contact Matt Little at or 757-695-8048.

Three Rivers District Fall Camporee
October 27-29
Members of Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouting are invited to the Three Rivers District Troop O’Treat Fall Camporee at Izaak Walton League Park in Chesapeake.
- Practice and demonstrate Scout skills
- Show off cooking skills in patrol and unit cooking challenges
- Decorate campsites for Halloween (Decorations are to be fun and spooky, but may not be graphic, violent, or have a horror theme.)
- Enjoy a Saturday campfire and Scouts’ Own Service
- Compete for the Traveling District Trophy
For questions, contact Mike Zemienieuski at or 757-617-7440.

Three Rivers District Cub-O-Ree
October 27-29
Cub Scouts, Webelos, and their families will have the ultimate Halloween Weekend at the Three Rivers District Cub-O-Ree at Izaak Walton League Park!
- Fun games and activities
- Shooting sports
- Trick-or-treating at the Scouts BSA Camporee

Bayside District Cuboree
October 28-29
Race into Scouting at the Bayside Cuboree! Join us at Camp Kiwanis at Pipsico Scout Reservation for either a day visit or an overnight campout!
- Archery
- Relay races
- Games
- Scavenger hunts
- Build your own soapbox car

Princess Anne District Field Day
October 28
Cub Scouts and their families are invited to participate in a variety of fall outdoor activities!
- Race matchbox cars
- Run relays
- Learn Scout skills
- Kick off the program year
Troops are encouraged to staff stations and develop relationships with packs in their area. To volunteer, please contact Andrew Huddle at

Darden Gala
November 4
Join us for the 2023 Darden Gala on November 4, 2023 at the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center!
The Darden Gala is an annual fundraising event for Tidewater Council, Boy Scouts of America. Each year, Tidewater Council bestows the “Scouter Citizen of the Year Award” to deserving individuals who exemplify public service in the community.
In 2023, we are pleased to honor Barbara Lewis as our Scouter Citizen of the Year. Barbara is the founder and president of Town Center City Club. She established the Outstanding Professional Women’s Awards to create role models and motivation for women, and hosted the Inaugural Examples of Success Dinner to honor our region’s first female Eagle Scouts. In 2022, the Virginia Beach Jaycees recognized Barbara as the First Citizen of Virginia Beach.
The Darden Gala will feature Monte Carlo games, live and silent auctions, live music, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Join us for a night of elegance under the City Lights!

Veterans Day Parade
November 11
All packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts are invited to participate in the annual Tidewater Veterans Day Parade and ceremony at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront.
Event Details
- This year, the parade will begin at 16th Street and Atlantic Avenue, and proceed to the Tidewater Veterans Memorial on 19th Street, across from the Virginia Beach Convention Center. This is a different route from previous years.
- Check-in and line-up begin at 8:00 AM, with exact location to be determined.
- Scouts will get to see the entire parade and then step off as one of the last units in the parade.
- All units are requested to bring their American and unit flags.
- Scouts and leaders should be in uniform.
- Scouts are invited to remain for the 11:00 AM Memorial Service.
- Registration is required. Please register by unit.
- Registration closes on November 9, 2023.
- Patches are available by pre-order only. The deadline to pre-order patches is November 9, 2023.
- Patches will be available after the event for pick-up at Roundtables or in the Scout Shop. Units that order patches will be notified when they arrive, so pick-up can be coordinated.

Trainer's EDGE
November 18
Trainer’s EDGE is the Boy Scouts of America’s trainer development course designed to help Scouts and Scouters:
- Put into practice the EDGE training model
- Gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences
- Develop the platform skills of a trainer
- Raise the level of skill a trainer brings to the learning experience
- “Train the trainer” on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experience in methods and media
This course is part of a continuous process of updating trainers with the latest training methods, principles, and technologies.
Trainer’s EDGE is ideal for:
- District and council trainers
- Merit badge counselors
- Summer camp staff, including both youth and adults
- Winter Camp staff, including both youth and adults
- Roundtable staff
- Pack trainers
- Commissioner trainers
- Youth troop guides and instructors
- Unit leaders
- Staff for Wood Badge and National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
The course will be offered on November 18 at United Way of South Hampton Roads in Norfolk.
Scoutmaster Specific Training
December 2
Scoutmaster-Specific Training introduces adult leaders to everything they need to know about running a Scouts BSA troop.
In Scouts BSA, adult leaders serve in more of a “mentor” position, where their job is to help youth members learn and practice leadership. While this training will not answer every single question about being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster, it is a great introduction.
Along with Youth Protection Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS), this course is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be considered “position trained.”
Troop Committee Challenge
December 2
Running a Scouts BSA troop is a little like running a business: there’s a budget and a calendar, there’s money coming in (fundraising and dues), there’s money going out (activities, equipment purchases, registration fees), there’s a “workforce” (adult volunteers), and there are goals and evaluation of whether the troop reached its goals. And, of course, all this occurs within the unique context of Scouting with some special rules and requirements.
At Troop Committee Challenge training on December 2, get the foundational training with the tools and best practices to succeed.

Wood Badge
April 12-14 and May 4-5, 2024
Wood Badge is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide adult members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their Scouting positions and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Lord Baden-Powell originally designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way as possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is, first and foremost, learning by doing.
Wood Badge has evolved over the years into the core leadership skills training course for the BSA. The Wood Badge course focuses on strengthening every volunteer’s ability to work with and lead groups of youth and adults and is less focused on outdoor skills, which are more effectively addressed in other courses.
In Fond Remembrance

Martin Champaco
In honorable memory, we celebrate the humble life legacy of Martin “Tin Tin” Champaco. Martin’s love for Scouting began in his youth and was reignited when he joined Pack 62 alongside his grandsons, Jace and Jack. With unwavering dedication and a deep commitment to service, Martin played pivotal roles as a Den Leader, Committee Chair, and, in his final years, as Cubmaster of Pack 62.
Martin thrived within the Scouting community, fostering many cherished friendships and embodying the spirit of Scouting. He consistently strived to Be Prepared, to Do His Best, and to infuse joy into every endeavor. Through all of his commitment, he had one hope, and that was to enhance the lives of youth, families, and community. He will be remembered for many things, but to us, he was a man of kindness, integrity, wearing a perpetual smile, and an unyielding commitment to nurturing good citizens, future leaders, and, above all, happy, helpful, and kind humans!
Martin was a friend to all, a beacon of support for those in need, and his heart overflowed with a profound sense of service in everything he pursued.
As we bid farewell to this part of the trail, Cubmaster, we do so with admiration and respect. The echoes of your spirit will resonate within the heart of Pack 62 and throughout Tidewater Council. May your eternal path be one of serenity and tranquility.
Scout Shop
September = Back to School, a return to meetings, new recruits, and many fun adventures. The Scout Shop has everything you need and many “extras”!
Fall Uniform Sale
The fall uniform sale is in full swing, with many customers taking advantage of the savings. Buy a shirt and bottoms (from the same program) and save 10% off the bottoms. Bottoms refer to pants, shorts, and skorts for Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturing. For the Lions program, the T-shirt is the uniform top and will qualify as the shirt. The sale goes through October 28, 2023. Clearance items are excluded from the sale.
Cub Scout Rank T-Shirts
The Cub Scout rank T-shirts are stocked once more and are still just $12.99 for youth sizes. We do have a few of the Tiger Adult T-shirts for $14.99, which are great for Tiger partners. Besides being convenient for den meetings, these T-shirts are a good way to advertise Scouting when worn to school or other events.

Water Bottles
Water bottles are required in most schools with filling stations. The Boy Scouts of America offers the CamelBak Tritan, a leak-proof Scout-themed bottle. These bottles are eco-friendly, BPA/BPS/BPF free, have a big bite valve made from medical grade silicone, and may be used with a straw. The Scout and Cub Scout 16 oz. bottles are $16.99, and the smaller 14 oz. Cub Scout bottles are $15.99. These lightweight bottles come with a handle for easy carrying.
New Recruits Need Your Help!
New recruits need help! It’s the new-to-Scouting parents who do the shopping, and they often do not have the information needed to purchase the correct items. Please help us help them by providing the following information:
- Unit number
- Den number (if used)
- Patrol patch (if used)
- Color of neckerchief (for Scouts BSA troops)
- Items to NOT purchase if unit is providing books, neckerchiefs, numbers, etc.
We continue to ship orders by USPS on Wednesdays and Fridays. Call us at 757-497-2688 or email We can take your order, calculate shipping, and call you back for a Mastercard or VISA number. We no longer charge a fee to use a credit card for Scout Shop purchases.

Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Four Things Your Unit Should Be Doing in September
- Place the unit’s next popcorn order by Wednesday, September 20.
- If planning to return any Cheese Lovers or Classic Trios, make the return no later than Wednesday, September 20.
- If the unit needs additional inventory to stock Show & Sells before the next order arrives, schedule an interim appointment on Wednesday, September 20 or Wednesday, September 27.
- Sell, sell, sell!
Getting Started
It is not too late for your unit to participate in the 2023 Popcorn Sale! To get started:
- Read the Popcorn Guide.
- Sign up for the sale at using Council Key 596TWC.
- Set sales goals.
- Hold a unit kick-off. Contact your district executive to get sales materials and a tasting kit.
- Watch the recorded Popcorn Training at
- Contact your District Popcorn Kernel for help getting started.
Did your unit miss Popcorn Training? You can view the recording on the Popcorn Sale webpage. Make sure to review the 2023 Popcorn Guide while you’re there too!
Do you need help with any aspect of the sale? We have a great team of District Popcorn Kernels who are here to help you! You can find their contact information here.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.

Young people today seek greater challenges, and climbing and rappelling offer a worthy challenge. While the Climbing merit badge spurs interest in these activities, the proliferation of climbing gyms and facilities has also made climbing and rappelling readily available. Knowing and following the BSA’s guidance will help units execute a fun and safe activity for all. Climb On Safely is the Boy Scouts of America’s procedure for organizing BSA climbing/rappelling activities.
For more information on climbing certification, contact Matt Russell.
Awards Spotlight

National Honor Patrol
The National Honor Patrol Award is given to Scouts BSA patrols whose members make an extra effort to have the best patrol possible. This award encourages patrols to have identity, spirit, be active, to do Good Turns and service projects, complete rank advancement, wear the uniform, be organized, participate with the troop, and grow.

Keep America Beautiful Hometown USA Award
Keep America Beautiful Inc. and the Boy Scouts of America teamed up to recognize outstanding efforts of Scouts in their communities in regard to citizenship and environmental improvement. This award provides a way for Scouts to make significant contributions toward keeping America beautiful.

Conservation Good Turn
The Conservation Good Turn Award is an opportunity for Cub Scout packs, Scouts BSA troops, and Venturing crews to join with conservation or environmental organizations to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities.

NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
Popularly known by its acronym, “NOESA,” the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recognizes Eagle Scouts notable for their local, state, regional, or national distinguished service. NOESA candidates have inspired others through their positive actions reflected by recognized accomplishments and devotion to their profession, hobby, community, and beliefs.
Learn more about Tidewater Council’s three most recent NOESA recipients:
Nominations are due to the Council Service Center no later than December 1, 2023. Awardees will be honored at the Council Recognition Banquet in May 2024.

Cyber Chip
Today’s youth are spending more time than ever using digital media for education, research, socializing, and fun. As youth return to school, their time online may increase. To help families and volunteers keep youth safe while online, the Boy Scouts of America teamed up with content expert NetSmartz®, part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® and training expert for many law enforcement agencies, to develop the Cyber Chip.
All Cyber Chips expire annually. To recharge their Cyber Chip, Scouts visit NetSmartz and complete two new resources to recommit to net safety and netiquette.

Glenn A. & Melinda W. Adams Service Project of the Year Award
The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community, or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Selection of recipients begins at the local level and is conducted through the council NESA committee. The council recipient is considered for National Service Territory-level recognition. One national recipient is selected from among the Territory recipients.
Learn more about Tidewater Council’s most recent Adams Award recipient, Simone N.
An Eagle Scout, their parents, or any registered BSA volunteer (with the Eagle Scout’s permission) may submit the Eagle Scout service project to the local council’s NESA committee for consideration. The Eagle Scout must have passed their Eagle Board of Review between January 1 – December 31, 2023.
Nominations are due to the NESA committee of the council in which the service project was completed by January 31, 2024.

Journey to Excellence
Journey to Excellence (JTE) recognizes units for annual planning and continuous improvement.
Journey to Excellence for 2023
The last quarter of the year begins in two weeks. To finish the year strong, it is a good time for the unit committee to meet with the unit commissioner to evaluate current JTE progress and make a plan to achieve the next JTE level.
Ways to improve a unit JTE score in the last quarter may include:
- Membership: Does the unit have a plan to increase membership this fall? Does the Cub Scout pack have new Lion and/or Tiger dens? Has the Scouts BSA troop increased membership over the previous year?
- Retention: How many youth are renewing their membership? Did unit leaders contact families that have not attended a unit meeting yet this fall?
- Service Hours: Have all the unit’s service hours been recorded in a timely fashion?
- Advancement: Have all rank advancements been recorded?
- Training: Are leaders trained and engaged? While many courses are available online, there are also several in-person position training opportunities:
- Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills on September 30 – October 1
- Cub Scout Leader Specific Training on October 21
- Cub Scout Leader Specific Training on November 18
- Scoutmaster Specific Training on December 2
- Troop Committee Challenge on December 2
When the unit submits its charter renewal package, it can preorder JTE recognition patches.
Journey to Excellence for 2024
2024 JTE Scorecards are now available at
Race into Scouting
To help Scouting grow, Tidewater Council encourages every pack, troop, crew, ship, and post to Race into Scouting and recruit new Scouts!
Recruiting Steps to Build Membership
- Recruit a New Member Coordinator.
- Complete a Unit Marketing Worksheet with the district executive or District Membership Chair.
- Update the unit’s BeAScout pin.
- Make a Unit Information Sheet.
- Have a table or booth at Meet the Teacher Nights and Open Houses at nearby schools.
- Hold at least two recruiting events or open houses. Talk to the district executive about participating in recruiting events.
- Have a joining opportunity for the unit within seven days of school starting.
Unit Support Materials
Be sure to share information on unit joining nights with the district executive, so they can provide free resources to support recruitment. Support materials can include:
- Electronic and paper flyers going into schools and to parents.
- Council-paid advertising for recruiting events.
- Yard signs.
- Use of banners.
- Appearances by Scoutcar Driver Bobby Katz or Baloo the Bear.
- Hot Wheels and stickers for new Scouts.
- New Parent Guides, event flyers, and other handouts for new families.
- Additional Cub Scout recruiting resources are available on our website at
District executives, membership chairs, and the Assistant Scout Executive are eager to work with units to help more families Race into Scouting! Tidewater Council’s Staff Directory is available here.

Eagle Scout Rank and Charter Renewal
Does an Eagle Scout candidate need to renew their membership with the unit’s annual charter renewal? It depends.
Does the Scout wish to remain active in the unit?
If yes, they need to maintain their membership so they can keep enjoying the adventures of Scouting.
What Eagle requirements have they completed?
For Scouts that do not want to continue their unit membership after earning the Eagle Scout rank, the answer depends on what requirements they have completed. Scouts must be currently registered when completing the requirements on the Eagle Scout Rank Application (Requirements 1-6). The local council will validate the Scout’s registration when the application is submitted for verification.
Once the Eagle Scout application is verified, the only requirement remaining is to successfully complete the Eagle board of review. Scouts do not have to hold a current registration to hold the Eagle board of review, provided that they were registered when completing the previous requirements and have already had their application verified by the local council.
How old is the Eagle candidate?
If the youth turns 18 after January 31 of the new charter period and has not yet completed Requirements 1-6 and the local council verification, they must renew their membership as a youth member.
If the youth turns 18 on or before January 31 of the new charter period and has not yet completed Requirements 1-6 and the local council verification, they must renew their membership as an Adult Program Participant. Youth participants must complete Youth Protection Training.
For advice on individual situations, extensions, and advancement beyond the age of eligibility, consult with the district advancement chair.

Bats, Bats, and More Bats
With Halloween approaching, bats are a common feature in movies, costumes, and decorations.
The Army Corps of Engineers lease Camps Baker and Moonyah to Tidewater Council. They have reached out to the Scouts of Tidewater Council to help them with a… well, a bat problem.
A property they possess recently has been overrun with bats, and they would like help from Scouts in providing a more suitable home for bats. They are seeking 9-15 bat houses to be constructed and placed in the area. To ensure uniformity, a simple set of plans will be provided to construct a suitable bat house.
If your unit has Scouts needing service hours, this is a great opportunity to earn service time, as well as help out the community. For further information, contact Ron Misfeldt at 757-646-1384 or

Camp Service Weekends
Attention all Scouting units!
If you have Scouts who need service time, your unit is needed at Camp Moonyah or Camp Baker. The ongoing need for grounds maintenance, mowing, trimming, site-clearing, clean-up, and more is never-ending. We are seeking units that can dedicate a full day or a weekend of service time to these two camps in Chesapeake.
As an added incentive, Scouts and Scouters can work towards earning the highly sought-after and much-desired camp service patch. Contact Ron Misfeldt at 757-646-1384 or for additional details.

Camp Baker Temporary Closure in 2024
In an effort to bring additional electric power to the region, Dominion Power will engage in a 12-month project at Camp Baker, erecting 50-60 new power line towers in the area east of the camping areas. Project construction plans involve camp road impacts, which include the widening and reinforcement of the ground to accommodate large semi-trucks bringing in construction materials and equipment. The work will be continual (seven days a week).
As a result, from February 15, 2024 through December 2024 (and possibly into spring 2025), Camp Baker will be closed to camping to allow for construction activities. Although unfortunate, this action is necessary to avoid putting campers in an unsafe environment. As soon as the project in Camp Baker concludes, even if earlier than planned, the reopening will be announced.
Short-term camping will still be available at Camp Moonyah, located in the Deep Creek area of Chesapeake, or at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Make camp reservations early, as the fall through spring/early summer months are peak camping times in these camps.
Any questions regarding Camp Baker or Camp Moonyah can be directed to Ron Misfeldt, Camps Baker and Moonyah Ranger, at 757-646-1384 or
Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
High Adventure Treks in 2024 and 2025
Many units regularly pack yearly schedules with outings and activities that keep youth coming back and wanting more. Units provide many different activities which appeal to a variety of age groups. Youth ages 11-13 crave and need activities that deliver basic skills, such as camping. Youth ages 14-17 are looking for more robust adventures that challenge their physical abilities, as well as their minds. Additionally, older Scouts are looking for activities which become available as they mature.
To help older youth keep their interest in Scouting, the Council High Adventure Committee has produced a long-range calendar outlining longer (5+ days) high adventure activities. To assist units, the council offers these longer treks on a council contingent basis. The High Adventure Committee is soliciting youth and units’ interest in these treks for 2024 and 2025. Units and individuals with an interest in these activities should contact or for more information. The first two treks are:

Okpik Winter Program at Northern Tier: December 2024
Okpik is the premier winter camping program in the Boy Scouts of America. The Charles L. Sommers Canoe Base in Minnesota is the site of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Cold Weather Camping Development Center. All trips are fully outfitted and provisioned, including almost all the personal gear necessary to stay warm in the winter. A highly trained staff member, called an Interpreter, accompanies all crews on their trek.
This activity is scheduled around winter break (December 2024). Northern Tier has a wide range of winter treks. Crews can choose cabin stay programs, cross country skiing (which could include sleeping one night on a frozen lake), or dog sledding (which includes living with and caring for the sled dogs).
Learn to never fear the cold again while experiencing all the Great North Woods have to offer. The cost varies with the activity the crew chooses, but is estimated around $2,000 per person.

Backpacking at Philmont Scout Ranch: Summer 2025
Philmont Scout Ranch, the Boy Scouts of America’s largest National High Adventure Base, challenges Scouts and Venturers with more than 214 square miles of rugged northern New Mexico wilderness. Backpacking treks, horseback cavalcades, and training and service programs offer young people many ways to experience this legendary country.
Tidewater Council is planning a trek to Philmont during summer 2025. Costs for 2025 are not yet available, but, for reference, the fee for the 2022 council contingent trek to Philmont was around $2,300 per person.
Participants who sign up for either trek must make a $250 deposit.
In succeeding years, Tidewater Council-offered contingents will include Sea Base in Florida and The Summit in West Virginia.
Members of the High Adventure Committee are available to assist individuals and units in developing and conducting long (5+ days) high adventure treks. Contact or
Program Ideas for October
- Jamboree-on-the-Air/Jamboree-on-the-Internet is October 20-22, 2023.
- Jamboree-on-the-Internet, or JOTI, is an annual international Scouting event sponsored by the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Each year, during the third weekend in October, Scouts from around the world gather online to learn about other cultures and the activities in which other Scouts participate. They communicate with each other using Internet-enabled devices such as computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Each year, nearly 16,000 Scouts and leaders from more than 145 countries participate!
- Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is one of the largest Scouting events in the world. It is held annually during the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and radio operators around the world, around the nation, and in Scouts’ own communities. It’s a great way to get more youth interested in amateur radio. Scouts can experience the fun of amateur radio, as well as the service aspects of emergency communication. The scope of JOTA activities is only limited by your imagination.
- National Book Month:
- Schedule a library tour
- Invite a local author to a unit meeting
- Work on the Reading Merit Badge
- National Bullying Prevention Month: The idea that a Scout should treat others as they want to be treated—a Scout is kind—is woven throughout the programs and literature of the Boy Scouts of America. When a Scout follows the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, bullying and hazing situations should never occur.
- For youth in grades 6-12, the Cyber Chip helps keep youth safe while online. Topics include cyberbullying, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming, and identity theft.
- Review and share the BSA’s Bullying Awareness resources with Scouts and families.
- For adults, take Youth Protection Training.
- Review the BSA’s Social Media Guidelines for valuable information on internet safety and youth protection when using social media.
- National Fire Prevention Month:
- Visit a fire station
- Present the Campfire Safety Safety Moment at a unit meeting
- Present the Behavior Around Campfires Safety Moment at a unit meeting
- Work on the Fire Safety Merit Badge
- Earn the Firem’n Chit
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to (with parental permission, of course).