Table of Contents
Upcoming Events

Popcorn Order Due
August 21
The next unit popcorn order is due by Wednesday, August 21.
Unit Popcorn Kernels must place the order through the unit Scout Boss account. Use order type “Show & Sell 2” and place the order in full cases. As in previous years, Chocolate Lovers, Cheese Lovers, Classic Trio, and Double Butter come as one item per case. All others come with eight items per case.
For additional instructions, see the Scout Boss Guide in the Popcorn Guide.
For assistance, please contact the District Popcorn Kernel.

High Adventure Trekking Skills Basic Training
September 20-22
Are you curious about backpacking or taking a canoe trek?
Do you need to elevate your troop’s adult leaders’ confidence?
Are your youth looking to explore, but you need help?
The High Adventure Committee is holding a High Adventure Trekking Skills Training at Merchants Millpond State Park in Gates County, NC, on September 20-22, 2024.
If you or your senior youth are looking to take a lengthy backpacking or canoeing trek, this is the place to learn the required basic skills. Learn about:
- Formulating a budget
- Making reservations
- Sightseeing
- Meal planning
- Determining trek routes
- Developing crew gear
- Waterproofing
- And more!
Participants can choose either the canoeing or backpacking track. Participants will take an actual mini-trek in their chosen track. Trek skills will be taught by very experienced leader Jeffrey Irving, who ran the High Adventure Canoeing Program in Tidewater Council for more than 35 years. Likewise, several very knowledgeable backpackers will teach the art of backpacking.
The cost is $25 per person. Participants are invited to use the skills they learn in this course and join in a future council-offered contingent trek (such as Philmont 2025), and to start or continue their unit’s high adventure program.
Come and learn from the best Tidewater Council has to offer. For more information, contact Jeffrey Irving at 757-646-5218 or Bill Lawrence at
Albemarle District Camporee
October 11-13
A camporee can be a perfect showplace for the Scouting program and, therefore, go far beyond just being a gathering of youth. A camporee starts with the recognition that a patrol is the basic camping unit. The patrol demonstrates its very best camping techniques and shares its experiences with other patrols. The camporee involves the type of equipment that can be carried in a pack by youth and can be set up entirely by them, allowing them to be completely self-sufficient for a self-reliant experience.
Save the date – Albemarle District will hold its Fall Camporee October 11-13, 2024 at Maple Commerce Park in Barco, NC.

Coin Collecting Merit Badge
Virginia Beach Coin Show
October 11-12
Join the Tidewater Coin Club for the Virginia Beach Coin Show at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.
Friday, October 11: 10 AM – 6 PM
Saturday, October 12: 9 AM – 5 PM
There will be a Coin Collecting merit badge program from 10 AM – noon on Saturday. Advanced registration is required; please contact Fran Ryan at or Eddie DeVault at to reserve a spot.

Albemarle District Cuboree
October 25-27
This year’s Albemarle District Cuboree theme is Rocket Into Scouting, and we will be building and launching model rockets! There will also be a variety of STEM activities to include things for nature enthusiasts, fishermen, and more.
We have added a campsite decorating contest in the theme for our campsite-or-treat event (trunk-or treat style, only at the campsites) on Saturday evening. Cub Scouts and families are encouraged to wear a Scout-friendly costume for the evening.
Join us at Currituck County Rural Center to Rocket into Scouting!

Three Rivers Spook-O-Ree
October 25-27
Are you prepared to have a spooktacular time? Then you have come to the right camporee!
This year, Three Rivers District of Tidewater Council promises to give you the fright of the season with the Spook-O-Ree Camporee. This camporee promises to be a great one. We ordered extra ghosts, and hunted down some zombies, all so that each Scout who attends can have a great time.

Three Rivers Cuboree
October 25-27
Spooky fun awaits Cub Scout families at the Three Rivers Cuboree at Izaak Walton League Park!
Join us for shooting sports, stomp rockets, pumpkin putting, a not-so-scary nature walk, trick-or-treating through Scout units, and more.

Fall Festival Family Camp
November 1-3
Come out, participate in, and witness the true spirit of Scouting: Scouts teaching Scouts and experiencing all that Pipsico has to offer in a fun-filled, outdoor, adventure-packed fall weekend at “Spooky-STEM-Camp”!
There will be numerous general camp events that guests will have the opportunity to participate in, such as range and target sports, pumpkin contests, games, nature events, and handicrafts – just to name a few.
Save the date – registration opens September 9!
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend
November 8-10
Albemarle Merit Badge Weekend is an opportunity for all registered Scouts (ages 11+) and Scouters. Participants will be able to choose between one, two, or three merit badges to earn for the weekend. Some merit badges will be partials depending on time and requirements.
Keep an eye out for registration coming soon. This annual event is popular, and you won’t want to miss your chance to reserve your spot!

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
November 9-11 and November 15-17
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Participants must attend both weekends.
The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what they must KNOW, and what they must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the Meaning of Leadership. NYLT is a six-day course. Content is delivered in a troop and patrol outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. Interconnecting concepts and work processes are introduced early, built upon, and aided by the use of memory aids, which allows participants to understand and employ the leadership skills much faster.
Registration is now open!

Cub Scout Day Camp
June 2025
Cub Scout day camp is a summer outdoor experience for Cub Scout youth. Staffed by a team of volunteers, day camp activities include sports and games, academics, STEM and science activities, nature exploration, crafts, marksmanship, and skits and songs. Each activity is challenging and age appropriate. Cub Scouts have the opportunity to try new things as they work on elective Cub Scouting Adventures.
Planning is already underway to provide your Cub Scouts with awesome experiences in 2025!

2025 Philmont Trek
June 19 - July 3, 2025
Save the date for Tidewater Council’s next Philmont trek in summer 2025! If interested in joining the council contingent or getting more information, contact Bill Lawrence at

National Scout Jamboree
July 22-31, 2026
The next National Scout Jamboree will be held on July 22-31, 2026 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia! The National Scout Jamboree is a gathering of thousands of members of Scouting America from across the nation.
Start early in gauging interest in attending and planning fundraising so Scouts can take advantage of this unique opportunity. For assistance in planning unit fundraising, check out the popcorn sale or contact the district executive.
Reserve your spot for the adventure of a lifetime now with a $100 deposit!

Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Five Things To Do in August
- Start selling online at If you do not know your Scout’s Seller ID, please contact the Unit Popcorn Kernel.
- If your unit needs additional product, schedule an interim appointment on Wednesday, August 21 or Wednesday, August 28.
- Place the unit’s next popcorn order by Wednesday, August 21.
- Submit the first military donation recognition by Wednesday, August 21.
- Sell, sell, sell!
Getting Started
It is not too late for your unit to participate in the 2024 Popcorn Sale! To get started:
- Read the Popcorn Guide.
- Sign up for the sale at using Council Key 596TWC.
- Set sales goals.
- Hold a unit kick-off. Contact your district executive to get sales materials and a tasting kit.
- Watch the recorded Popcorn Training at
- Contact your District Popcorn Kernel for help getting started.
Scout Shop
As we enjoy the last full month of summer, are you ready to make the most of upcoming fall events?
Fall Uniform Sale
The fall uniform sale started July 29 and runs through November 3, 2024. Buy a uniform shirt and bottoms (zip-off pants, rollup pants, shorts, or skorts) from the SAME program and get 20% off the bottoms when purchased together. The Scout Shop is well stocked with all uniform items, and customers can save anywhere from $5.59 to $11.99 on bottoms by taking advantage of this sale.
Shop Early
Shop early to beat the fall crowds. Whether you are a parent updating a uniform or a leader shopping for awards, August is a great time to come in.
Unit Scout Shop Accounts
Review and update your unit’s store account before things get busy. Have the leaders authorized to make charges on the account changed? You may ask for a store authorization form in person or by emailing

New T-Shirts and Polos
New in the Scout Shop this month are heather blue V-neck T-shirts in a comfortable lightweight cotton/polyester blend. These come in men’s sizes small – 2XL and are $22.99.
Also new are the BSA navy polo shirts. These polyester blend shirts have the fleur-de-lis symbol on the left, come in sizes men’s small – 2XL, and sell for $39.99. Come & get ’em before they sell out!
New Cub Scout Award Organizer
Also new is the Cub Scout belt loop and pin hanging organizer. This navy felt organizer measures approximately 22” x 13” and sells for $10.99. This is a great way to display awards earned.

Uniform Price Lists
Updated uniform price lists are available in the Scout Shop or by emailing These are convenient for new recruits and to send to adult leaders. Prices have not changed since last year.
Camping Gear
Are you camping this summer or gearing up for the fall? The Scout Shop still has plenty of camping gear!
Help New Families Be Prepared
Leaders, please prepare new families with the information they need for a successful shopping trip. Frequently asked questions that the Scout Shop staff cannot answer on behalf of the unit include:
- What pack/troop number do I get?
- What is my den number?
- Which patrol patch should I buy?
- Which color of neckerchief does my troop wear?
- Are there any items my unit buys for me?
We continue to provide shipping services by USPS. Customers may call or email an order to or We calculate shipping by weight and call back for a VISA or Mastercard number. There are NO charges for using a credit card for Scout Shop merchandise, and we do not charge sales tax.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.

Aquatics Safety - The BSA Way
Take Scouts near any body of water—whether it’s a pool, lake, river, or ocean—and they have a natural desire to go swimming. Once Scouts have learned how to swim, they naturally want to progress into other aquatics activities, including sailing, rowing, canoeing, and rafting. There are plenty of age-appropriate aquatics activities.
But before that swim or row, we want everyone to have a plan and be on the same page when it comes to aquatics safety in the BSA program.
Unit and Membership Renewal Processes
Unit and membership renewal processes are no longer one and the same. Each individual’s membership is now a set 12-month term from the time of registering, regardless of when the unit renews. Youth and adult membership fees are now separate from the unit renewal.
Is your unit ready? See the Unit Checklist and the Unit and Membership Renewal webpage for more information.

Cub Scout Camping Policy Update
Effective August 1, 2024, the Cub Scout camping policies will be updated in the Guide to Safe Scouting. These changes include:
- Separation of policies for Webelos dens versus Arrow of Light dens/patrols
- Updated policies for Webelos den-level camping
- Updated policies for Arrow of Light den/patrol camping
These camping policy changes do not reflect any changes to the Barriers to Abuse or other youth protection policies indicated in the Guide to Safe Scouting.

Scouts BSA Youth Council Application
Know any Scouts BSA youth eager to have their voices heard at all levels in Scouting America? The Scouts BSA Youth Council is the opportunity for them!
Youth may apply if they meet the following criteria:
- At least 14 years old and not yet 18 during the entire term (October 2024 through May 2025)
- Currently in the Scouts BSA program
- Achieved First Class rank or higher
- Serving or have previously served in a position of responsibility in a Scouts BSA troop
Encourage your qualified Scouts to apply for the youth council using this online application. The deadline to apply is August 31, 2024.

Help Needed: Camp Moonyah Improvement Projects
Camp Moonyah has been an integral part of Tidewater Council’s camps for more than 85 years. As such, it has a rich history hosting functions, events, celebrations, and ceremonies encompassing all arenas of the Scouting program. Over the past many, many decades, dedicated volunteers have continually strived to improve the camp to ensure safe and enjoyable experiences for all. Even with past improvements, it is time to bring this facility into the 21st century. To that end, there are two proposals before the council:
Introduction of Electrical Power
Working with Dominion Power, bringing power into Camp Moonyah will require several measured electrical wire runs of 250’+ from a transformer located off property to the maintenance shed where the meter base would be located. Because of the distance, a 25kw transformer will be required to maintain a continual, safe load of power. The cost of connection to a power source, running a total of 500’+ of underground cable, the transformer, and other fees associated with this project will run from $10,000 – $12,000.
Potable Water
Working with the City of Chesapeake water department, tapping into an existing water line conveniently located just outside the camp entrance will bring viable potable water into the camp. City connection fees, trenching a water line to a meter and further on to end at a frost-free water spigot similar to those in use at Pipsico will run from $3,400 – $5,000.
What's Next?
To achieve the success of these projects, we are reaching out to you in Tidewater Council to either help fund in full or in part one or both of these projects. By doing so, you will ensure the continued success and growth of Camp Moonyah for decades to come.
For questions or to find out more about how you can support Camp Moonyah improvements, please contact Ron Misfeldt at and Wes Parker at
Development Corner

Sponsor a Tent at Pipsico Scout Reservation
Many of Pipsico Scout Reservation’s tents have been in service for 30 years. In order to continue to provide a high-quality camping experience for our Scouts, Tidewater Council is replacing 200 tents between 2023-2027.
Based on the recommendation of our Camping Committee, we are replacing the current wooden platforms and ridge pole system tents with new platforms and Diamond Brand tents with aluminum-mounted frames. In addition to housing Scouts and keeping them dry, the new tents will exponentially decrease the time needed for tent setup and takedown. The cost of a new tent, platform, and frame is approximately $1,640 each. A contribution in any amount is appreciated, and will be designated to provide new tents at Pipsico.
Thank you for ensuring that our Scouts enjoy their camping adventures at Pipsico!

Leave a Legacy: James E. West Fellowship Award
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a national recognition for individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or securities to the Tidewater Council BSA endowment fund. This contribution is in addition to, and does not diminish or replace, the donor’s annual gift to the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign.
Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone — an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, Living Legend, any outstanding Scout or Scouter.
Program Ideas
- Family Fun Month
- Go camping.
- Have a barbecue or campfire.
- Go fishing.
- Have a family field day at a local park.
- Invite new families to check out Scouting’s adventures!
- National Radio Day: August 20
- Work on the Radio merit badge.
- Learn about, and make a plan to participate in, Jamboree-on-the-Air.
- National Trail Mix Day: August 31
- Go for a hike and enjoy some trail mix.
- Discuss the best trail mix ingredients – and then make some!
- If you’re selling popcorn, tell your customers it’s National Trail Mix Day.
- Self Improvement Month
- Encourage Scouts to set personal goals for the coming school/program year.
- Once Scouts set personal goals, guide them to develop plans for attaining their goals.
- Work on a merit badge with a built-in action plan, such as Personal Management or Personal Fitness.
- Encourage Scouts to try out a new activity or hobby. From fishing to cycling to woodworking, there’s likely BSA curriculum to help them get started!
- World Suicide Prevention Day: September 10
- Share the Youth Suicide Prevention Safety Moment.
- Share resources, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255).
- Patriot Day: September 11
- Share the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s tips for Talking to Children about Terrorism with parents in your unit.
- Make cards to thank first responders.
- Invite a firefighter or police officer to be a special visitor at a unit meeting.
- Constitution Day: September 17
- Work on the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge.
- Read the U.S. Constitution.
- Take a virtual tour of the National Constitution Center’s Signers’ Hall exhibit.
- National Cooking Day: September 25
- Share cooking and food-related Safety Moments:
- Work on the Cooking merit badge.
- Work on the rank-specific Cub Scout personal fitness Adventure:
- Fun on the Run (Lion): Identify the five different food groups.
- Tiger Bites (Tiger): Identify the five different food groups.
- Running with the Pack (Wolf): Sample three different foods that are naturally three different colors. The food must be a protein, vegetable, fruit, dairy, or a grain.
- Bear Strong (Bear): Sample food from three of the following food groups: protein, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and grains.
- Stronger, Faster, Higher (Webelos): With your den or family, plan, cook, and eat a balanced meal.
- Personal Fitness (Arrow of Light): Plan a balanced meal that you would eat when camping. Prepare that meal using the gear you would use on a campout.
Community Care Assistance
Does your family need assistance accessing community resources? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us. You may also visit NC 211 or 2-1-1 Virginia for assistance finding resources.
Help Wanted

District Executive Job Opening
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path towards a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.
Today’s professional Scouters are a diverse group of men and women sharing a dynamic career offering independence, achievement, and stability. This is work that makes a difference, work that calls one to continual learning and challenge, work that offers solid compensation, benefits, and advancement.
If you or someone you know is interested in making a difference through a career in Scouting, please contact Bill Lawrence at
Additional Volunteer Opportunities
Visit our Volunteer with Local Scouting webpage for information on additional volunteer opportunities.
Scouts in Action
Congratulations to the new Eagle Scouts who earned the rank in July!

Members of the Order of the Arrow, Blue Heron Lodge had a great time at the National Order of the Arrow Conference in Boulder, Colorado!

Three Rivers Troop 462 represented Scouting at the Richmond Raceway. The Scouts led the fans in the Pledge of Allegiance for the opening ceremony of the NASCAR Cup Race on August 11.
The troop spent the weekend enjoying both the Truck and Cup Series races. The Scouts had a behind-the-scenes experience with pit passes and a track walk of pit road on Sunday morning before the track opened to the public.
We want to hear from you! Send stories, photos, and videos of your Scouts in action to (with parental permission, of course).