Since the council has completed the full implementation of the 100% Position Basic Trained Policy, the  Tidewater Council Executive Board has revised the temporary policy to the final version to take effect on November 17, 2016 and continue unless the executive board changes it.

The revised policy affects ALL adult leaders in ALL REGISTERED POSITIONS.

100% Position Trained Policy Statement

1.  All volunteers in all positions, in order to be registered, must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) and basic position training for their respective registered positions. This includes all Scouts BSA, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, and Sea Scout leaders, as well as the chairs and membersatlarge of the district and council committees.

2. Unit Volunteers unable to attend council training sessions should register as “Unit Scouter Reserve” (position 91U) or “Unit College Scouter Reserve” (position 92U), which require only YPT.  Unit Scouter Reserve positions are for supportive adults who have no immediate, specific leadership role or direct contact with youth. However, like all registered BSA adult positions, these positions require a criminal background check and the completion of YPT prior to a registration being accepted.  District and council volunteers unable to temporarily complete district or council training should also register as “Unit Scouter Reserve” (position 91) until able to complete registration and only then register for the specific district or council position or “College Scouter Reserve” (position 92) with the same stipulations.

3. The national ScoutNet training record will be the sole source for determining the status of an individual’s training achieved.


Exactly what training is required for each of the registered positions?  BSA publishes and updated list of positions and required training courses to be “trained” here: Leader Positions and Required Training.  This document also shows all of the online module requirements for Cub Scout leader positions.  NOTE that attending a scheduled council instructor-led Cub Scout training allows you to complete the training in one “sitting” and also has the advantage of getting to know some of your fellow Scouters and learn from their experience.

If I am not a registered volunteer in Scouting, can I attend training?  YES!  In fact, parents of Scouts are encouraged to take any available training in the council, especially Youth Protection Training.  Basic training in all positions in Tidewater Council are open to anyone who registers for the course and pays any applicable fee.  For example, if you have been asked to serve as the Chartered Organization Representative (COR) for your organization, but have not been trained, you may attend any scheduled COR training session offered in the council.  Once you have completed training and Youth Protection training, you may register as the COR.

I was registered as a “Unit Scouter Reserve” code 92U or 91U and am returning home after military deployment or I’ve completed college.  How do I become an Assistant Scoutmaster? If you had previously completed training as an Assistant Scoutmaster, you may immediately register and serve as an Assistant Scoutmaster in your unit (with the approval of your unit’s leadership).  If you have not received training, you should remain as a “Unit Scouter Reserve” find and attend a training for Assistant Scoutmaster, then register in that position and begin to serve.  This applies to all “Unit Scouter Reserve” registered members who desire to register in another position other than Committee Member.  The training for that other position must be completed before registering to serve in that position.  NOTE:  While waiting to complete training, Unit Scouter Reserve registered leaders should not have direct contact with youth until completing training and registering in one of the direct contact leader positions (e.g., Asst Scoutmaster, Den Leader, asst Den Leader, Cubmaster, etc.).  See the Unit JTE scoresheet for further definition of “Direct Contact Leader.”

I am a new volunteer and parent of one of the Scouts in my unit.  I have been asked to be the Cubmaster for my unit because the current Cubmaster is moving.  But there are no Cubmaster training sessions scheduled on the council training calendar.  What do I do?  Unfortunately, under the current policy, you must complete training for the Cubmaster position before being registered as a Cubmaster.  All Cub Scouting training is available online at  Log in to your account (or create a new account) and complete the training.  Once you complete the training, then submit your registration as Cubmaster.  Alternatively, if you want to register with the unit right away until you complete your training, you should register as a “Unit Scouter Reserve“, according to the policy, until you complete your training.  You may not serve as Cubmaster or any other direct contact leader role while untrained and registered as Unit Scouter Reserve.

Will my registration drop if I am not Trained by the end of charter year?  YES.  The policy requires that all leaders be trained in all of their registered positions before being allowed to be included on the next year’s charter for your unit, district or council.  Please note that Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting, Exploring, and all district leaders of all types can complete all position specific training online at their convenience at

What if our troop does not have a trained Scoutmaster by the end of the charter year? If your unit has a member who has been trained as Scoutmaster, then that leader may register as Scoutmaster.  When the your unit’s new Scoutmaster completes training, he or she may then register as Scoutmaster and begin to serve.  If no previously trained member is available, then the council will hold your charter until a leader completes the required training and registers as Scoutmaster.  NOTE that while your unit’s charter is “on hold,” the unit may not be able to access certain other services such as online advancement, etc.  Check with your district executive on which services you may not be able to access while the charter is on hold for position training.

I have completed training, but it is not showing up in council’s records.  How do I get that fixed?. If you have completed all of the required training, just let your District Training Chairman know when you completed the training and provide documentation to support that you took the training (course completion card, certificate, from online training, etc.)  and we’ll correct the records. Your District Training Committee chair or your District Executive will help you straighten out the ScoutNet record of training. You can also download the Adult Training Record form to help document the training that you believe you have received that is not current in your ScoutNet training record. Again, be sure to provide documentation to show that the training was completed.

My Scoutmaster was a trainer in the past.  Can he or she conduct the training just for my unit?  No.  To obtain certification as fully trained, a volunteer must either attend a scheduled, Council Training Committee approved course delivered by Council Training Committee designated trainers, that follows the complete authorized BSA syllabus or the equivalent if available online Attendance at “needs based” or abbreviated versions of the course will not be recognized for meeting the fully trained status.”  It is important that you are trained by a member of the council or district training staff who is familiar with the latest training information published by BSA National.

Look here for more FAQs and answers as they are developed.

To check the status of your training, log in to, click on “Home” then “My Dashboard”.  If “My Training” does not show, then click on it to show the training you have completed.  To update your training record for missing training, either complete the training at a scheduled or online training module or complete the Adult Training Record form along with evidence of training completion – e.g. training pocket certificate, training attendance report.  Contact your District Training Chairman for additional information.