Have you ever considered hosting a foreign exchange student? As active Scouters or parents of Scouts, would you like to host a foreign exchange student who is also a Scout in their home country?
Hosting a foreign exchange student brings adventure and culture to your family in your own home!

Foreign exchange students are typically high school-aged. They will attend school in their host country and become immersed in the local culture and family life. Students go through an extensive application process, usually including an English proficiency test.
Typically, the host family provides a safe and supportive home environment, meals, transportation, and immersion in an active family lifestyle. Students often provide their own insurance, spending money, and school expenses, as well as bringing their own cultural traditions and personal stories. The time duration of the stay varies, but many programs are one or two academic semesters in length. Check with your student exchange organization for specific details.
Organizations may allow host families to specify the type of student they are willing to host, including seeking students who are Scouts in their home country.
Current Exchange Student Hosting Opportunities
Matthis, a 15-year-old male Scout from Germany, is seeking a Scouting family to host him from August 2023 until June 2024.
Self-Description: I believe in God and visit church weekly. My hobbies are Scouting, gymnastics, and swimming. I’m into fashion and rap music from the 80s and 90s. I’m so impressed by the artists, their story, and music. I’m also really interested in cars. I love Oldtimers and also modern cars. Cars from the 20th century just have something about them. I also love meeting my friends.
Hobbies: I’m interested in Oldtimer cars, hip hop music from the 90s, andvfashion. In my free time, I do gymnastics and swimming, but in general I’m a person who likes all sport activities. I’m also a Scout; I meet my group once a week and we do camps in the summer break or on weekends. I like being outside with my friends and to spend time with them.
Activities: Gymnastics, swimming, bicycling, drawing, fashion design, listening to pop music, religious activities, Scouting, sewing
Tracy Mabry, North East Regional Director of International Experience
Office: 757-427-1964
Cell: 808-372-2597
Puwit, a 16-year-old male Scout from Thailand, is seeking a Scouting family to host him from August 2023 until June 2024.
Self-Description: I think I’m calm, kind, easy-going, and sometimes can be nervous. I like music and I like to play musical instruments.
Hobbies: I would like to watch a basketball match or NBA game, and I would like to go to any concert once in my life.
Activities: Basketball, table tennis, track and field (running), band, playing musical instrument(s), Boy Socut, stage band
Tracy Mabry, North East Regional Director of International Experience
Office: 757-427-1964
Cell: 808-372-2597