What do I need to do to earn and wear the “TRAINED” patch?

Regardless of position, all registered leaders first need to take the appropriate Youth Protection course for their program.  There is a different Youth Protection for Venturing and Exploring than for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.  Info on how to take Youth Protection Training are found here.  The full “What Does It Take” form can be viewed here; below is the same information without the codes.  Many courses are available online.  Dates and locations for instructor lead courses (where you can learn from others who have “been there and done that” and get your questions answered in real time) can be found at Training Info page.

Online courses are available for some positions for you to complete in order to be trained for your Scouting position. Find them here >> How To Get Trained In Any Position.  Some positions, e.g., Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster do not have online versions and must be completed at an in-person instructor-led course.   NOTE:  While the document suggests time frames for obtaining training, our council’s policy is that all leaders must be trained BEFORE they can register or change to a new position.  So training, including Youth Protection Training, is a prerequisite for registration.  There is no “waiting period” to be trained after registration.

Cub Scouts
Leader-Specific (by position)
All courses are available on-line at my.scouting.org.   They can also be taken as a facilitated course at any of the courses offered throughout the council during the year.  “In person” courses are far more informative and give you a chance to get real world questions answered by volunteers who have “been there and done that.”

Scouts BSA
Leader-Specific (by position)
Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Specific is a facilitated course.   Troop Committee Challenge is available on-line at my.scouting.org.   Introduction to Outdoor Leaders Skills (IOLS) is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, in addition to the Scoutmaster Position Specific course.

Venturing Crew Advisor-Specific is an instructor led or online course (at my.scouting.org) for Advisors and Assistant Advisors.  Crew Committee Position-Specific-The Crew Committee Challenge is an instructor led or online course (at my.scouting.org) for all Crew Committee members.  Both instructor courses are typically offered together on the same day, as well as separate courses. Check Training Info page to find courses with either option.

Sea Scouting
Sea Scout Leader Specific is an instructor led course and is for all positions and is also available online at my.scouting.org.  This course is not held frequently so check the Training Info page frequently or subscribe to the Training Blog (click the RSS link in the upper right of the web page) for updates.Sc