Table of Contents
Friends of Scouting
Due to increased Friends of Scouting giving in 2020, Tidewater Council was able to decrease council fees associated with the 2021 charter renewal by 42%. Help continue to support fellow Scouting families by making a pledge to the 2021 Friends of Scouting campaign.
You can donate online via the donate button at the top of this page. The look of our online donation portal has changed, but, as before, all Friends of Scouting donations stay local and benefit the same Scouting program you love. You can also fill out a Friends of Scouting pledge card and email it to
Progress as of January 31, 2021:
Each district shares a portion of the overall goal.
Progress as of January 31, 2021:
Upcoming Events
Many events have been canceled or postponed due to COVID-19, including the Annual Leadership Breakfast (rescheduled for May 4).
Click here for a continuously updated list of event changes. Tidewater Council’s official updates and policies can be found here.

Philmont Informational Meetings
February 4, 11, and 18
Tidewater Council is putting together a council Philmont Contingent for summer 2022. For more information about this opportunity, check out the flyer and attend one of the upcoming informational Zoom meetings.
- February 4 at 6 PM
- February 11 at 6 PM
- February 18 at 6 PM
RSVP to to receive the meeting link and credentials.
Silver Beaver Nominations Due
February 6
The Silver Beaver Award is the council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council-level.
To nominate a worthy Scouter, please submit the nomination form to

District Award of Merit Nominations Due
February 6
District Award of Merit nominations are due to your district executive by February 6. This is a council award presented by districts, in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national award presented by councils.
The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. Requirements are listed below.
- A nominee must be a registered Scouter.
- A nominee must have rendered noteworthy service to youth in Scouting, outside Scouting, or both. Note: The nature and value of “noteworthy service to youth” may consist of a single plan or decisions that contributed vitally to the lives of large numbers of youth or it may have been given to a small group over an extended period of time.
- Consideration must be given to the nominee’s Scouting position and the corresponding opportunity to render outstanding service beyond the expectations of that Scouting position.
- The nominee’s attitude toward and cooperation with the district and/or council is to be taken into consideration.
- Nominations cannot be considered for posthumous awards.

Scouting for Food
February 6-14
As Scouts, we know how fortunate we are to have a warm meal every night — whether around the campfire or at the kitchen table. And we know that not everyone is so lucky.
That’s the genesis of Scouting for Food, a food-collection drive run by Tidewater Council BSA. It’s another reminder to our local communities that Scouts are here, doing good turns.
Scouting for Food takes place on two consecutive weekends. On the first weekend (February 6-7), Scouts distribute door hangers to let their neighbors know about the drive. On the second weekend (February 13-14), Scouts revisit those houses to pick up canned food, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, juice, and other non-perishable items.
The food is delivered to needy families through your chartered organization’s food pantry, through the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, or through the Food Bank of the Albemarle. This year, we will also have the Foodbank collection truck at the council service center on Sunday, February 14 from noon to 4 PM to accept dropped-off collections.
The first step in getting your unit involved in a food drive is to find a Scouting for Food Chair – someone who will organize and promote the project and be a liaison between your unit and district. Once that person is identified, it is easy to enlist your unit’s youth and adult leaders to execute. Please sign your unit up at Units can print door hangers at their convenience to leave at locations where they would like to collect donations.
If you have any questions, you can contact Tracy McGlothian, Scouting for Food Chairperson, Tidewater Council BSA at
Radio Scouting - Technician Course
February 11 - April 8
The Tidewater Council International Scouting Committee (ISC), in partnership with the Chesapeake Amateur Radio Service (CARS), is pleased to announce a series of online presentations to prepare Scouts and family members to take the Technician Class exam to become amateur (“ham”) radio operators. Presentations will begin Thursday, February 11 from 7-9 PM and run for nine weeks, after which an FCC license exam will be held. Registration for the series of presentations is a nominal fee of $5. It is strongly suggested, but not required, that the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual be purchased as a study guide. In addition to instructional material, this manual includes the entire pool of questions which may appear on the exam.
Technician Class is the “beginner’s” license. It gives the holder the privilege of broadcasting on all VHF/UHF amateur bands (including use local 2-meter repeaters), and a few privileges for broadcasting over HF bands (shortwave radio). The Technician Class test is a 35-question Technician multiple choice exam.
Scouts and adults who hold the Technician Class license can join local radio clubs to make use of their radios and participate in club contests, participate in local emergency management communication support (e.g., support to local hurricane shelters), make use of local repeaters with low-cost (<$100) handheld radios, use the handhelds on Scout outings, and more.
The FCC Technician License exam covers basic regulations, operating practices, and electronics theory, with a focus on VHF and UHF applications. Morse code is not required for this license. With a Technician Class license, you will have all ham radio privileges above 30 MHz. These privileges include the extremely popular 2-meter band. Many Technician licensees enjoy using small (2 meter) hand-held radios to stay in touch with other hams in their area. Technicians may operate FM voice, digital packet (computers), television, single-sideband voice, and several other interesting modes. You can even make international radio contacts via satellites, using relatively simple station equipment. Technician licensees now also have additional privileges on certain HF frequencies. Technicians may also operate on the 80-, 40-, and 15-meter bands using CW (Morse Code), and on the 10-meter band using CW, voice, and digital modes.
Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Nominations Due
February 12
The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.
Deadline extended!
The nomination deadline for Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year has been extended to February 12. The change was made nationally to ensure that members of the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts can be included. Any Scouts who have passed their Eagle board of review between January 1, 2020 and February 8, 2021 are eligible.
How to get the award
An Eagle Scout, their parents, or any registered BSA volunteer (with the Eagle Scout’s permission) may submit the Eagle Scout service project for consideration.
The nomination must be submitted to the council advancement committee of the council in which the service project was completed. Submissions must be received by February 12, 2021, either by hard copy submitted at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center, Attn: Geraldine Eady, 1032 Heatherwood Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, or via email to
The council will submit the winning Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Nomination Form – including attachments – to the National Eagle Scout Association.
Evaluation criteria
- Project planning
- Effort to develop the project
- Extent and character of leadership provided by the Scout
- Extent of achievement of the planned result
- Project’s impact on the beneficiary and/or on the community at large
- Originality of the project
- Time and materials contributed
- Level of skill employed to complete the project
- Whether the project will have long-lasting impact
Albemarle Freeze-O-Ree
February 12-14
These are crazy times, so why not have a crazy theme? Laid Back Luau in February doesn’t get much crazier than that!
Do you have a Hawaiian shirt that fits over your cold weather gear? WEAR IT! Have a lei or a grass skirt that fits over your cold weather gear? WEAR IT! Any apparel or decorations tropical in nature are encouraged. This weekend, Scouts have the option to participate in a couple district-sponsored luau activities. The majority of the time, the troops will focus on their needs and staying warm.
Join us on February 12-14 at Edenton Fairgrounds. Register online on Black Pug by February 11!

Winter Merit Badge Camp
February 13-14
Winter Camp was cancelled due to COVID restrictions, but we created two new events for camping and merit badge opportunities at Pipsico Scout Reservation. These camps are designed to fit within the COVID guidelines, so please read the details carefully.
Meals will be provided, Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. Patrols will have a time to come through the dining hall to get their meal to-go and return to their campsite to eat. Check-in will be Saturday morning from 8:15 to 8:45 AM and Scouts will go to their first merit badge sessions directly. Campsite set-up will be over the two-hour lunch break. We will hold two merit badge sessions on Saturday and one on Sunday morning. Campsite pack-up and check-out will be after lunch on Sunday.
Maximum group sizes will continue to be small in February, so prepare to patrol camp with two-deep leadership. PLEASE NOTE: To minimize contact, patrols will have to travel to a merit badge session together as a group. We will ask each patrol to provide their top five merit badge choices, and we will work a schedule to include three of those. Please email to volunteer to be a Merit Badge Counselor for these events.
Winter Merit Badge Camp will also offer Wilderness First Aid and IOLS. Additional fees apply.
Winter Merit Badge Camp will be held on February 13-14. Register online on Black Pug.
A second opportunity, Spring Merit Badge Camp, will be offered April 24-25. Registration is coming soon.
Troop Committee Challenge
February 20
This full-day course introduces Scouts BSA troop committee members to everything they need to know about their roles and responsibilities.
Scoutmaster Specific Training
February 20
This full-day course will cover almost everything you need to know to run a troop. Scoutmaster Specific Training, along with Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be considered trained.
Merit Badge Counselor Orientation
February 20
Join us at the Mary Jayne Breeden Council Service Center to learn the policies and procedures behind being an effective merit badge counselor.

National Celebration Event for the Inaugural Class of Female Eagle Scouts
February 21
Mark your calendars for a special event celebrating America’s first female Eagle Scouts. On February 21, 2021 at 8 PM, the BSA will mark this historic milestone.
Camp Card Training
February 23 and 25
Help Scouts earn their way to camp with the 2021 Camp Card Sale! Camp Cards are cards that offer valuable discounts to local retailers. Some of the discounts are single-use, while many can be used throughout the year. Scouts sell the cards to family, friends, neighbors, and community members. Units earn a sales commission, which they can use to pay for camping adventures.
For more information, check out the flyer and attend one of the upcoming Zoom trainings.
- February 23 at 7 PM
- February 25 at 7 PM
RSVP to to receive the meeting link and credentials.
Klondike Derby
February 27-28
A Klondike Derby is an event held by the Boy Scouts of America during the winter months and is based on the heritage of the Klondike Gold Rush. The Klondike Derby consists of a race between multiple stations where patrols/ teams/ units will test their Scoutcraft skills and their leadership abilities, earning points towards a total score. Each team must transport their gear on a homemade sled pulled by the Scouts. No meals will be provided this year; participants should plan and bring all meals.
This event is open to Scouts BSA, Venturers, Sea Scouts, and Explorers and is entirely co-ed. Each unit will have one sled and determine the 4- to 8-person team for each trek. Other Scouts are encouraged to cheer on their team as they complete each station. Unit/teams will lose points for any additional assistance from bystanders. Participants may be considered youth through age 20; however registrants aged 18-20 may register as adults if they are supporting youth in a capacity of a “BSA Adult Member.”
Due to COVID-19 regulations, some of the features of the Klondike Derby which you have come to know and love have had to change. It will still be a fantastic event, just with a couple of modifications for this year. Under current guidelines, patrols will all camp individually to comply with the limitation of groups no larger than 10. Check-in for the Klondike Derby will run from 8 AM to noon on Saturday, February 27, with the sled check at 1 PM. The event will run until 2 PM on Sunday, February 28.
Don’t have the space to build a sled? There are still spots available for our Procrastination Class, which has patrols hiking with their sled’s contents and competing in the challenges using just their wits and what’s in their packs.
VFW Scout of the Year Nominations Due
March 1
Annually, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States awards three Scouts who have achieved the highest rank in their Scouting program and who exemplify the qualities of that rank. For members of the BSA, that means the Scout is a recipient of the Eagle Scout Award, Venture Summit Award, or Sea Scout Quartermaster Award. Scouts must be registered, active members of their troop, crew, or ship, and must demonstrate exemplary citizenship in school, Scouting, and community.
There is no minimum age requirement for applicants as long as all other eligibility criteria has been met. The maximum age requirement for applicants is 18 years old. If an applicant reaches their 18th birthday during the nomination year, they remain eligible as long as they are still in high school at the time of the submission deadline. Furthermore, the student does not have to be a military dependent, nor do they need to be related to a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member to participate in this program.
Awards are:
- $5,000 1st place National scholarship
- $3,000 2nd place National scholarship
- $1,000 3rd place National scholarship
To apply, submit:
- Photograph of the Scout
- School Participation Record
- Scouting Record
- Community Service Record
- Letters of Recommendation
- Completed Entry Form
Complete rules and eligibility requirements can be found at Contact Connie Mitchell, Scholarship Chairman of VFW Post 392 Auxiliary, at The deadline for entering the VFW Scout of the Year Award is March 1, 2021.
Pinewood Derby
Cub Scouts of Tidewater Council, it’s time to start your ENGINES! Join us to race your cars once again at your District Pinewood Derbies.

Albemarle District Pinewood Derby: March 6
Get ready to rumble at the Albemarle District Pinewood Derby via Tidewater Council’s Facebook Live on March 6 at 9:30 AM. All racers of each rank from every pack in Albemarle District are eligible to race. Arrows of Light (AOL) who have just bridged to a troop are still eligible. Family Fun Run races are an open class that will race after the qualified racers. The entry fee for qualified pack racers is $8.50 per car. Family racers are $10 per car (No trophies, this is for bragging right only).
Registration will be on Black Pug. Late registration starts February 21 and the deadline to register is Saturday, February 27. See the guidebook for more information.
Bayside District Pinewood Derby: March 13
Tune in on Facebook Live for the Bayside District races on March 13, starting at approximately 8 AM. Due to health and safety protocols, we are asking packs to keep their winning cars, put them in resealable bags with the Derby Car Entry Form, and arrange to drop them off as a unit package at the Scout Shop. Unit registration will be online via Black Pug. The event guide will be emailed to leaders and posted online shortly.
Three Rivers District Pinewood Derby: March 13
It is Pinewood Derby Race time!
The Three Rivers District races are March 13 and will be broadcast via Facebook Live starting at approximately 12:45 PM. Due to the continued COVID situation, we are asking packs to keep their winning cars, put them in resealable bags with the Derby Car Entry Form, and arrange to drop them off as a unit package with Kirsten Misfeldt. Please make arrangements by emailing or calling 757-323-6172.
For more details on the Three Rivers races, please see the guidebook. Register online through Black Pug.
Princess Anne District Pinewood Derby: March 27
Save the date for the Princess Anne District Pinewood Derby on March 27. More information is coming soon.
Council Pinewood Derby: April 10
The top three winners of each rank at each District Pinewood Derby qualify for entry into the Tidewater Council Pinewood Derby.
The District Pinewood Derby chairs will retain all qualifying cars for the council derby at the district races. There is no additional cost to those who qualify at the council level. So, get ready to zoooommmmm on over to Tidewater Council’s Facebook Live page to take part in some high-speed fun on April 10, starting with opening ceremonies at 11 AM. Ask your friends and family to cheer you on as well. For more information, see the Council Pinewood Derby guidebook.
Spring Break Day Camp
April 5-9
Calling all budding scientists and space explorers! Join us for Tidewater Council’s first-ever Spring Break day camp: Endless Voyage! Participate in a week-long program discovering the wonders of space through a lens of STEM. Save the date for April 5-9, and watch the EK for a registration link, coming soon to Black Pug. Contact James Carroll at or 757-550-0624 with questions.
Three Rivers Spring Camporee
April 10-11
Join us for a fantastic camping weekend at Pipsico Scout Reservation, Camp Lions. There will be team challenges for units to compete for the Traveling Trophy. Registration is coming soon. Three Rivers Scoutmasters, please check your email for the Zoom meeting invitation for the February 5 planning meeting. Contact Mike Z. at for the link to the planning meeting and to become part of team.
Wilderness/Remote First Aid
May 15-16
Register now for Wilderness/Remote First Aid – space is limited!
All High Adventure Bases require that at least one person in each crew (two for Philmont) be currently certified in Wilderness First Aid or the equivalent and CPR from the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or equivalent. It is also recommended for any unit that is conducting backcountry hiking or camping trips.
- Current CPR/AED certification is required to attend this course. Please bring your card to the course for verification.
- Be at least 14 years of age on or before the last scheduled session of the course.
Summer Camp at Pipsico 2021
June 27 - July 24
Sign up today for Summer Camp at Pipsico Scout Reservation.
Week #1 – June 27 to July 3
Week #2 – July 4 to July 10
Week #3 – July 11 to July 17
Week #4 – July 18 to July 24
Check-in on Sundays between 1 PM and 4:30 PM.
Pipsico offers Scouts and Scouters the opportunity to immerse themselves in a positive camping environment, at a beautiful property, with a friendly camp staff. Tidewater Council, BSA is proud to offer quality programs for everyone. Pipsico is geographically located along the James River and adjacent to the epicenter of Virginia’s colonial attractions and thrilling entertainment, such as Busch Gardens and Water Country USA.
Our First Year Camper Program – “Huskanaw,” meaning “Rite of Passage,” is a unique program. The Huskanaw program area encompasses over an acre of property, filled with amenities specifically designed to focus on requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. The setting teaches new and younger Scouts about troop structure, the value of the Patrol Method, the importance of the Buddy System, and the benefits of learning and applying new skills using the E.D.G.E. Method (Explain Demonstrate Guide Enable).

Scout Shop
February Celebrations
February is a month of celebration for the BSA as we commemorate the anniversary of Scouting (Feb. 8), Scout Sunday (Feb. 7/ Feb. 14), Scout Sabbath (Feb. 5-6), Scout Jumuah (Feb. 5), and even Scouting for Food (Feb. 6-14). Having patches to remember these events is important to participants. This year we have the cheerful Scout Sunday patch ($2.99) and the colorful Scouting for Food Patch ($1.49).
Pinewood Derby
Since many packs are holding Pinewood Derby races virtually this year, awards are even more important. Pinewood Derby patches are available for all participants ($1.79). The Scout Shop also carries recognition items for first, second, and third place winners. You can choose from the red, white, and blue car medals ($2.99 each), the gold, silver, and bronze neck lanyards ($3.99 each), and the gold, silver, and bronze trophies ($8.99 each).

Journey to Excellence (JTE) Patches
Need JTE patches? We are still taking pre-orders ($2.19 each) and they are usually here within the week.
Cub Scout Jackets
With winter arriving, keep your Cubs warm with BSA jackets. The Cub Scout hoodies in navy and dark red sell for $24.99. Our small supply of Columbia fleece jackets is now on clearance, a great deal at only $25.88 (originally $34.99). All the jackets and hoodies are in youth sizes only (S-XL). Some of the Columbia fleece jackets are hooded dark green with the BSA logo. Come get ’em while we still have ’em! They are no longer available at National Supply. For adults, we have the traditional red wool washable shirt jackets for $79.99. These shirt jackets never go out of style for Scouters, and they are great for layering in cold weather.

Flag Retirement
Need flags for retirement ceremonies? We have plenty of donated flags, just ask at the front counter.
Scout Requirements Books 2021
We have been informed by the National Council BSA that there will be no 2021 Requirement handbooks this year. Use the Advancement webpage at The requirement changes for 2021 are highlighted on the right side of the screen.
Unable to Shop In-Person?
Just give us a call (757-497-2688) or email with your order. We can call for a credit card number (VISA or Mastercard) and ship it to you by USPS.
2021 Cub Scout Day Camp
Weird Science is about to hit Cub Scout Day Camp. Day camp is an outdoor experience for Cub Scouts, ranging in length from one day up to a week. Camps vary in the hours of operation, but a typical time is 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Twilight camps normally run from 3 PM to 8 PM, giving parents the opportunity to be involved on a more flexible schedule.
Cub Scout Day Camp promotes year-round Cub Scout program and encourages Cub Scouts to benefit and grow with a good outdoor experience. The daily program centers on Cub Scout and Webelos electives as they relate to the outdoor program. The Scouts will work on activities that are challenging and age appropriate.
There are a wide range of activities, varying between camps, but common activities include:
- Shooting sports (BBs, archery, wrist rockets, and/or sling shots)
- Sports and games
- Science
- Nature
- Crafts
- Skits and songs
- Mealtime programs
All registered Cub Scouts are eligible to attend day camp. All day camps are run with a Camp Director and a Program Director, along with a staff of volunteers to conduct the camp programs. You are invited to be part of the staff – contact Christy Cooper for more information. Registration is coming soon on Black Pug.
New Scouts BSA Award
To commemorate the Environmental Protection Agency’s anniversary, they have collaborated with the BSA to create a special award. The award is designed to teach Scouts about their world and encourage them to explore and preserve it. To earn the 50th Anniversary Environmental Protection Agency Award, Scouts must:
- Earn an animal study merit badge (five options)
- Earn an outdoor activity merit badge (twelve options)
- Earn an earth science merit badge (eight options)
- Earn the Public Health merit badge
- Participate in an environmental/public health community service project
This award is only available to earn during 2021.

Making Virtual Meetings More Exciting
Are your Scouts tired and bored of virtual meetings? Are you looking for ways to keep them moving? Fellow Scouters have shared some of their ideas. If you have ideas you’d like to share, please send them to Rich Becker at for inclusion in a future edition of the EK.
- Bayside Pack 493 held a virtual Bingo game. The families signed up, were given game cards, and won prizes via Zoom.
- Try a Scout-centric scavenger hunt with a time limit. How many of the six camping essentials can your Cub Scout find in five minutes? Can older Scouts find several random items needed for camping trips in ten minutes? Be creative and choose items not readily found in their pack.
- Play Pictionary over your teleconference platform during your den or patrol meeting.
- Cub Scouts in Princess Anne Pack 991 recorded skits with their family and shared the videos during their pack meeting.
Read this Bryan on Scouting article for more ideas.
Spring Recruiting
It is time to start planning Cub Scout spring recruiting activities. Have you set recruiting goals for your pack and each den? Each spring, Cub Scout packs focus on recruiting kindergarteners (rising 1st graders) through 4th graders (rising 5th graders).
While recruiting is a year-round activity, spring can be a great time to recruit with the promise of summer adventures. Prospective Scouts and families are thinking about nice weather, the outdoors, and activities that are at the core of Scouting camping experiences.
In order to retain new members recruited in the spring, it is essential to follow through on the promises of summer fun. A great blueprint for the target activity level of Cub Scout packs is the National Summertime Pack Award. Packs can use summer events not only to keep their current Scouts active, but also as great opportunities to invite new families to check out the Scouting program.

Service Opportunities at Camp Baker
Are you looking for service hours? Camp Baker has outdoor opportunities for both Scouts and adults. This camp is located in Chesapeake on the Intracoastal Waterway, off Centerville Turnpike just north of Mt. Pleasant Road.
Service opportunities are available for single day events or over a weekend. Projects include, but are not limited to:
- Groundskeeping
- Brush and deadfall timber cleanup
- Site clearing
- Painting
- General maintenance
- Tree removal and cut up (Must be experienced and qualified chain saw operator.)
All BSA guidelines, rules, and regulations will be observed. The goal is to perform service for the Scouting program, have fun, and stay safe.
For additional information about these service opportunities, please contact Ron Misfeldt at 757-646-1384 or
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Emergency Action Plans (EAP)
Many of us have had practice or training when it comes to deciding the best methods in dealing with an emergency. Far too often when those fight-or-flight situations arise, it’s difficult for us to recall everything we need to know. Luckily, there are written procedures with maps and guides on how to effectively address emergency situations, assuming they have been prepared and reviewed in advance at your office/event location. Do you have an EAP for your next campout? Have you reviewed the plans for your meeting location? Many institutions already have them in place.
Bullying Awareness
The idea that a Scout should treat others as he or she wants to be treated—a Scout is kind—is woven throughout the programs and literature of the Boy Scouts of America. When a Scout follows the principles of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, bullying and hazing situations should never occur.
The Bullying Awareness webpage provides resources to help lead discussions about bullying and prevent bullying. Youth protection training also offers information about bullying awareness and prevention.
Help Desk
The National Council no longer has a volunteer help desk. If you need assistance with any help desk issues, including Scoutbook, online training, and address changes, please contact us at In your email, please include:
- Your Name
- Member ID
- Contact Phone Number
- Contact Email Address
- What is the issue? (Password reset, a module is freezing, forgot username, etc.)
- If it is a training issue:
- Username
- Date Training Taken
- Browser Used
Due to high volume, we are unable to respond to phone inquiries; please send all help desk issues via email.
Development Corner
Planned Giving: Charitable Lead Trusts
The charitable lead trust is a gift of income to Tidewater Council. You select the assets to place in trust and the length of time that your trust will last. Income from the trust is paid to Scouting for the length of time and purposes that you specify. When the trust terminates, the assets (the trust principal) are returned to you or distributed to whomever you choose, and are received tax-free.
This trust is a specialized estate planning tool. It is especially valuable if you have substantial estate and gift tax liabilities because it allows you to achieve several goals through one gift. You can make a significant gift that can be used now for Scouting, and transfer assets to subsequent generations with reduced or eliminated estate, inheritance, and gift taxes.
It is possible that the trust income will be excluded from your annual taxable income for the duration of the trust. Though this is not always possible with a charitable lead trust, we would be happy to discuss how to structure a lead trust for maximum benefit to you and your family.
The lead trust is generally a lifetime gift; however, you can establish a testamentary lead trust that would provide benefits to your estate similar to those you would enjoy during your lifetime. Please contact Dr. Susan Miley-Petrehn at 757-284-0796 or if you have any questions on planned giving.
Vehicle Donation
Did you know that you can donate an automobile to Tidewater Council? Imagine giving away something that may be of no value to you but could mean a dream trip to summer camp for a youth, or a new uniform for a young Scout joining the program. Now imagine a dozen or more people doing the same thing – it could mean new program equipment or much-needed upgrades for Pipsico Scout Reservation! Donate your used car, van, truck, boat with a trailer, or recreational vehicle to Tidewater Council by calling 757-497-2688.
Camp Staff for Summer 2021
What are your plans for next summer? Are you looking for an awesome opportunity to learn new things, develop new skills, share what you know, meet new people, work an internship, and enjoy Pipsico Scout Reservation?
We are accepting applications for Counselors in Training, Junior staff, Area directors, Commissioners, and administration. Program areas include aquatics, shooting sports, Scout skills for new Scouts and for seasoned Scouts, handicraft, cook-crew, and more.
You must be at least 14 years of age by June 20, 2021 to be considered. Camp staff is composed of youth, young adults, college students, school teachers, bus drivers, professionals who want to get away from the office, and folks who have an open schedule. Fill out the online application at and we will contact you for an interview.

Scouts in Action
Congratulations to new Eagle Scouts in Tidewater Council!

First-year Scouts learned essential outdoor skills and worked on advancements during Huskanaw Weekend.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of the “EK” Electronic Knapsack. Sign up below to receive the latest Tidewater Council news.