Table of Contents
Upcoming Events

Three Rivers Merit Badge University
September 11
Join us for Three Rivers Merit Badge University on September 11. Merit badge offerings include Law, Communications, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Nuclear Science, Metalwork, and more.
Scoutmaster-Specific Training
September 11
Scoutmaster-Specific Training introduces you to everything you need to know about running a Scouts BSA Troop. This course, along with Youth Protection Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills, is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters to be considered trained. Join us at Deep Creek United Methodist Church on September 11!
Troop Committee Challenge
September 11
Troop Committee Challenge introduces you to what you need to know about running a troop. Running a Scouts BSA Troop is a little like running a business: there’s a budget and a calendar, there’s money coming in (fundraising and dues), there’s money going out (activities, equipment purchases, registration fees), there’s a “workforce” (your fellow adult volunteers), and there are goals and evaluation of whether you reached those goals. The next Troop Committee Challenge training will be offered at Deep Creek United Methodist Church on September 11.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
October 23-24
BALOO is a Cub Scout leader training required for any den or pack wanting to hold an outdoor, overnight event. It is comprised of two components, an online pre-course and then a weekend practical session. Join us at Pasquotank Ruritan Club in Elizabeth City, NC for BALOO this fall!

Albemarle Spook-O-Ree
October 29-31
Albemarle District is holding its Fall Camporee – that is, Spook-O-Ree – October 29-31, 2021 at KOA Currituck, 1631 Waterlilly Road, Coinjock, NC 27923. Halloween is associated with fires, costumes, candy, gatherings, carving pumpkins, surprises, and just an overall good time. All troops, crews, and ships are welcome to attend. Campers are encouraged to participate in the Spook-O-Ree theme, which may include costumes and decorating camp sites. Registration is open on Black Pug.
Pipsico Fall Festival
November 5-7
It’s the perfect time of year to enjoy camping weather. All packs, troops, crews, ships, posts, and Scout families are invited to join us at Pipsico for a Fall Festival. Camp from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. There will be a variety of activities so keep watch for more details to follow. Save the date – registration and the leader guide are coming soon.
Pow Wow
November 13
Pow Wow is a supplemental, action-packed training event for adult Cub Scout leaders, pack committee members, chartered organization representatives, parents of Cub Scouts, and others interested in Cub Scouting. Mark your calendar for November 13 to save the date for Tidewater Council’s next Pow Wow!
In Fond Remembrance
Linda Ruth Trapp
February 12, 1951 - May 10, 2021
Born in Superior, Wisconsin, Linda was a very young 70-year-old who loved her family, community, and life. She spent her life looking after her husband, Chris, and their children and grandchildren. Linda supported the family through their ventures in Scouting, sports, and school activities.
Linda was a member of the Boy Scouts of America for 45 years, as well as a Girl Scout leader for ten years. With Linda’s support, both of her sons earned the Eagle Scout rank, and both of her daughters earned the Girl Scout Gold Award. Linda herself earned numerous leadership awards with both Scouting organizations, including the District Award of Merit and the Silver Beaver Award. While her children were in school, Linda also helped with school functions, was a member of the Tracy High School Band Boosters, and served as team mother for her children’s sports teams, including baseball, soccer, football, and swim teams.
Linda made a wide-reaching impact in the BSA through six councils and numerous leadership roles. She served as a Den Leader (for every rank), Assistant Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair, Day Camp Program Director, Day Camp Director, Pack Committee Member, Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chair, Exploring Advisor, Exploring Committee Chair, District Committee Member (including roles in Activities, Advancement, Camping, and Training), Unit Commissioner, and Roundtable Commissioner. She enjoyed camping as much as any leader in Scouting.
Linda’s Memorial Service will be held on August 28, 2021 at 11 AM at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church, 717 Tucson Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Scout Shop
As summer is winding down, we are gearing up for a great sale season at the Scout Shop!
Now Hiring
There is an opening at the Tidewater Council Scout Shop for a part-time position. For information or to submit a resume, email
Uniform Sale
From August 2 through October 30, buy a uniform shirt and bottoms together (same program) and get 25% off the bottoms. This sale is a convenient money-saver for customers who need the whole uniform. Bottoms include zip-off pants, rollup pants, shorts, and skorts. If you need more than one uniform, the savings can really add up, so shop and save while you can! (Sale prices do NOT include pants and shirts already on clearance.)

Commissioner Caps
Are you a commissioner or know someone who is? Get noticed with the new flex-fit commissioner caps. Made with a blend of cotton, polyester, and spandex, with the commissioner design on the front, the caps sell for $15.99.
Guide to Advancement
The Guide to Advancement 2021 is available online-only. The National Council is not currently printing this guide and does not plan to offer it in print.
Download the Guide to Advancement 2021 here.
Scout Shop Accounts
Now is a good time to update unit store accounts with any changes. If you need to make any changes, email the Scout Shop Manager at Polly will send you a form, which you can complete, get signed, and send back electronically to open an account or update a present one.
Visit the Scout Shop for a BOGO sale on Cub Scout Day Camp T-shirts from previous years. Located on the back wall labeled “Clearance,” these T-shirts usually sell for $5 each, or three for $10. During the month of August only, they will be buy one/get one while they last. Sizes and color vary, and stock is limited.
Mask Mandate
In accordance with CDC guidelines, fully vaccinated customers are NOT required to wear a mask. Any changes to this policy will be reflected on our website and with a sign on the front door.
Beat the Fall Rush
Beat the fall rush by shopping in August. Whether you need awards earned during the summer or uniform updates, August shopping has several advantages: Fewer customers makes shopping easier, fitting rooms have little to no wait, store stock is full, and checkout time is greatly reduced.
We can still mail orders by USPS and accept VISA and Mastercard. You may call in an order (757-497-2688) or email the Scout Shop Manager. The shipping charge is in accordance with the USPS price calculator, and we never charge a handling fee.
Looking for a way to fund an awesome program for your Scouts? The annual Popcorn Sale is here to help!
Upcoming Key Dates
- Wednesday, August 18: Interim popcorn distribution from 3-5 PM (Supplies are limited. Schedule your slot.)
- Wednesday, August 18: Deadline for units to submit popcorn orders for the second delivery
- Wednesday, August 25: Interim popcorn distribution from 3-5 PM (Supplies are limited. Schedule your slot.)
- Thursday, September 2: Estimated delivery date for second popcorn order
- Friday, September 3 and Saturday, September 4: Estimated distribution dates for second popcorn order
- Wednesday, September 8: Payment due for first popcorn order
Popcorn distribution is only available through scheduled appointments. The Scout Shop and administrative staff are unable to assist with popcorn distribution.
For online sales, the product is shipped directly to the customer with free shipping.
In accordance with IRS and state restrictions, units may not solicit donations.
Any donations collected are exclusively designated for the Military Donation Program, providing popcorn to service men and women, veterans, and their families.
Units earn sales commissions for military donations. In addition, military donations now may be counted toward prize levels!

Escape the Indoors
After the last year, many families are looking to get out of the house. What is better than Scouting, the movement that introduces young people to adventure, character development, and leadership skills? You can help families escape the indoors by showing them the benefits of joining Scouting.
- Talk to other families on your child’s athletic teams or at other group activities about joining Scouts.
- What other activities does your family get involved in? Invite other families to attend a Scouting event.
- Don’t always wear your full Scouting uniform. The uniform sometimes makes prospective families feel ill at ease. Consider who you are meeting with – sometimes you should opt for a unit or camp t-shirt instead.
- Update the unit’s BeAScout pin with current meeting information and upcoming events.
Flag Retirement
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4809 in Norfolk is offering American flags that need to be properly retired. Units that would like to conduct a ceremony may request flags from the post. The post will bundle 25 flags for your unit to pick up for your next ceremony. Send unit information, leader point of contact, and phone number to VFW Post 4809 Commander Ron Riffle at Please request flags at least one week prior to the date needed.
Community Service
Youth civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community. It also involves developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference. These activities enrich the lives of youth and are socially beneficial to the community. What projects does your unit plan this summer and fall?
Recording Activities in Internet Advancement and Scoutbook
Tidewater Council and its districts track Scout service hours. We share information about service projects with the community and potential donors so they can see the impact of Scouting. Reporting the service hours Scouts are already doing is an easy way to support Scouting!
Visit this Scoutbook How-To link for instructions on reporting service hours.

The increased visibility of Scouting in the community is vital ahead of the fall recruiting season. Use the Summer of Service PR Playbook to engage the community in an exciting conversation about Scouting. The Summer of Service PR Playbook contains key messages, sample social media posts, and more.
Service is Scouting’s greatest legacy and the primary reason that the Boy Scouts of America is the world’s premier youth organization. We currently have several opportunities for youth to give back to our communities through service. Here are some current projects needing assistance:
- Marshview Park is a little known gem in an undeveloped wetland area between Seatack and Shadowlawn. Many years ago when it was privately owned, some parts of the park were used to dump construction debris in the wetlands. Virginia Beach recently improved the trails and park facilities at this location and several groups of volunteers have started to remove some of the debris, but we need a hard working crew to get serious about finishing the job. The city will bring a dumpster as close to the site as possible, but we will need wheel barrows and strong backs to pull the debris out of the wetlands and transport it to the dumpster. We are looking for at least ten people, including leaders, for about three or four hours. There is also the potential for a unit to adopt this area as a long-term service project, as there is additional work that needs to be done, including invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, and park improvements. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.
- Rain garden project to benefit the SPCA. Contact Clay Bernick at or 757-377-3120.
- Various projects for the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Contact Clay Bernick at or 757-377-3120.
- Build two five- to six-foot wooden benches with plant boxes and complete a butterfly garden for the ViBe District Mediterranean Avenue Parklet. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.
- A few projects on the horizon for those Scouts wanting to be a part of planning, execution, and maintenance are slated for the future. A landscape project in the ViBe District, a living shoreline project in Great Neck, and a couple fall tree plantings. Contact Vince Bowhers at or 757-773-1636.
Relaunch Scouting
Families are ready to ESCAPE THE GREAT INDOORS!
This fall, parents will be looking for things to do for their kids and the whole family! You are well aware of the character-building, learning, and fun your family experiences in Scouting. Now is the time to bring other families into your pack!
We want to give 100% of Cub Scout packs the resources to reach 100% of the school and homeschool families in our community. There are seven steps you can take now, before school starts, to prepare your pack for fall recruiting success:
- Complete a Membership and Leadership Inventory
- Recruit a New Member Coordinator
- Plan your program calendar for 2021-2022
- Update your BeAScout Pin
- Produce an information sheet for your pack
- Complete a Pack Marketing Plan
- Plan an open house in a public place frequented by families
Your district executive, district membership committee member, and unit commissioner will be contacting you to help you and provide resources.
Download the 2021 Pack Relaunch Guide to help you in the process of bringing new families to your pack!

Wood Badge
Wood Badge is a five-day adult leadership training course where leadership principles are experienced through the context of Scouting. Participants learn, apply, and experience leadership principles known to empower participants. Skills include listening, leading, developing, supporting, and more.
Tidewater Council Wood Badge 2022
Save the dates for Tidewater Council Wood Badge 2022: April 8-10, 2022 and April 30-May 1, 2022 at Pipsico Scout Reservation. Registration is scheduled to open on November 9, 2021.

Youth Protection Training
The mandatory online Youth Protection Training (YPT) modules have been updated to improve the course. As a reminder, if you plan to renew your registration for 2022, you must have YPT that expires on or after January 1, 2023.

Drones and Scouts
Flying drones is a fun way Scouts can start learning about robotics, science, technology, and engineering. If you plan on flying a drone or other uncrewed aircraft system (UAS), whether for a Scouting event or not, you will need to first pass a test. Legislation in 2018 called for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to introduce new requirements for all recreational drone pilots, including passing an aeronautical knowledge and safety test and providing proof of passing the test when flying a drone.
The FAA worked with stakeholders, developed the test, and approved test administrators, including the Boy Scouts of America. You can take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) through the BSA here.
Chain Saw Basic Training
Effective September 1, 2021, the “Chain Saw Basic” training course (#430-136) will now expire five years from the date of completion. Individuals who are already certified will have their five year clock start on September 1, 2021. This training can be indicated in My.Scouting training records, utilizing training code S59. For information about chain saw use in Scouting, please refer to the Guide to Safe Scouting “SAFE Project Tool Use,” the current NCAP Standards (FA-712), and the Chain Saw Safety Moment.
BSA Safety Moment
It is recommended to include a BSA Safety Moment during meetings to inform Scouts and parents and keep everyone safe. Numerous downloadable BSA Safety Moments are available here.
Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress such as family and relationship issues, serious health problems, and school or financial pressures. Resilience is not a trait that people either have or don’t have, but involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that anyone can learn and develop.
Guide to Advancement 2021
There are significant updates in the 2021 Guide to Advancement. Please download and review it. (There are no current plans to offer this guide in print.)
Highlights of the changes are available in a recent Bryan on Scouting article. The following sections have significant updates:
- Section 4: Mechanics of Advancement
- Section 7: The Merit Badge Program
- Section 8: Boards of Review: An Overview for All Ranks
- Section 9: The Eagle Scout Rank
- Section 10: Advancement for Members with Special Needs
- Index
COVID-19 Assistance
Does your family need assistance due to COVID-19? Tidewater Council is a partner agency with United Way of South Hampton Roads and Albemarle Area United Way, as well as a member of the Unite Us Hampton Roads United Coordinated Network and NCCARE360. For coordinated care referrals, please contact us.
Scouts in Action
Scouts and families gathered at Harbor Park on August 13 to cheer the Norfolk Tides on to victory over the Memphis Redbirds.
Bubba H. of Bayside Pack 191, the top popcorn seller in 2020, threw the first pitch.
Share your photos of Scout Night with the Tides with us by emailing

A HUGE THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped with our popcorn delivery on August 5! Together, we unloaded two full trucks with 50,071 pounds of popcorn.
A special thanks to Virginia Electronic Systems, who provided the use of their forklift and some of their staff to assist.
We could not have done it without all of you!
Recruiting time is here! Scouts and Scouters throughout the council are excited to invite new youth and new friendships into their units. Albemarle Pack 150 is starting the school year off right with a table at back to school night, in advance of schools starting next week.

Thank you to the amazing golfers and sponsors who came out to support local Scouting at the Rick Anoia Scouting Golf Classic on July 29!
We hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of the “EK” Electronic Knapsack. Sign up below to receive the latest Tidewater Council news.