Wood Badge Is For Every Scouter Experienced or Not

If you think you don’t have enough experience, or too much experience, to enjoy or benefit from Wood Badge, then read on…

Wood Badge Is For Every Adult Leader

Wood Badge is for all adult volunteers regardless of position or program – Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing, as well as for District and Council volunteers.

No Camping Experience Required

Wood Badge is about leadership development, not outdoor skills. The first weekend you sleep in platform tents on cots provided by the camp. You only need personal items: sleeping bag, mosquito screening, and your full Scout Uniform.

You camp the second weekend and cook most of your meals with your patrol. If you are not very experienced, you will have plenty of experienced patrol members to help you have a great time.

Scouting Experience Not Required

There are NO tenure requirements to attend Wood Badge. The only “qualification” is the desire to learn and have fun.

The only requirement is that you have completed Position Leader Specific Training for your primary registered position and, for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters only, Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.

Wood Badge Is For Experienced Leaders

Leading and working in an all-volunteer youth development program is different. It is not parenting and the leadership styles and methods taught in the military and private sector don’t transfer all that well into Scouting. Regardless of your leadership experience or previous training outside of Scouting, you can learn something at Wood Badge.

Wood Badge helps you fill in the gap between what you know and can do already and what you need to know and must be able to do in Scouting

Everyone Can Benefit From The Wood Badge Experience

We can all do better, and we can all know more; that’s how we become more. And becoming more is how we contribute morehow we make sure we leave this world a little better than we found it.

To learn more about Wood Badge and the upcoming course, go to the council Training page here:  Training Information