What is Trainer’s EDGE??

Leadership training is a major part of Scouting.  This training will teach leaders how to conduct an effective training session using BSA’s preferred training methodology.  The course includes an opportunity to prepare and practice a presentation and demonstrate new skills and is required for all NYLT and Wood Badge Staff.  It should also be considered mandatory for all unit leaders who want to be train youth effectively.

Who should come?

  • “Any Scout Leader who wants to learn to Communicate, and Teach better!”
  • Youth Trainers for NYLT, Venturing, Roundtable or OA, Council Trainers for Wood Badge, NYLT-Adult & Youth Staff and all other trainings.  Mandatory for Wood Badge and NYLT staff.
  • District Trainers in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting or Venturing
  • Commissioners–District, Assistant District, Unit and Roundtable

Learn and Practice:

  • How and why we train leaders-and how to do it effectively.
  • What’s important about communication?
  • How to plan trainings.
  • Characteristics of a good trainer.
  • What kind of arrangements work best.
  • What kind of technology works best in any given situation?
  • The latest in training methods.
  • Use of reflection and feed back.
  • How to get EDGE into all we do!

Trainer’s EDGE is BSA’s approved training process that instructs leaders on better ways of making presentations at trainings and allows the participants to practice the EDGE training model (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide and Enable) and gain self-confidence through hands-on training experiences.

Trainer’s EDGE brings to life the EDGE model used in NYLT and Wood Badge and Specific Training for Scout Leaders.  Participants are given opportunity to prepare and practice a training session of their choice using materials, equipment, and/or props that they bring with them to the course.

Check the council calendar for upcoming Courses.